Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Nobodv's progress log

To nobodv

Please give us an update every now and then on your experience on vacuum extender.

I’m having a really bad day right now and feeling depressed. And I’m barely following my routine.

I’m trying out a vacuum extender - and I like it a lot. So I am practically free from pain and discomfort. And now I can do longer sessions (1.5 or even 2 hours instead of just 1 hour).

But yes, that said, because of my current state, I can’t be consistent. And I have no gain for now.

To nobodv, and others with the time to read

Other thing I’ve learned in my 10+ months of hanging is that.
1. The standard weight and/or duration for hanging changes slightly (Sometimes you hang over 10 pounds, another time you can’t even make 5)
Mostly you just have to go by feel. What I mean is that it’s important to be aware so you know when the point of fatigue ends and damage starts to occur. Sometimes damage can be done way before you start to feel actual pain. Slight discomfort usually sets in once you start to fatigue, (along the shaft that is. Your ligs, or any other part, shouldn’t be fatigued before the shaft is)

2. Dieting is very important. Just like any other workout. Having sufficient protein and vitamins works like magic for overnight growth gains during sleep, loose underwear is worn with light jelqing before sleep

Bonus: Someone on TP shared a study on different members results with ULIing and found that growth from ULI occurs precisely under where the clamp is set, So I apply ULI clamp-wrap mid shaft during hanging when shaft is stretched out, so there is no gap between hanging and Stretching. Then left on for 4 to 5 hours after hanging set, but make sure you have peed otherwise you have to cut short and remove clamp completely. DO NOT BY ANY CIRCUMSTANCE ATTEMPT TO PEE WITH CLAMP STILL ON, HIGH RISK OF DAMAGE TO URETHRA and/or BLADDER

*I have never used heat for any of my hanging routines mainly because of a known physics phenomenon: heat allows materials to be become more elastic, the less heat means less elasticity and breakage occurs, egs: hot metal deform when hit but cold metals break when force is applied. That is why blacksmiths usually heat metals to red hot when forging, allows smooth deformation without breakage.

But for PE, breakage(micro tear) is what we want. So routines without heat would give significantly more micro tearing in shaft

Anyone who would like to add or challenge some of my observations all you’re welcome. It’s all about building knowledge for effective and safe PE.

Originally Posted by PacificGold

But for PE, breakage(micro tear) is what we want. So routines without heat would give significantly more micro tearing in shaft

Anyone who would like to add or challenge some of my observations all you’re welcome. It’s all about building knowledge for effective and safe PE.

I would refer you to Kyrpa’s thread as quite a strong challenge to that theory. Hope this helps :thumbs:

Originally Posted by UCBCN
I would refer you to Kyrpa’s thread as quite a strong challenge to that theory. Hope this helps :thumbs:

WOW!. Thanks man I looked it up and this thing is friggin gold! I’m a mechanical engineering undergraduate and everything he’s saying about stress and strain is just spot on. I’m not surprised it relates to most of my observations.

Originally Posted by PacificGold

WOW!. Thanks man I looked it up and this thing is friggin gold! I’m a mechanical engineering undergraduate and everything he’s saying about stress and strain is just spot on. I’m not surprised it relates to most of my observations.

:) glad i could help mate

Originally Posted by UCBCN
:) glad I could help mate

Yep, All the best with yours.

Trying to get back on the track.

I wore the extender for 7 hours yesterday (1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1.5 + 1).

And it wouldn’t be possible with a non-vacuum extender at all.

Another good part is that if I want to try hanging in the future, I don’t have to buy anything. Because I can just use the vacuum cup from my extender and attach some weight to it.

Sometimes I wonder how many days I should rest and what indicators I should pay attention to.

I took one rest day yesterday (after two days of PE). And I thought my penis felt great. But today I’m trying to wear the extender and my penis feels very non-stretchy and stiff.

Should I continue wearing the extender in this situation? Should I take another rest day? I have no idea.

I would. I don’t extend, but in my experience if it’s trying to to retract or resist stretch, is the best time to stop it from doing so.

Find at least a medium stretch and keep some heat on it. Then cool down while stretched. Let it find normalcy in the extended state.

Same rule applies for all PE, the process of making the abnormal, normal.

-Stay safe

Originally Posted by 114life
I would. I don’t extend, but in my experience if it’s trying to to retract or resist stretch, is the best time to stop it from doing so.

Find at least a medium stretch and keep some heat on it. Then cool down while stretched. Let it find normalcy in the extended state.

Same rule applies for all PE, the process of making the abnormal, normal.

-Stay safe

Thank you a lot! I will do that.

Now I wear an extender for 6 to 7 hours a day. But my motivation is evaporating.

I’ve been doing PE for almost three months. And that takes a lot of commitment. But I don’t see any real gains.

I read all these threads where people have noticeable results in the first month or two. And it’s frustrating. Sometimes I think this stuff just doesn’t work for me.

Man, sometimes you just gotta shake things up. Take a couple days off, do some manual work. I used to do 30 second stretches. 30 seconds right, left, down, up. Then maybe point down and with legs apart and go thigh to thigh quickly for 30. Take a break, shake it off, go again. Hit a few jelqs, 50 or so. I don’t care for dry jelqs, so I suggest doing it at the end because you’re slick and the manual stretches are harder.

Anyway, I haven’t been reading all along. If you’re already doing manual work, forget me. But if it’s simply been the extender, maybe it’s time for something new. Alternately, I enjoy pumping for a few minutes at a go. That seemed to bust a plateau for me.

Guys, thank you for your responses, advice, and support.

I’m not very communicative right now because I have much to cope with. In short, I started taking antidepressants a week ago.

So my frustration with PE is not just about PE. I’m just generally more easily frustrated than usual right now.

But I’m continuing my routine (≈6 hours of vacuum extender daily). And today I recorded a small gain.

Pre-PE stats (May):
NBPEL 13.6 cm (5.43" )
BPEL 16.3 cm (6.49")
EG 11.3 cm (4.44" )
BPFSL 17 cm (6.69")

Now (July 26)
NBPEL 14.5 cm (5.7")
BPEL 17.5 cm (6.8")
EG 11.9 cm (4.7")
BPFSL 19 cm (7,5")

Strangely, I don’t notice these changes with my eyes. Probably because I see my penis every day and it doesn’t get bigger overnight, so. But yeah, it makes it a little hard for me to feel satisfied with the results. Lol.


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