Penis Has Developed A Bend
Sorry if this is in the wrong section but it’s my first post.
Around a year ago I started with some basic PE jelqing as advised in this forum. I didn’t do it as often as I should and would have a couple of weeks of it then I would forget or not have the time for a couple of months before starting again.
I also introduced a pump which was the bathmate hydropump. I’ve noticed comparing pictures from 18m ago to one I took today that my penis is no longer perfectly straight. It now bends from the bottom toward the left and further up there’s another slight bend.
I do notice that when using the bathmate often my penis will get stuck on the inside and that could have caused it to bend. However when this occurs I take it out and start again.
I’m healthy, workout and I’m 34, little alcohol and I don’t smoke. I think it’s something to do with the PE or bathmate.
Can anyone advise as to what could have been the cause and whether I can correct it. I’m happy to send pictures to you if it will help.
If you need any more info let me know.