Originally Posted by Girthfinder
I have been into PE on and off for around 10 years and have just recently learned about pumping. Threw some trial and error I’ve figured out a routine for myself. I have been pumping for 5 minutes, removing the pump. Then jelqing for around 5 minutes, then pumping again for around 10 minutes. On the second pump I usually get a bit more stretch and it feels like there’s more blood being pumped in. I am doing this every 4 days or so. Would any pumping veterans let me know if this is efficient or not.
PS. I’m glad I found this forum. Wish I knew about it 10 years ago. 🙃
Yes, what pressure do you pump at? Do you increase the pressure when you pump the second time?
I always jelq between sets in the tube. I jelq for about 5 minutes after I warm up for 10, do a warm up pump for between 3-5 minutes at about 3hg, then jelq for about 2-3 minutes, then pump again for 5 minutes, jelqing for a minute, then I begin 10 minute sets in the tube and I jelq for about 3 minutes between each 10 minute set. I always pump between 3-4hg and only hit 5hg for a few seconds in my last two sets. I pump for a total of 30-50 minutes of tube time. I use rice donut socks that completely encircle the tube for my 10 minute sets. I haven’t been pumping much at all in a year, but this routine was what I normally did for about 3 years between 9-12 times a month. Two times a month I’d pump two days in a row and modify the first day’s or second day’s routine so I didn’t get edema or spots.
I think if you do your routine every 4 days you could start to add more time in the tube as you feel comfortable. Maybe an extra 5 minute set, or a 10 minute set. Watch your penis closely for changes and if anything feels wrong stop and rest. It sounds like you are doing good!