Pure Stretch & Jelk Journal
Starting a pure stretch and jelk routine. I have average stats 6-6.5 BPEL and 4.5 EG. First goal is to reach 7x4.75.
I’m following the newbie guide (kind of) and plan on posting my routine weekly with changes/remarks. I’ll try posting a picture later.
- Stretches: Prefering ligament stretches, but mixing up tunica stretches too. No stretch sessions last more than 5 mins.
- Warm-up in the shower after stretches and sometimes more stretches in the shower. (1-5 mins)
- Wet-Jelks: I prefer wet since its easier on my unit. Using a c-grip since it sounds safest and also targets the CC. Each session lasts 15-20 mins. Each jelk lasts 3-6 seconds.
- Cooldown stretches after jelk & random stretches while going to the bathroom.
Got a few red dots that went away the next day at one point. Mostly listening to my unit, havent taken a day off after being 5 days on. The units feeling good but will take the next 2 days off. Its tough keeping count of time spent PEing!
Tons of info and support on the forum and I hope to post good news about gains in the future.
4/28/2014: BPEL 6 / EG 4.75
Short-Term Goal: BPEL 7 / EG 5