Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Scraps PE Log


Scraps PE Log

I am a 21 computer engineering major (about to turn 22 and in my last semester of college) who has been considering PE for quite a while. Maybe I should have started sooner, but I have doubted my ability to stay dedicated to any routine due to my tendency to become impatient or bored. A few years ago I used to consistently measure 6.5” BPEL and felt small amongst many people I know who are 7-8.5, but having been going through foreskin restoration with a TLC-x tugger for a few years, I realized I have lost a bit of length and have become eager to get bigger. I’m creating this log in hopes that it will maintain my dedication and eagerness for progress.. Especially once I start making measurable change.

I’ll try keeping my signature up-to-date with measurements. My starting measurements may be poor as I did not have a ruler on hand to take BPEL, and so struggled to get it with tape instead. Starting measurements are BPEL 5.75” and EG 5.5”. Short term, I think it will be relatively easy to get back to 6.5 as that was what my initial natural length was, so I would like to try to get to 7”, with no specific time frame in mind. I have no girth goals as I feel quite happy with mine, especially after seeing how many people have aimed to get to 5.5”. This isn’t to say I wouldn’t be happy to get bigger, but I have no intentions of focusing on girth. I don’t have any specific long term goals, but for the sake of having one, I guess I will set it to the standard 8x6.

I started last night (technically early this morning before going to sleep) following the Newbie Routine: Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

I don’t know if it’s of any significance at all, but I’ll add that I’m 6’ tall and roughly 200lbs (my scale at home is less than consistent.). While I’m not fat, I do have a little bit of a stomach I want to lose. I have plans with friends of mine to start exercising in the mornings.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

Height and weight are really not relivent. Those scepticisms of shoe size and height related to penis size have shown to be an inaccurate way of judging size.

Sounds like you already have the grasp of things. Use the search tab and you’ll likely find answers to most of your questions. Starting with the newbie routine is a great move. You should look to get a solid ruler of sorts to get an accurate measurement asap. If you measure again in a month with a proper ruler it will be hard to judge the changes in size. It’s typically said you should use the same measuring devices and methods to keep a solid standard and to avoid having inaccurate results.

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Originally Posted by Shooting8
Height and weight are really not relivent. Those scepticisms of shoe size and height related to penis size have shown to be an inaccurate way of judging size.

Sounds like you already have the grasp of things. Use the search tab and you’ll likely find answers to most of your questions. Starting with the newbie routine is a great move. You should look to get a solid ruler of sorts to get an accurate measurement asap. If you measure again in a month with a proper ruler it will be hard to judge the changes in size. It’s typically said you should use the same measuring devices and methods to keep a solid standard and to avoid having inaccurate results.

Thanks! I’m intending to go pick up a ruler next time I swing by the store. As I had said above, I’ve strongly considered PE in the past and have done plenty of reading, but I just hadn’t had the resolve to begin, doubting my ability to keep myself motivated. I didn’t think height or foot size had correlation with penis size, but I wasn’t sure if it’d have any impact on the effectiveness of any particular routine.

For the sake of accountability and keeping myself at it and motivated though, I’ll try to keep this log up-to-date.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

Did you measure your girth with tailors tape? If so continue to use that for your girth measurements only. It’s typically the go to for most that do pe.

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Originally Posted by Shooting8
Did you measure your girth with tailors tape? If so continue to use that for your girth measurements only. It’s typically the go to for most that do PE.

I did, and that was my intent :D Get a hard rule for length, and tailors tape for girth.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

Sounds like your well on you’re way. Keep dedicated and don’t be afraid to ask questions. You got this! Best of luck! :)

Start: Nov. 2017 - FL: 3.5", FG: 4", BPEL: 6.813, EL: 6.25", MSEG: 4.75"

Current: Feb. 2018 - FL: 4.75", FG: 4.625", BPEL: 7.375", EL: 6.8125", MSEG: 5.25"

Short term: NBPEL: 7"x5.25" - Ideal: NBPEL: 7.5"x5.5" - Dream: NBPEL:8"x6"

Tonight (technically morning of 1/7, but I have a rather messed up sleep schedule at the moment), I did a modified version of the newbie routine. After reading someone else’s log, I decided to try taking a hot bath when doing the routine, so I did not use a hot wrap, though I did massage my member in the hot water for 5 or more minute before beginning.

When I did the 10 sets of 30 second stretches, I alternated between SD and BTC.

When doing the jelqs, I felt like I was having trouble getting enough blood into my member, even when trying to add kegels, so after every 50, I stopped and tried to get myself a little more up-right. After 100, total, I stopped and tried to get myself all the way up and edge a little, but due to my inexperience edging (historically, I’ve never really attempted to edge), I’m pretty certain I passed the point of no return, though I did manage to keep myself somewhat hard by continuing to stroke after the sensation subsided. Once again, however, I became much more flaccid while doing the jelqs, and so stopped after another set of 50 to try to get myself a little more hard before finishing the last set of 50. I’ll note that while I did not count off seconds for each jelq, I tried to get it roughly between 3-5 seconds per.

Since I had been doing some kegels during the process above, I did not leave a specific bit of exercise for it alone.

After this, I decided to try using this cheap pump I had been given from a friend. Due to it not having a gauge, I tried to not use too much pressure, and I definitely did not leave it on for long. Due to this, I will probably see no gains from using a pump for now, and will likely not use it much if at all in future sessions, at least for a while. Anyway, I put a cock ring I have over the rim of the pump, and after getting myself pumped to the 15 cm mark, I slipped the ring around my base and continued to slowly pump, ever once in a while draining out air before continuing again. While I didn’t try to get super accurate measurements, I want to say I got between the 16-16.5 mark at the furthest. After this, I let myself out of the pump and tried edging again, this time not pushing myself too far. I played like this for a while, putting back on the pump every once in a while, trying to get myself to 16cm or just over each time, then letting myself out again. While this felt like it took a while, I did not measure the time, and am doubtful it lasted over 30 minutes.

After edging for a while, I meant ahead and let my member back into the now warm water, massaging it as a cool-down process. According to the newbie routine, tomorrow should be an off day, but depending on how I feel and any advice given before tomorrow night, I will decide when the time comes whether or not I want to take tomorrow off or not. I will continue edging as I want to get in the habit early as, according to HoustinWood’s thread here Houstonwoods’ Pictures, it will aid in cementing gains in the future.

Please let me know if you think anything I am doing is beneficial, neutral (doesn’t hurt or help; potentially just wasting time), or potentially detrimental! Tomorrow I want to get a hard ruler to get a more accurate length measurement, but after that I will try to avoid measuring again for a month just to see if there’s any measurable effects. If I am having success, I will make any necessary changes and then try to continue for several months without measurement. If, however, I am seeing no gains, I’ll try to seek out advice on how to best modify my routine, then take another measurement a month later.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

As a small note, since I am still doing foreskin restoration, I am putting my TLC-x Tugger back on when I’m done with each PE session.

Goals: longer, thicker, and uncut.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

And here’s my log entry for the day:

Bought a new hard ruler earlier today. It has a little extra length before the 0" mark, but I went ahead and used it to verify, after correcting for this extra length, that I am 5.75", BPEL.

Just a little bit ago I went ahead and did the newbie routine again. I intended to do it in the bath, but due to the hour, I decided to just do a hot wrap before and after the stretches and jelqs using a microfiber town + hot water like I did the first time.

For the stretches, partially based off of advice here Tricks And Tips For Manual Stretching , I focused more on holding the stretches at given lengths for a specific amount of time rather than constantly applying pressure. I made sure to each into each stretch so that my body would stay relaxed and not try to contract, hoping it’d allow for the best and furthest stretches. Half of the stretches I did SD and the other SO. The SD stretches I did using the V grip. The SO ones I did clasping my hand in a grip somewhat similar to just when you masturbate.. There may be a term for such a grip, but I do not know what it is. In this grip, I’d mainly just apply pressure with the circle formed by my index finger and thumb just under the head, then push it outwards, away from my body.

After the warm down and kegels, I attempted to edge for roughly 15 minutes.

I am considering doing "piss pulls", based off of what I read over in tntjockey’s thread about having reached his target size: I have reached my goals

Once I have solidified my routine with certain practices and everything, I will probably stop posting such elaborated log entries, substituting instead with, possibly, a weekly entry outlining what days I exercised and rested, and if I did anything different any particular day. I figured this would be preferred over having tens and eventually hundreds of posts potentially saying the same thing.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

Yesterday I was unable to do my full routine, so I did just the stretches while taking a hot shower.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

Saturday and Sunday, due to moving, I was unable to do my full routine, so I just did stretches, once again. Last night I carried out my full newbie routine using a hot wrap instead of in a hot bath due to getting home so late. As soon as we have internet I will be spending a little more time at home, and as soon as we turn up the thermostat on the water heater, I will be doing this in a hot bath.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

Last night I completed my full routine similar to the day before. I think I will, starting tomorrow, wait to post to my log about my routine till the end of the week to be a little less spammy.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

I’ve been bad! And by that, I mean the past several days I haven’t been doing my full routine due to being busy. Have been making time to do 30 second stretches in all 5 directions while in the bathroom though. Going to try to do my routine tonight though.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

SO, here’s for my 1 month update!
First and foremost, after moving I seem to have misplaced my original ruler and tailor tape, so I bought an identical ruler from Walmart, but they were out of tailor’s tape.

I haven’t been exactly consistent with doing my PE, but I am trying and intend to get it to be a habit, especially now that I’m starting to get into a rhythm with school and work.

Now for the main part of this:
My starting BPEL was 5.75”, but going by a measurement yesterday and the day before, I am at 6.25” BPEL! Assuming I took my measurements correctly, that means I’ve succeeded in an initial gain of 0.5”, which is encouraging.

Starting [1/5/2016]: BPEL: 5.75 EG: 5.5 Current [2/5/2016] BPEL: 6.25

Short-term goal: BPEL 7 Long-term goal: I have nothing specific in mind, but I guess I'll attempt for the standard 8x6.

Log with pics: Scraps PE Picture Log Log without pics: Scraps PE Log

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