Reporting in for month 3
Starting Stat: (13/04/2015):
BPEL: 5.1”
MSEG: 3.9”
BEG: 4.5”
After 3 months of newbie routine: (15/07/2015)
BPEL: 5.5”
MSEG: 4.1”
BEG: 4.8”
First Goal:
MSEG: 4.3”
BEG: 5”
Current Routine:
-5 minute stretches (up, down, left, right, out)
-2 minutes fulcrum stretches (up, down, left, right)
-50 Rotary stretches
-11 minutes and 30 seconds of nonstop jelqing
-5x a week (2 on, 1 off)
Finally I got some solid gains and I’m very happy about it, just measured it today and got pretty much 5.5 BPEL and 5.1 NBPEL length at the hardest state! In just 3 months I’ve already gained about 0.4 inches and it pleases me greatly. I’m finally in the average size and have less reasons to be ashamed about my penis, to do this I only had to increase my stretching routine a little bit and it made all the difference, so here’s something for you guys to look for in the routines. My glans are also huge for some reason, and a little colorless, but I don’t mind.
The only thing that holds me back now is the girth. My girth is pretty much horrible and it needs vast improving, my gains with it were minimal, but nonetheless they were gains, so that’s something. Looking forward from the feedback from you guys! Maybe you can give me some tips on girth routines.
The journey never ends!