Starting my journal - cautious experimentation
Hello everyone,
I am starting this thread to track my progress.
I have always been a little self-conscious about my size — between 5.9” and 6.25” depending on the day, but on the smaller side lately, not more than 6” typically.
My ex-girlfriend recently called it the “smallest she’d ever seen” and said it was “so small it is hard to get it erect”.. Which isn’t true, I know, but I have always wanted to be above average.
I have decided to try stretching and very light jelqs, listening to my body.
Over the last week or so, I have done 30-40 jelqs, two days on, one day off, and have not been less than 6”.. And I even thought I saw 6 3/8”! Time will tell - I’ve NEVER seen 6.5” ;)
All I want is one inch (although I hear 8”x6” is scientifically the most satisfying)! 7”!
But, an AVERAGE ROCK HARD DICK is better than a BROKEN HUGE COCK. Cautious experimentation ahead!