Just did my first session of PE!
Went in the bath with water quite warm.
Soaked a flannel in hot water, wrung it dry and placed on my penis and genitals for over 5 minutes whilst bathing.
Performed Manual Stretches Straight Down and Straight Up for 5 repetitions each of 30 seconds after drying my penis and hands.
Used lotion as a lubricant for Jelqs, performing 200 repetitions at 3 seconds long.
Placed another hot flannel on my area for 5 minutes cooling down.
Performed 50 Kegels of 3 second holds.
I measured as soon as I got out of the bathroom, 10 minutes after ending Jelqs and got:
BPEL: 15.6cm - 6.14” - 6 1/7”
BPFSL: 15.9cm - 6.26” - 6 13/20”
EG - 11cm - 4.33” - 4 1/3”
NBPEL: 14.3cm - 5.63” - 5 17/27”
BPFL: 11.7cm - 4.61” - 4 20/33”
NBPFL: 10.1cm - 3.98” - 3 41/42”
I don’t know how accurate these results are because about 5 minutes after stretching (and getting erect), I feel I lack the energy to be fully aroused and notice the lengths are shortening.
Should I measure straight after PE or wait some time?
Some issues I faced were running out of lubricant during the Jelqing and having to stop every so many reps to apply more lotion, but gosh the vascularity was showing!
On top of that, the Jelqing left me with some throbbing I presume is caused by the trapping of blood, and the Manual Stretches were difficult to not become erect.
No dots on the penis head, but redcoloration.
Other than that, I think it’s a success?
Next session tomorrow!