Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I am starting PE today check my stats


I am starting PE today check my stats

I have an ant in my pants and he’s called my penis. My god I would have gone though life thinking I was stuck with my midget and never have done anything about it had I not accidentally found Thunders Place. I’ve been reading so much the last 5 days I feel like I’ve contributed enough damage to my eyes for early old age blindness, but if by then I have a swinging dick then no complaints from me ;)

I want to try and be a regular posting person in this forum and as a motivational measure I’ve decided instead of doing PE secretly then posting my “after 1 month” progress that I’d post my current stats FIRST then constantly keep this updated as I progress. This is embarrassing. I am trying to hide my embarrassment by being funny but believe me this is hard.

First a bit about me, I am 20 years old, my height is 5’11 and I am a bit overweight (something else I started to work on a month ago and I am doing well). I’ve had my toy soldier sucked off twice by a virgin each time so I guess they had no clue about sizes (I bet they’re laughing at me now) otherwise I lack in sexual experience. But I am not here to bitch or cry or moan about that, I am here to do some serious PE and give you guys my constant updates.

If this works for me, believe me, it will work even better for you. So here are my stats:

Starting: 11Th October 2005

Flaccid hang= 3.5”
Flaccid Girth= 3.6”
Erect BP= 5.5”
Erect Girth= 4.1”

My routine is going to be: (starting from today)

1 session will be ~1hr and consist of, in order:
* 5 mins of warmup (sock soaked in hot water or dip dick in a mug)
* 10 mins of 30 second manual stretching in all directions
* 5 mins of BTC stretching
* 5 mins of warmup (as previously mentioned)
* 20 mins of jelqing (using baby-oil, overhand ‘OK’ in the downward direction)
* 5 mins of warmup (as previously mentioned)
* 5 mins of manual stretching in all directions

* 3 days on / 1 day off
* Kegels: as many as I can do everyday :) (any recommended amount or method for a newbie?)

At a time like this a guy like me needs your support and advice (even though I have read so much about PE in the last 5 days) but to get advice that is tailored to my own project would have an extra special feel to it. Please encourage me and tell me this is going to work. I am going to start PE without being lazy or slacking off, I am committed and going to stick with this, but at the same time I need encouraging results (who doesn’t hey?) so if anybody can suggest anything about the routine and days on/off I am planning then advise me please.

I have a question. Should I bother myself with the LOT theory at this stage or not? It was very confusing to understand it all, if somebody could just tell me how it works and what I need to do in layman’s terms that would also be appreciated by me.

I wish myself good luck, a big “hello” to you all since I am new and good-bye for now :)


I forgot to mention my goals. I am aiming to reach 6” BP for now. Overall aim is 8” but I feel like I’m dreaming!

My LOT is at 7-6. Ouch. The 101 thread recommend high stretches and hanging, any specific recommendations?


Your penis may be on the small side, but you have HUGE balls. Thunder’s Place will help you to get those two into anatomical parity.

Don’t worry about LOT Theory for now. Based on my experience, it isn’t important for newbie gains. Read up on it over the months that you’ll be VERY SLOWLY increasing your newb routine’s work load. Then, whenever it is that your newb gains dry up (typically 3-6 months…shoot for 6), you will have learned all that you’ll need to know to make informed decisions about what your training options are from that point forward. IMO, your goal now should be to stick with the newbie routine or a variant thereof…yours looks very good to me.

There are plenty of encouraging results on this Forum…you won’t have to look hard.

Two more things: 1) Take pictures now/very soon. Bury them in a shoe box in the backyard if you have to, but take them. I never did…I will always regret that decision (I used the absence of a digital camera as an excuse). Second: 2) Remember this: “Some men with “small cocks” are actually quite hung” — zaneblue (a female member here), and furthermore, know that she’s right.

Congratulations on finding your way here, welcome and best of luck to you.


originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

In my opinion, your routine is too much and too advanced for a beginner. Why not start with with the newbie routine found here on this site and stick with it until your dick is properly conditioned. I understand that you are eager to gain and but your routine looks like it’s more suitable for someone who has been into PE for at least 3 months.

Here’s a direct link to the newbie routine. Newbie Routine

Good luck.

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

When I first started, I gained almost .5 inches of length and no girth gains in my first three weeks. My LOT is also very low. The workout I do is just like yours, except I did really really light hanging to keep my penis extended. The weight was so little it was just like wearing an “all day stretcher”. I would hang for about twelve hours a day. I just bought an all day stretcher from Autoextender Penis Enlargement Device, I feel it will help me a lot and allow me to roam around the house without stuff swinging around between my legs. Be carefull, read up, and good luck!

"I live my life one stretch at a time" Current Stats: 10/15/05- 7-1/4 bpel x 4-15/16 girth GOAL: 8 bpel x 5.5

Xeno- thank you for the words it was very encouraging for me :) about the idea of taking a photo of my penis, I have already done that and I was considering attaching that too but I just feel too embarrassed or shy about going through with that, perhaps I will hold back until I hopefully see some gains! And about LOT, I think you’re right, for now I will leave the LOT stuff as I am just starting to grasp all the basics in my head and the LOT stuff feels too advanced right now.

JK- I have considered your advice, I will make some adjustments before I start my routine (I will post it before starting), however can you tell me what you think is too advanced, is it he amount of time I am am putting in to various things or the number of days I plan to do ON/OFF? Thanks for your advice.

Firecracker - do you recommend that I use a hanger as a newbie? Or is it better I wait for a while and get experienced first? Also it’s expensive :( That doesn’t look like something too hard to make at home

Anyhow, I have decided to start with a slightly modified version of the newbie routine:

* 5 min hot wrap
* 10 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches)
* 10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
* 5 min hot wrap
* 50 kegels of five second holds each

Schedule: 3 days ON / 1 day OFF

I aim to progress to my first mentioned routine after 2-3 weeks of the newbie routine.

By the way, what are the recommendations and advice about me doing two sessions per day? For example in the morning after waking up and again before going to sleep? I have a daily schedule which can easily accommodate for this so I can easily do that, however I am worrying if that would be “too much too soon”.

Originally Posted by carl999
Firecracker - do you recommend that I use a hanger as a newbie? Or is it better I wait for a while and get experienced first? Also it’s expensive :( That doesn’t look like something too hard to make at home

Anyhow, I have decided to start with a slightly modified version of the newbie routine:

* 5 min hot wrap
* 10 min manual stretch (ten 60-second stretches)
* 10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
* 5 min hot wrap
* 50 kegels of five second holds each

Schedule: 3 days ON / 1 day OFF

I aim to progress to my first mentioned routine after 2-3 weeks of the newbie routine.

By the way, what are the recommendations and advice about me doing two sessions per day? For example in the morning after waking up and again before going to sleep? I have a daily schedule which can easily accommodate for this so I can easily do that, however I am worrying if that would be “too much too soon”.

Hi mate welcome to the forum. Sounds like you need an ego boost! You’ve probably heard it before but it is true, you aren’t nearly as small as you think you are and you are your own worst critic. Anyway you’ve definately come to the right place man.

I hope the getting fit is going well, PM me if you have an q’s about excersizes or gym stuff :)

I can understand you wanting to jump straight in (I certainly wanted to!) but thats how injury occurs to be honest. Your routine looks good to me but even so maybe half it for the first time to get your guy ready for the journey ahead. Also, maybe streching for only 30 seconds at a time to start out?

2 days on/ 1 day off to start I’d say. Remember, your penis grows on days where you aren’t doing the excersizes.

Welcome to Thunders!

Dont worry too much about your size. The chances of getting past your first goal are very good, and its not impossible to get to your long term goal, people have done it. Just remember to take it slow, follow the advice of the guys here, and read as much as you can. Dont be afraid to ask questions. You dont have to spend that much on PE, its amazing the number of things that can be used as devices, be creative or make some of the things that the members here have invented.

Good luck,

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

Carl999: What I meant by your routine being to advanced was, as you said, the amount of time you wanted to spend on the different exercises as well as the entire composition of your routine. Your new routine looks way better in my opinion.

Regarding doing your routine twice a day - I would not recommend it. It is my firm conviction that “less is more” when it comes to PE, especially when your just starting out.

March 2003 5.7" EBPL 5.0" EG

Currently 7.7" EBPL 5.1" EG

Goal 8.0" EBPL 6.0" EG

Originally Posted by carl999
Firecracker - do you recommend that I use a hanger as a newbie? Or is it better I wait for a while and get experienced first? Also it’s expensive :( That doesn’t look like something too hard to make at home

I was only useing my homemade hanger as a light stretcher, because I could not make an "All day stretcher" properly. Don’t try putting anything heavy on a hanger until you get a few months under your belt, just barely anything to give your penis a light good pull. Heres a good idea on how to make the "afb" hanger. it’s what I used. I swear this is where atleast eighty percent of my gains came from. I attached the one I made for under ten dollars and heres the link to Piet’s afb hanger: The AFB Hanger . I know somebody’s going to flame me about overdoing it, after reading this. Everyday I would hang, I just only did two heavy days a week of manual stretching and, the rest of the time I just did a light hang and descent manual stretches. Make sure you read what Piet wrote and keep it away from your glands and let the blood circulate every ten minutes with a ten minute break. Good luck and don’t over do it.

hanger 001.webp
(37.7 KB, 103 views)

"I live my life one stretch at a time" Current Stats: 10/15/05- 7-1/4 bpel x 4-15/16 girth GOAL: 8 bpel x 5.5

Last edited by Firecracker : 10-11-2005 at .

Forgot to add, don’t get discouraged if you don’t gain anything. Everyone makes different gains. Stick with it. The best thing is for you to learn from thundersplace and do what gives you the best results.

"I live my life one stretch at a time" Current Stats: 10/15/05- 7-1/4 bpel x 4-15/16 girth GOAL: 8 bpel x 5.5

Jayb - Thanks for the welcome and your words, much appreciated :) I will PM you sometime this week and tell you all about how I lost a lot of weight and got in to shape though still have a way to go to get my ideal body. I have decided to stretch 30 seconds as you recommended however the temptation for 3 days ON and 1 OFF is too strong! Lets see how it goes.

Goingfor8at - Thanks for the encouragement and advice, I really do feel at home in this forum already. If only I found this site 2 years ago when I was 18! (Or sooner heh-heh)

JK.Lancetrainer - I have taken your advice directly, I shall start my first session very soon and will not do 2 session per day (blame my eagerness for results for having that idea)

Firecracker - Your advice has been really good and something I will surely come back to a few months down the line :) If I don’t see gains soon I will remember your words to keep myself motivated, but I hope I do see even the tiniest of gains!

Okay guys, I am going to have my first session in the next 2 hours, I don’t know if anybody will be interested in reading it but I will post up my observations after my very first session. Thanks to everybody for the support + advice, keep it coming :) believe me I need it!

My routine for the next 3 weeks will be:

* 5 min hot wrap
* 5 min manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
* 10 min of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
* 5 min hot wrap
* 50 kegels of five second holds each

Schedule: 3 days ON / 1 day OFF

I just did my first ever PE routine, it’s been about 10 mins since I completed it and I have to say, it was tiring! It was supposed to take about 30 mins but took almost an hourL. I need to get used to everything, it’s hard to maintain concentration, e.g. Sometimes I would notice myself doing jelqs faster than 3 seconds, so as a newbie I totally now understand everybody’s newbie advice about taking it slow and getting used to everything gradually and carefully :)

I have a bunch of questions:

1. How fast should I move between each item of the routine / should there be a waiting gap if so how long?
2. How hard should I squeeze while jelqing?
3. My nut sack naturally hangs low (and is quite big) so when I make the “OK” with my hand at the base of the penis some of the nut sack skin gets in there too, should I fiddle with it to get it out of the way each time or include it in the “OK” and drag it up towards the penis head?
4. I read on the “How to Jelq” page something about how erect the penis should be while jelqing, since I am aiming to extend length (don’t care about girth right now) am I right not to let the penis be too erect because I jelqed at about 20-40% erect?
5. My dick has ‘turtled’ up and now and looks like it’s taken a beating, is that normal or is that because I am a newbie?

I would greatly appreciate ANY feedback :)

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