Starting Stats and Progress
Hi all,
Today I did some measurements and have planned to begin PE later this evening.
I will post measurements soon after my PE tonight, and will continue to document results each day with PE 6 days on 1 day off, and will post updates every week (on Sunday) starting today after my exercises.
BPEL: 15.3cm - 6.02" - 6 2/85"
BPFSL: 15.2cm - 5.98" - 5 62/63"
EG - 11.1cm - 4.37" - 4 10/27"
NBPEL: 13.6cm - 5.35" - 5 17/48"
BPFL: 11.1cm - 4.37" - 4 10/27"
NBPFL: 9.4cm - 3.7" - 3 7/10"
The most important to me are BPEL, BPFSL and EG, and I haven’t set myself any goals yet aside from improving EQ.
Like I say, I’ll post updates each week starting from tonight with my routine and measurements afterwards!