Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I recently bought the last one listed. I think it has more versatility than the other 2 as it has various impact head sizes and programs for healing many different joints and areas of the body. Of course it also has a specific head and settings that you control for use on the penis.

I’m still early in the game, but I think it has a lot of promise.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Thanks for your advice …Gprent :-)

Just found this video online. In my opinion, everyone should subscribe to Dr Rachael Ross youtube channel. There are some good info in there!

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The Phoenix is a joke. Reminds me of a toy. I recently bought the third one. Still early to tell, but I think it has potential.

Update Results

Any updates and results ?

Good information.

Originally Posted by gprent
This is the one I got, a GINHA HL.1602 Effective Shock Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Removal For Erectile Dysfunction ED Treatment Machine | Wish I showed this web site so you can see what it looks like, but check several sites for the best price.

It took me awhile to figure out the directions probably because they were a translation from Chinese to English. The best settings for me are an intensity of 3 to 5 and a frequency of 8 to 10. I am not using it for size increase, but to improve my erections by increasing blood flow. I am only about 2 weeks into using it but so far my flaccid hang is fuller and my erection strength has improved a bit so time will tell.

All of the attachments you see are different impact head sizes for treating different areas of the body for sore or strained muscles and joints. And the panel on the left side with the 12 buttons are preselected impact setting for various areas of the body. The one for your penis is the 3rd button on the bottom row. This setting allows you to change the impact intensity or force and the frequency of the number of strikes per minute.

Well I finally bought my machine. I believe it is identical to yours. The price is a fraction what they were. I used your settings for the last two weeks. First thing I notice was the exhaustion in my cock. It hangs very low as well as my balls. Sperm production way up. I also treat the prostrate and balls using the bigger insert. My veins are starting to show. And finally, morning wood. I’m only starting my third week. Very optimistic.

I think people are conflating legitimate therapeutic solutions with magic bullet solutions that will magically make your dick bigger. This is killing progress and is misguided. It also leads to false information and confusion for others. A reader may look at a forum like this and say “oh, it works!”, then keep reading and say “oh it doesn’t work!”. Well which one is it? It depends what you want to use it for. Any modality must be combined with other solutions into something called a “stack” if you ever want to see progress (in anything, not just dick stretching).

Here’s a summary of what works and what doesn’t:

1. Red light alone - No
2. Heat alone - No
3. Jelqing alone - No
4. Stretching, hanging alone - Very little to No
5. Positive thinking - No
6. Shockwave alone - No
7. Time alone - No
8. P-Shot alone - No

Now if you stack modalities, watch what happens:

1. Hanging + Time = Effective
2. Heat + Hanging + Time = Very effective
3. Heat + Hanging + Time + Active Healing = Even more effective
4. The above + understanding penis physiology, the important of regularity, the drive to keep going, always learning to improve your solutions, how modalities work together to create greater results

Here’s how you make shockwave give you a bigger dick:
1. Heat + hang + jelq + uli + regularity + shockwave to improve your dick vascularity by removing plaque + passive stretching + red light for oxidative stress release and healing + time + education + perseverance + good nutrition + good sleep + get creative

Education is a very serious component. If you understand that nothing alone will work, but the correct strategies together will yield results, you will now be able to improve your solutions and become more efficient in your work. The more reliable results will make you less stressed and more happy. You can imagine combining strategies like priapus shots of PRP, shockwave, passive stretching, and whatever else makes sense physiologically to create the ‘stack’ that makes the most sense to you.

Starting Dick Size: BPEL 16cm (6.3") MSEG 12cm (4.7")

9 Month Progress: BPEL 17cm (6.7") MSEG 13cm (5.1")

Long Term Goals : BPEL: 23cm (9”) MSEG: 17cm (6.7”)

Originally Posted by Italian10inch
Well I finally bought my machine. I believe it is identical to yours. The price is a fraction what they were. I used your settings for the last two weeks. First thing I notice was the exhaustion in my cock. It hangs very low as well as my balls. Sperm production way up. I also treat the prostrate and balls using the bigger insert. My veins are starting to show. And finally, morning wood. I’m only starting my third week. Very optimistic.

Hi Italian

Are you still happy with results from this machine? The price for it seems almost too cheap - and we get told by those running ED clinics that in general these machines from China don’t really work well. But I think I might give it a go, would be great to have your updated experience since that last post?

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)

So I had bought the same Ginha unit that was posted above (post #53), and completed 12 sessions of 3000 pulses each (settings were 4 on intensity and 8 on frequency). Did 2 sessions a week for 3 weeks, took 3 weeks off and then repeated.

Wondering how anyone else’s experience has been using this machine, did it have longer term effects? And do we know what mechanism it uses, focused or radial?

Start: 6" BPEL x 5" EG (mid)

Current: 7.5" BPEL x 5.98" EG (average distal/mid/base shaft)

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6.5" EG (whole shaft)


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