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totalman heating pad


totalman heating pad

Just got my hands on a totalman penis heating pad. And so far I really like it its very comfy. Haven’t had it long enough to tell if it’s actually helping or anything. But it feels good regardless. Definitely recommend it for anyone looking to add heat to their regimen.

Start: BPEL: 8in BPFL: 4in EG: 5.25in Current: BPEL: 8.5in EG: 5.5 Goal: BPEL: 9in EG: 6in

Enjoys rainy days. Long walks on the beach. And jerking on cam with buds. You know. Just the simple things.

Hi mate,

Any update on ur experience with the totalman heating pad? Thinking of getting it myself.

Do you feel it evenly heats up your whole shaft?
What about the pubic area where ligs are, is it easy enough to apply heat there also?

Starting @ 12/4/22: BPEL= Unknown :( MSEG = 5" NBPEL= 5"

Current @28/6/22: BPEL = 6 1/2", MSEG = 5" NBPEL = 5 1/2"


Seconded what @GassMan said.

Or just any FIR heating pad in general, though the other options all seem pretty “dodgy”. I don’t know how one would check if the FIR is legit

It definitely gets hot enough. And it’s very comfy. It works perfect for me.

Start: BPEL: 8in BPFL: 4in EG: 5.25in Current: BPEL: 8.5in EG: 5.5 Goal: BPEL: 9in EG: 6in

Enjoys rainy days. Long walks on the beach. And jerking on cam with buds. You know. Just the simple things.

Originally Posted by attacus
It definitely gets hot enough. And it’s very comfy. It works perfect for me.

Could you stick a thermometer under it and take a reading ?
Would be helpful.

I’ve been using mine for 6 months. Will be writing it up on a thread I plan doing in a couple of months time. Only 2 things spring to mine for me (I mentioned these on another thread)

I found the cable quite short and restrictive (remember its powered by USB so it needs plugging in)

I brought a 3m male > female USB extension cable so I walk around the room with it on or just have plenty of room lying down with it on without worrying its going to become unplugged (ebay)

Secondly, its just purely IR heat. I don’t no why they don’t develop one that also has ‘red light’

Obviously there are red-light devices. Why not incorporate the red-light and IR heat into one device?

I let it get warm for about 5 minutes then do 10 minutes warm ups and 5-10 minute warm downs after a session. Your cock literally feels ‘hot’ after wearing it. It will probably last me another 6 months before the Velcro needs changing. Overall recommend it and for a newbie its literally the only thing I have brought and used consistently every session since I started..

Honestly if your using a rice sock or hot towel, I don’t no why you wouldn’t want to use this device, except the price of course..

I’ve only used the ‘red’ hottest setting and never needed to go less. Longest I’ve worn it for is about 30minutes in one go.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest

I found the cable quite short and restrictive (remember its powered by USB so it needs plugging in)

I brought a 3m male > female USB extension cable so I walk around the room with it on or just have plenty of room lying down with it on without worrying its going to become unplugged (ebay)

I’ve had really good luck with it using a portable USB charger. Picked it up at Walmart for 10-12 bucks

Originally Posted by DrFingerblaster
I’ve had really good luck with it using a portable USB charger. Picked it up at Walmart for 10-12 bucks

Good idea, I guess that would work as well. Some type of powerbank I’m assuming that you would normally use to charge a phone?

Originally Posted by DrFingerblaster
I’ve had really good luck with it using a portable USB charger. Picked it up at Walmart for 10-12 bucks

That’s really great idea. I don’t walk around while using the thing, but I still hate being tethered three feet from the bathroom wall by the cable. I suppose an extension cable would work for me, but a portable charger has the appeal of maximum freedom of movememt if I did want to move around more.

Originally Posted by lackofinterest

I’ve only used the ‘red’ hottest setting and never needed to go less. Longest I’ve worn it for is about 30minutes in one go.

How can you stand the hottest setting (red) for so long?
Did you get used to the heat after a while or did you use the max setting from the beginning?

I manage to wear it only 5 minutes on red, then I have to go back to blue.

Originally Posted by joe2
How can you stand the hottest setting (red) for so long?
Did you get used to the heat after a while or did you use the max setting from the beginning?

I manage to wear it only 5 minutes on red, then I have to go back to blue.

Just keep going. You sort of get used to it. I’ve actually done 45-60mins before on the red setting which was a bit too long to be honest. 5 minutes on red isn’t really hot because if you use this device regularly you will realize it actually takes a good 15mins to fully get up to temperature. I never use it on any other setting now than red.

Originally Posted by joe2
How can you stand the hottest setting (red) for so long?
Did you get used to the heat after a while or did you use the max setting from the beginning?

I manage to wear it only 5 minutes on red, then I have to go back to blue.

I’ve never had an issue with the highest setting. It actually feels good in my opinion. I like hooking it up while I just lay in bed watching videos or something.

Start: BPEL: 8in BPFL: 4in EG: 5.25in Current: BPEL: 8.5in EG: 5.5 Goal: BPEL: 9in EG: 6in

Enjoys rainy days. Long walks on the beach. And jerking on cam with buds. You know. Just the simple things.

Regarding that question above on “why don’t they make an red light version”. First of all, it’s not light, is it? It’s a heating coil. Second of all, Red Light and NIR are just consequences of the most efficient way to produce those wavelengths that are needed for therapeutic purposes. Simply put, the frequency is produced, the light is the by product. In a penis heating pad, I really doubt someone engineered specific frequencies into the coils, especially at that price range. However, all you need is heat. So even a good old copper wire that resists electricity will get the job done.

I was using a foot heating pad for my dick. By wrapping a towel around the heating pad, I stuck a thermometer in between the heater and dick, I got to the therapeutic heating range of 104-110 f.

Starting Dick Size: BPEL 16cm (6.3") MSEG 12cm (4.7")

9 Month Progress: BPEL 17cm (6.7") MSEG 13cm (5.1")

Long Term Goals : BPEL: 23cm (9”) MSEG: 17cm (6.7”)

Guys, If there is one product that can be used all day?

According to the website, it can only be used for a maximum of 2 hours a day.

I would like to use it while using an ADS.

I had been looking for a product like this for some time.

Originally Posted by Elcol.gador
Guys, If there is one product that can be used all day?

According to the website, it can only be used for a maximum of 2 hours a day.

I would like to use it while using an ADS.

I had been looking for a product like this for some time.

All day heat probably isn’t healthy for the tissues. The body is designed by nature to operate at certain ranges. Anything outside these ranges changes our physiology out of homeostasis. That’s when damage begins and health degrades. With the dick, you need a specific range to make it ready to deform plastically. That range is quite high for tissues as sensitive as the penis. It’s not recommended to keep that heat range on your sensitive tissues for an extended period of time. The dick may get damaged and don’t forget, the testicles aren’t too far away, and too much heat will affect your sperm production and quality. So be careful with too much of anything, I say.

Starting Dick Size: BPEL 16cm (6.3") MSEG 12cm (4.7")

9 Month Progress: BPEL 17cm (6.7") MSEG 13cm (5.1")

Long Term Goals : BPEL: 23cm (9”) MSEG: 17cm (6.7”)

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