Still a bit confused
I have read much of the newbie information and am still having some trouble sorting it all out. I’ve been at it about 10 days, and while I haven’t really measured (I’m in it for the long haul), I am pleased with the improvement in the way my member hangs when flaccid and performs when, well, performing. My original stats are 5.9” EL and 3.75” EG. The things that are still not clear to me are:
1. Grip strength during stretching. It seems a fine line, especially for newbies, between gripping too hard and risking injury, and not gripping hard enough and not being overly effective. Given my relatively narrow girth, I especially have trouble with the ‘straight up’ stretches. I have trouble getting a good grip under the head without squeezing what seems excessively on the head.
2. Grip strength and stroke length during jelqing. Given that the jelq stroke should take at least 3 seconds and you should stop about an inch back of the head, I feel like I may be squeezing too hard to make the shortened stroke more effective. Any guidelines on figuring out an appropriate grip level?
3. Thunder talked about a patch of nerves on the top of the penis just before the head that needs to be protected against becoming desensitized. I have been using the over hand grip for jelqing (I find it easier to get all the way to the base) and have been trying to make sure the webbing between my thumb and index finger runs directly along the top of the shaft, but often times my palm or other fingers make contact with (what I think is) this patch of nerves and/or the head. Some days after PE, I have the increased sensation of having to pee frequently. Is this a result of this area being over stimulated? Am I at risk for desensitizing the very thing I’m trying to improve? Should I change my technique?
Thanks in advance. This forum is amazing.