Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone from Greece

Anyone from Greece

ανοιγω αυτό το θέμα για να μπορέσουμε όσοι είμαστε απο ελλάδα να μπορέσουμε να έχουμε επικοινωνία.και να μιλάμε για την προόδδο μας.εγω προσωπικα έχω ξεκινησει την άσκηση για μήκος δίοτι στο άρμεγμα δυσκολέυομαι να κρατήσω την στύση μου.και ας είμαι μόλις 25 ετών.συνολικό μήκος είναι 15εκ και πλάτος 10.5 σε πλήρη στύση

Γεια χαρα, καλωσηρθες στην οικογενεια του Thunders. Κανω PE σποραδικα αλλα πανω απο 6 χρονια, θα βρεις οτι σου χρειαζεται εδω και για αυξηση μεγεθους αλλα και για την καλυτερευση της υγειας του. Οταν μιλαμε για διαστασεις, ας αναφερουμε αν ειναι BPEL η BPFSL κτλ. Εγω ειμαι 20 BPEL με 16 περιφερεια στη μεση, εχοντας κερδισει συνολικα καπου 4,5 ποντους απο την αρχη.

It takes time and devotion.

φίλε μου έχεις κερδίσει 4.5 πόντους σε μήκος.δεν είναι καθόλου άσχημα.αλλοι εδώ μεσα λένε ότι έχουν καταφέρει 2 πόντους σε 3 μήνες ή σε 6 μήνες και αρχίζει και με πίανει ένα αγχος.τις ασκήσεις τις κάνεις καθημερινως.ή μήπως υπάρχουν και φορές λόγω συγκιριων να πηγαίνεις πίσω?γιατί εγώ κάποιες μέρες ή είμαι πτώμα απο τις δουλείες ή έρχομαι αργά το βράδι σπίτι και δεν προλαβαίνω να τις κάνω και καμία φορα χαλάει το προγραμαματακι.αλλά ως επι τον πλείστον το ακολουθω.εσυ προσωπικά τι διαφορά έχεις δει σε βελτίωση του σέξ?πιο πολύ διάρκεια?καλύτερη στύση?

Wow. I hope I can understand, speak and write Greek. The letters are awesome.

Originally Posted by absolute_zer0
Wow. I hope I can understand, speak and write Greek. The letters are awesome.

Thanks bro .Greek language have almost 120.000 words.The English Language only 20.000 words

Παιδία βλέπω ότι πολλοί ντρέπεσται να μιλήσετε και αυτό το αποδυκνειεί ότι το έχουν διαβάσει πάνω απο 100 άτομα.Πάντως το ευχάριστο μέχρι τώρα έιναι ότι to Kegels ξεκίνησε να λειτουργεί.Ελεγχα σε μεγάλο βαθμό την εκπερμάτωση μου σήμερα

Originally Posted by jovanosss
Thanks bro .Greek language have almost 120.000 words.The English Language only 20.000 words

Παιδία βλέπω ότι πολλοί ντρέπεσται να μιλήσετε και αυτό το αποδυκνειεί ότι το έχουν διαβάσει πάνω απο 100 άτομα.Πάντως το ευχάριστο μέχρι τώρα έιναι ότι to Kegels ξεκίνησε να λειτουργεί.Ελεγχα σε μεγάλο βαθμό την εκπερμάτωση μου σήμερα

Untrue, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary contains 476,000 English words ;) . But ony because we took so many of our words from other languages!

No other language comes close to English in a count of regular vocabulary.

Originally Posted by RandomGiant
Untrue, Webster’s Third New International Dictionary contains 476,000 English words ;) . But ony because we took so many of our words from other languages!

No other language comes close to English in a count of regular vocabulary.

English words of Greek origin - Wikipedia

Check this first and then speak again

Originally Posted by jovanosss
English words of Greek origin - Wikipedia

Check this first and then speak again

That is just a list of Greek words with English derivatives.

Γεια σας και απο εμένα.

I hope you can read English. It is necessary for being here:) I don’t think that Axrhstos needs PE unless he is very fat (on his body) and his BPEL 20cm BPEL equals to 16-17 EL. That was just a joke!!!
I think the most important is consistency and motivation. Sometimes I am loosing my motivation. I haven’t seen any gains the last 7-8 months and I really don’t know how to react. I took 1 month breaks, etc etc but nothing changed. Now I starting again with different exercises. For example yesterday I started hanging for the first time. All I need is 1 more cm (o,4”) to reach my goal. Anyway feel free to ask anything. Keep in mind that I am professional user of ADS (have 4 different at the moment) hahaha. What made you search for Penis enlargement? Tell us your story, also how did you find about Thunders place?

Keep in mind that jelquing is not only for girth. It also affects length in a great extend!!! I also have difficulties maintaining my erection during jelquing. Usually my erection level goes below 70% after 30 strokes. I just masturbate a little till it goes up to 80 - 90% and then start jelquing again. I spent approximately 45 minutes for 200 strokes.
Anyway, the good thing is you are still very young and I hope for you that you also have the privacy to keep working on PE.
Having over 175 views on your post does not mean that all those people could read you message since it was in Greek. I suggest you to speak in English in here. Maybe you need to ask something and someone who can not read our language has the real answer for you. Its your decision anyway.
Welcome and Good luck

Hello again, I think that arguing about languages is not of any importance in a PE forum.
Back to the topic now:

Originally Posted by jovanosss
φίλε μου έχεις κερδίσει 4.5 πόντους σε μήκος.δεν είναι καθόλου άσχημα.

I have gained 4.5 cm totally, both length and girth, with the gains being spread equally.

Originally Posted by jovanosss
εσυ προσωπικά τι διαφορά έχεις δει σε βελτίωση του σέξ?πιο πολύ διάρκεια?καλύτερη στύση?

My erection quality has became better, and I have erections much more often. Sex duration is clearly bound to psychological factors in my opinion, though kegels and breath-holding are said to retard ejaculation, I have tried holding my breath and it works for me.

Originally Posted by willing19762
I also have difficulties maintaining my erection during jelquing. Usually my erection level goes below 70% after 30 strokes.

For me jelqing for length works best between 50-70% erect.

Another thing willing19762.. What was your experience with ADS? , Ι Have hit a length plateau and I was thinking of buying one.

It takes time and devotion.

If you really want to buy one go for the autextender. My overall experience is that it is really difficult to use one for 12 hours no matter what they all claim. ALL extenders can be seen obviously even under the bulgiest pants. I have a soldier style pair of pants which i used to wear. It was 2 sizes larger than my original size and i assure you some people could notice that there is something abnormal over there:) What else do you want to know? Please ask me

Well, I believe I am not hijacking the thread, since it is a thread for Greek PEers.

I assume you used the ADS for length. You did that in conjunction with hanging or another length-gaining exercise or by it self with some manual exercises like jelqing/stretches etc?

Did you have any length gains? Were you consistent enough to be able to have some? Do you recommend it as a length device worth of being tried? I have only tried hanging for a short period, and I was not happy enough. For this reason, I am thinking of trying it. I know it is far from unnoticeable, but since I work a lot at home I might give it a try.

It takes time and devotion.

που μπορω να βρω τις ασκησεις;

Αντε επιτελους!

Δεν το ξερα οτι ειμαστε τοσο πολλοι!Lol

Γεια ξανά!

Απλά ξαναζωντανεύω το Topic για τυχόν άλλους Έλληνες που δεν μας έχουν πάρει χαμπάρι.

Όποιος έχει την οποιαδήποτε ερώτηση ή απορία ας τη ρίξει.

Μέχρι τότε.. Happy PEing.

It takes time and devotion.

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