Martin, his line of questioning is legitimate even if it seems arbitrary. He’s trying to tell you that you are still of worth. Of great worth I might add. Yes, your injury is a major thing. I’m in no way belittling it. It’s just that it is up to you how you face it.
That being said, I do not mean you just flip a switch and are happy. Not at all. In fact making the decision to try and overcome usually leads down the more difficult path. Simply deciding to fight your depression does not make it go away. I hope you don’t hear that in these words. I fight personal battles everyday, none in the same vein as yours, but I fight and lose often. Some days I don’t even fight. I say that just to let you know I’m not trying to down on you. It’s hard to overcome. There’s no shame in the battle.
But you do have worth. If you come away from reading believing one thing it’s that. There is a potential in you that is beyond imagination. You did not lose yourself as hard as it is to believe. There is always hope.