Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

7 month injury.

Martin can you just answer one simple question? What job do you hold now? If you wany anyone to respond you must answer their questions. Many guys no longer visit this thread because you don’t answer simple questions.

I’m in a dead end job but what does it matter mate?

Even if I was an astronaut I’d still have an injury to my dick would I not?

What is the job, dead end or not?

I’m doing delivery work…

Do you do it well? Do you get it done on time? Are you happy to the person who receives what you’re delivering? Are you friendly to your co workers?

Martin, his line of questioning is legitimate even if it seems arbitrary. He’s trying to tell you that you are still of worth. Of great worth I might add. Yes, your injury is a major thing. I’m in no way belittling it. It’s just that it is up to you how you face it.

That being said, I do not mean you just flip a switch and are happy. Not at all. In fact making the decision to try and overcome usually leads down the more difficult path. Simply deciding to fight your depression does not make it go away. I hope you don’t hear that in these words. I fight personal battles everyday, none in the same vein as yours, but I fight and lose often. Some days I don’t even fight. I say that just to let you know I’m not trying to down on you. It’s hard to overcome. There’s no shame in the battle.

But you do have worth. If you come away from reading believing one thing it’s that. There is a potential in you that is beyond imagination. You did not lose yourself as hard as it is to believe. There is always hope.

I just want rid of this fucking shit scar tissue… Tired of these weak fkn erections man.

So how does the job pay? Got enough to go out with friends? Hey when was the last time you went out and had fun?

A while ago actually, I can’t seem to feel happy with the uncertainty of having a permanently broken cock- call me crazy but I don’t think you’d be too happy either.

Especially waiting this length of time for an appointment.

So you think sitting home waiting for an appointment is a good thing? Call friend and go out! Sitting in your house doing nothing is a waste of life.

Do you know of anyone who has recovered from a long term like this though?

I am not sitting at home doing nothing obviously I have to get on with it but it is depressing to say the least.

Pencil dick.

What is your length and girth right now? It looks like in one of your posts you said you were 6.5*5, and now it’s 5.9*4.5. Average is 6*4, so if you are still 5.9*4.5 then you still are average length, and above average girth. Plus just a general point, but if average is 6*4 then it means there are plenty of men below average. If everyone was above average, average would be bigger, and I know its really obvious, but sometimes we just need to reminds ourselves of that fact. It takes me back to middle school when everyone was 8-11 inches.

That isn’t the point though, the point is that I can’t get proper reactions or be satisfied from sex anymore.

I want the solid erections back again.

But it doesn’t feel possible for this plaque or whatever it is to go.

For the erections, you could try a higher dose of Viagra, or keep the same dose or even a lower dose but add in a supplement or two that helps with erections. If there is a fairly easy way to get an erection when you need one, the erectile issues aren’t as bad as they seem.

What percentage of sexual pleasure can you still feel compared to before the injury?

I cant even ejaculate properly during sex, not sure if that’s my loss of girth or the fact that I’m NEVER near fully hard.

Wish I could go back in time to be honest.


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