9 days have passed
I was writing a thread 9 days ago about my injury, I will tell you a little bit what happen.
I was jelqing with the newbie routine, suddenly I felt a rush, the penis got smaller couldn’t get any erection and my penis felt very numb, I also felt pain.
I stopped directly in the hope to heal it up with rest.
Now 9 days later it have been better, I can get erections even though they were greater before, I can’t feel any pain.
Notice that the numbness also have been better.
It feels like my erections don’t last longer either, some mornings I actually got erection fairly easy, but it disappear fast.
But my problem is that the penis still is numb sometimes and it also are very soft, I can form my penis a little bit if I’m bending, if you know what I mean?
This is the worst trauma I have gone through in my whole life, I’m going around all the time and thinking about this injury, sometimes I feel more numb because I read some things on internet and gets scared. The worst thing with this is that I don’t know which injury it could be, I hate that feeling with a numb and disconnected dick.
I’m pretty sure it’s getting worse sometimes because of my mental unbalance.
I think it’s the base in the penis that are the biggest problem, my sensitivity have increased more in the top of the penis.
I think it has been a good progress this 9 days with my injury, my dick is better but this numbness scares me alot.
I know I have to give this long time to heal, but I don’t want to fight this uncertain feeling :(
Maybe someone here could give a solution of what it could be?
Ligaments, nerves, bloodflow or whatever?
I have also felt numb in other parts of the body
I can’t live a proper life right now, I could do whatever to get rid of these problems.
Positive things is that I can’t feel any pain, numbness have slowly increased (I think).
But the negative things is too much, this injury have got me in a very mental unbalance.
Right now when I’m writing this my hands are cold, and my penis feel more numb now if you compare to what I felt when I woke up for 30-40 minutes ago.
Sorry for stressing things up maybe, but I can’t live with this problems..
So all tips will be appreciated
I hate to go around and wait for something I don’t know surely will be healed.