Originally Posted by godofdeviltry
Thanks and appreciate your feedback .Maybe, I will take a small break and hope it gets better.
Sparky, Did you think a 100 jelqs has the potential to over strain my unit?? maybe?
Who knows, everyone is so different.
I would say go by past experience. If 100 was fine before, and now it appears to be too much, a couple days off will tell you. If your EQ comes roaring back, then it was too much. IF after a couple days, EQ drops even more, then it was probably too little.
I found this out experimenting with water pumping. I like pumping or hanging for research because you can accurately quantify the force. When you use manual force like with pulling and jelquing, your forces can be all over the place and you won’t know it.
So, anyway, I found 5 in hg for 10 minutes was improving my EQ. Then, it started to drop. I backed off and it got worse. Normally, I would assume I needed a longer rest period. Of course, if I had taken a couple weeks off, it would have allowed my EQ to return to normal regardless if I was over or under training.
Well, this one time, I decided to up the vacuum to 6 in hg just for an experiment, and sure enough EQ jumped up higher! This was an eye opener for me! So I realized that many times when I backed off, I should have been increasing….this explained a lot of past experiment failures for me.
Using this new understanding, I would stay at 6 in hg until EQ started to drop, then reduce it to 5 in hg (assuming it dropped at 6 in hg because of over training). When EQ started to drop at 5, I would go up to 6 again, and just cycle like that. This allowed me to keep EQ high, and was a real eye opener! It explained a lot of EQ phenomenon I have observed in the past and didn’t comprehend what the heck was going on.
So, when you start with a baseline that is improving EQ, stay with it until you see a drop in EQ. If you were able to do it for more than a few days without a sudden drop of EQ, chances are its not way too much. Way too much will drop it in one or two days.
So, if its a reasonable amount of PE, and you find EQ is starting to drop ( and EQ IS NOT just how hard you are, read the thread if you don’t know that) then you can either up the PE about 10% or drop it, your choice. IF you move in the correct direction (backing off if you are over trained, or INCREASING if you are under training) then your EQ should pop back up immediately in a day, two at the most.
This should really help sort out your workout.
Good luck!