Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Burst blood vessel?

The ‘ideal’ erection level for jelqs is about 60%, but anything from 40-80% works, you don’t need to keep a precise level of erection. You may have to stop and re-stimulate yourself from time to time to 80% when it drops to 40%.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Ooops! This happened to me just now after experimenting with my silicone cock ring. I only wore it for 5 minutes before I noticed a 1/2” diameter purplish coloured raised bump. I immediately removed the cockring and applied my FIR heat pad to keep the microcirculation going in that area and I massage it gently from time to time. The swelling has reduced a little but I won’t be jelqing or pumping for a week or two. I’ll take Firegoat’s advice and manual stretch only.


Originally Posted by dongalong
Ooops! This happened to me just now after experimenting with my silicone cock ring. I only wore it for 5 minutes before I noticed a 1/2” diameter purplish coloured raised bump. I immediately removed the cockring and applied my FIR heat pad to keep the microcirculation going in that area and I massage it gently from time to time. The swelling has reduced a little but I won’t be jelqing or pumping for a week or two. I’ll take Firegoat’s advice and manual stretch only.


Normally kegeling with a cock ring should be OK if you are very well conditioned and have not already tired the tissues of your penis with a heavy session of other PE, either immediately before or in the couple of days before. Applying heat to inflammation is generally not a great idea. Often if you have had a raised purple bump, you will have to be very careful with jelqing/clamping/pumping etc. for a while and monitor the area very closely when you start PE again - it often leaves a weak spot that can take you back to square one very quickly so make sure you stop if you see any discoloration (under skin bleeding) happening at the same spot.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I get these red spots on my glans if I don’t squeeze the blood from my penis before manual stretches. They come from too much blood pressure in the delicate skin of your glans. They go away within 24 hours or less.

I never get them from jelqing. I start with strong preassure at the base and slowly taper off as I move my hand toward the tip. I stop just below my glans while placing my other hand at the base. Rinse and repeat. I strive to put just enough blood in my penis that it resembles a really good erection. (About 101% EQ). You need to have a great deal of patience. When you get in a hurry you break stuff.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

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Originally Posted by firegoat

Normally kegeling with a cock ring should be OK if you are very well conditioned and have not already tired the tissues of your penis with a heavy session of other PE, either immediately before or in the couple of days before. Applying heat to inflammation is generally not a great idea. Often if you have had a raised purple bump, you will have to be very careful with jelqing/clamping/pumping etc. for a while and monitor the area very closely when you start PE again - it often leaves a weak spot that can take you back to square one very quickly so make sure you stop if you see any discoloration (under skin bleeding) happening at the same spot.

You are right, even after a year of regular PE, it happened at a weak spot that was often the source of blood spotting when I pumped regularly.

Concerning applying heat, I realise now that immediate application of ice would have been a better idea but since it occured (2 hours ago) I have been sat on my sofa with the Far infra red heat pad set on low covering my crotch area - the temperature never gets more than a few degrees above body temperature. The bump has virtually subsided, there is no pain unless I press on the burst vein area. The bruise has spread slightly but I think that this is due the bump being almost flat now.

I’ll continue to apply FIR energy to my shaft because it should help recirculate the lost blood and break up the bruise.

It is the biggest burst blood vessel that I have experienced. In the past, they usually disappeared after a week. I’ll start jelqing again gently in 2 weeks or so if things return to normal. I might start taking rutin supplements again, it is supposed to help strengthen blood vessels.

So far I have been applying aloe vera gel to the hematoma on my shaft but I just discovered arnica gel and have started applying that instead. Judging by this video it works very well, I wonder if it will help my pumping discolouration too.

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Progress report - 1 week

1 week after my burst blood vessel occured and I’m pleased with the healing progress.
After the swelling went down, the resulting hematoma spread to a 1” x 3/4” opaque, dark purple zone with a 1/4” diameter flesh coloured inflamed bump in the middle, it looked quite scary!
On the first two days, I applied aloe vera gel to it regularly then changed to arnica gel, applied between 3 and 5 times per day (it’s amazing stuff and smells nice too). In the evenings I’d sit with my far infra-red heat pad covering the injury for several hours every night.
I took rutin supplements and drank horsetail, gingko biloba, gotu kola and red vine leaf herbal infusions regularly which are all known to strengthen blood vessels.

Today the bruise has reduced in size and the colour is transparent dark pink. The inflamed lump is still there but no longer hurts when it is rubbed.

I didn’t do any PE during the week, I think that I’ll wait until the inflamation disappears before gently jelqing but I might start manual stretching in a few days.

Why don’t you try essential oils?

Which ones?

It’s one of the most expensive one, but , imo, worth its weight in gold: have a look at helichrysum oil’s properties.

Originally Posted by Walter5169

It’s one of the most expensive one, but , imo, worth its weight in gold: have a look at helichrysum oil’s properties.

It certainly sounds like the right stuff, I wonder if it helps discolouration.

You are right about the price however, it costs €24 here compared to €4 for the tube of arnica gel which is working very well. A day after my last post and 50% of the hematoma has completely dissipated.

Stick with the arnica gel then.

Originally Posted by Walter5169

Stick with the arnica gel then.

I’ve continued learning about helichrysum oil, I might buy some once I finish the gel, it looks like the ideal natural solution for discolouration from pumping at excessive vacuum pressure. I have been using Amlactin lotion for several months with very slow progress, I’ll continue applying the arnica gel until I empty the small 30ml tube to see if that helps then i’ll order a bottle of that helichrysum oil, I’d like to test it on some old scars too, thanks for the pointer!

Originally Posted by dongalong
I’ve continued learning about helichrysum oil, I might buy some once I finish the gel, it looks like the ideal natural solution for discolouration from pumping at excessive vacuum pressure. I have been using Amlactin lotion for several months with very slow progress, I’ll continue applying the arnica gel until I empty the small 30ml tube to see if that helps then i’ll order a bottle of that helichrysum oil, I’d like to test it on some old scars too, thanks for the pointer!

Arnica is pretty good.
For what it’s worth when I took gingko I got really bad red spots and redness.

Be careful with long-term use if arnica, it is a toxic herbs and long-term use may allow the toxicity to accumulate. There are other herbs you can switch too like camomile, catnip, thyme, oregano, parsley, cayenne pepper, safflower…all are very cheap.

Getting an empty cleaned out glass jar with an air tight seal (jelly jar or something). Fill with 1 - 2 teaspoons of each herbs (some like cayenne pepper, you might want to start with 1/2 a tsp., it can warm up too much). Then pour vodka over herbs.

Soak in cheap vodka (keep vodka level at least 1” above the dried herbs) for at least 2 weeks. I personally let them soak for a month up to 3 months. Shake the contents periodically throughout the day (but once is good). Then strain through a coffee grinder inside a funnel (squeeze the vodka out of the soggy herbs in the coffee filter).

You now have bruise liniment!
Store in an air tight jar in a cool, dark place. Keep it out of sunlight as much as possible.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

Last edited by DomnariRailings : 02-08-2015 at .

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