Burst blood vessel?
Hello, I started jelqing for the first time in my life 12 days ago.
After 9 days I got a a small dark purple spot just under my glans which I suppose was a burst blood vessel so I stopped jelqing for 2 days until it was gone.
Yesterday I started again but about 1 hour after my jelqing I felt a vague pain under my penis at the bottom of the shaft so I went to the mirror to take a look and what I see is a pretty big area under my dick that is “dark blue/grey”, it actually looks like a big bruise.
So, what is this? Do I need to worry?
My jelqing routine is the following
Warmup: 5-10 minutes in the shower with hot water and some bending and pulling.
Jelqing: 10 minutes of basic “ok-grip” jelq (lubricated).
Warm down: a hot shower or bath.
I’ve been doing it everyday, except for the 2 days I rested to get rid of the dark purple spot.
Have my pressure maybe been to hard?
Now when I think about it, I might have been 80-90% hard the last 2 minutes of my jelqing last night and from what I have read jelqing with to much blood in the penis is risky, right?
And one more question, does jelqing really work? I have read alot about it but I’m actually not fully convinced yet.
Here’s a picture that shows where the “bruise” is placed and the size of it.
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Last edited by marinera : 05-12-2014 at .