Cold Glans, Numb Dick injury
Before anything, I’m so sorry that I’m posting in this forum, since I’m a newbie, I can’t post in the Injuries forum.
Few weeks ago, I injured myself when stretching, I did 5 minutes stretching with 1 minute each pull and after that I tried to jelq above 70%.
After the PE routine, I noticed that I fuck*d up, my dick felt numb and my glans were cold, and I immediately came to Thunders to seek for some information about this.
I tried so hard to not freak out, and I didn’t, I took a long breath and accepted.
In the first days, EQ went to shit, I coudn’t feel anything at all, and couldn’t get hard for nothing.
After some days I got few erections and decided to masturbate to figure out what was the sensibility of my unit, and maybe I got too excited and masturbated for a few days in a row.
Now I’m really injured, sensation of numbness and cold glans when flaccid, zero erections and just hoping to this to heal.
I’m doing a lot of kegels to keep blood flow in my dick, and it is working well.
Someone knows what could it be and what should I do to help it heal?
I’ll wait some months to see if it heals, otherwise I’m going to see a urologist.
For now I’m just trying to not freak out, and trying to keep my mind busy.
And advice to you that are starting and for some reason are reading this:
If you’re comfortable with the newbie routine, DO NOT ramp it up, you could end up like me, remember to not grip it too hard for too long and block the circulation of blood.
BPEL: 6.10" (2017)