Did you ever break your ligs?
Firstly, I want you to know I’m not a newbie (started in 2008, and exclusively manual PE) and am very careful performing every exercise; furthermore, I had a couple of lig pops in the past, so I could almost assure you what happened to me wasn’t a pop (though, I’m no expert). Lastly, in case this was asked before, I apologize to duplicate threads; I would be grateful if someone post me the link .
That said, I will tell you what happened to me that really made me wonder:
I started hanging with my homemade Vac-Hanger with 8 pounds during one month in SU, later in SD position, and the last 2 months in a BTC position, assisted with an IR lamp for the first 20 minutes, then the subsequent 40 minutes of the total 1 hour routine swiveling my body until I could hang oblique BTC, (that is, tilting until I reached a 45 degrees position of the standard BTC, which is 90 degrees, o.k.?), first to the right, then to
the left side, and finally back to the standard BTC.
Since I wasn’t gaining, three days ago I tried adding some basic MANUAL stretches AT THE END of the hanging sessions. (O.K. I don’t know if this was overkill, but remember I wasn’t gaining, so a little testing was on order). Finally, This is what occurred to me:
I was going thru a SU, SO, thirdly a BTC manual stretch (under the left buttock, and fourthly under the right buttock) when my right hand suddenly shifted forth an inch or so; at the same time I heard a strange noise (like when you rip up your shirt with a nail: I hope you get the picture).
It wasn’t painful when it happened nor afterwards, neither it was the following day.
Let me say this to you, I really got scared when my ligs (apparently) broke; and I was totally fu@ked up when my willy afterwards tilted completely to the right when i released it! “oh my God, what have I done?” was my first thought; but after carefully inspecting my pubic area with my fingers, I couldn’t find something wrong (looking back now, what could I expect to find? I’m no doctor!)
Of course I finished my session after this, anyhow I immediately strapped my homemade Vac-Ads on, trying to prevent that my injured ligs heal in a retracted state; YES, I know I was taking chances, but don’t know why, I felt (and hoped) ADS’ing was the best decision to take.
NOTE: This Thread was written wishing someone could advise me (and of course others by reading this) about what to do if something similar happens.
Some Questions that came to my mind right now:
1) If you had the same experience, and received medical advise, could you be so kind to share it with us?
2) Same as above, could you later go on with your routine as nothing happened? (if not, what did you alter in your routine?)
3) Did you drop some exercises (because of pain, perhaps?).