Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DMSO + Iodine Experimental Treatment for Deflated Glans and Firm Flaccid


01/02/2010 17,5cm BP x 13,25cm 18/03/2010 18,3cm BP x 13,5cm Rest. = 3,5cm x 3,5cm ---meta---> 21cm BP x 16,5cm=>

02/01/2010 6.89'' BP x 5.1" 03/18/2010 7.2" x 5.3"------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5 Left = 1.4" x 1.4" ------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5

03/20/2019 19 x 14 cm

Originally Posted by computerguy
Just found the study … it does not say how long the benefits lasted after stoping dosage, but other studies indicated this was the case … this was only 4 weeks of nightly dosing:

Effect of chronic sildenafil treatment on penile endothelial function: a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study.

That is interesting…It’d be great to see someone on here be able to try a treatment like that. That being said, there’s no direct indication that this type of treatment would necessarily help with this specific problem, but it definately might.

When I’m able to sleep longer for some time I will try it over a period of two weeks. Now I only sleep 4 or 5 hours a day and I think this may fudge the result.

Any updates on this guys?

I had some positive results but couldn’t keep the treatment up for long enough to get confirmation about anything. Several weeks later on, it’s hard to say whether it’s made a difference. It seems like there is a difference but I can’t confirm.

Well I’m gonna give this a try. My dick seemed to almost be fully recovered back in january, not sure why but I attempted some jelqing, not much, only about 50 jelqss. Seemed to work wonders and felt hard as a rock the next couple days, just like normal. Guesse I got overexcited by that and pretty much just wanked off all day.. Both days.. My dick went back to the soft head state so I guesse I damaed it before it was properly healed. This seems well worth trying right now.

Guys, I’m sure you’ve thought about this already but let me state it anyway. Self-medicating randomly in the hope of hitting a jackpot is hardly the smart thing to do. Before jackpot comes we’re much more likely to destroy our dicks several times over. Now having said that I HAVE read the original text and it sure is alluring. So I understand. So… IF you are going to do it, you need to have a real scientific attitude… be overly cautious and monitoring. And don’t let any other thing interfere (PE or other random treatments). Just my two cents. Good luck gentlemen.

Originally Posted by Owen33
Guys, I’m sure you’ve thought about this already but let me state it anyway. Self-medicating randomly in the hope of hitting a jackpot is hardly the smart thing to do. Before jackpot comes we’re much more likely to destroy our dicks several times over. Now having said that I HAVE read the original text and it sure is alluring. So I understand. So.. IF you are going to do it, you need to have a real scientific attitude.. Be overly cautious and monitoring. And don’t let any other thing interfere (PE or other random treatments). Just my two cents. Good luck gentlemen.

Agreed; and I’ll agree further because the DMSO burned my frenulum. Ow.
Iodine is interesting stuff, however. I’ll be continuing that taken the old fashioned oral route.

Originally Posted by Owen33

Guys, I’m sure you’ve thought about this already but let me state it anyway. Self-medicating randomly in the hope of hitting a jackpot is hardly the smart thing to do. Before jackpot comes we’re much more likely to destroy our dicks several times over. Now having said that I HAVE read the original text and it sure is alluring. So I understand. So… IF you are going to do it, you need to have a real scientific attitude… be overly cautious and monitoring. And don’t let any other thing interfere (PE or other random treatments). Just my two cents. Good luck gentlemen.

Which original text?

The original poster’s.

Wouldn’t have tried if I didn’t know that the chemicals involved have been used in a benign fashion for decades without incident. I looked into it a hell of a lot before deciding to try. The original post made up about 1% of my research.

Originally Posted by boner7484
Wouldn’t have tried if I didn’t know that the chemicals involved have been used in a benign fashion for decades without incident. I looked into it a hell of a lot before deciding to try. The original post made up about 1% of my research.

So you tried it ?

What was the outcome ?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

Originally Posted by alin
So you tried it ?

What was the outcome ?

Bump this. I tried it, but the only obvious effect was all the skin on the head of my dong falling off. Kind of what I expected to happen, really, considering past experiences with DMSO. I did notice some changes to my flaccid hang; like the tunica was stretching a bit. Not worth it though, IMO, unless you have peyroines bad. My case is pretty mild, and I now have to make dumb excuses about not showing my schween to anybody.

What do you mean the skin on your dong head falling off? That doesnt sound very good.

Ok I’ve started it now. I’m being very careful with it, it did burn to begin with so I started with a very small amount and am gradually increasing it until I’m up to the suggested amount. On the 4th day now and it doesnt sting anymore.


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