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Has anyone actually CURED their firm flaccid?

I think the firm flaccid is a symptom of an underlying cause. If you penis is uninjured, I believe, you should not experienece the firm flaccid, ever. That in mind, I think having good EQ (plenty of good blood flow) is usually sufficient to counteract whatever the actual cause of the firm flacid is (leakage? lack neuronal stimulation? weak pelvic floor muscle?). However, if, for whatever reason yoru EQ happens to drop from say over-training or whatever, and you do have this underlying injury, then the flacid erection symptom will no longer be masked, and it will ‘come back’, though, I think, the cause never truly healed.

This is certainly true for me. When I am dehydrated/stressed/miss a week or two of PE and/or jack off too much, immediately the firm flacid returns. I have noticed that herbal supplements, which raise my EQ and promote peripheral blood flow, will reduce the frequency of the firm flacid for me.

This theory of mine allows for the discrepancy we see in different people. I’ve always thought the cause of the firm flacid (often accompanied by deflated glans) was due to venous leakage, recently I’ve come to find that pelvic floor and nervous stimulation may also be contributing or even causing these symtpoms. So basically the severity of the underlying cause will determine how prone you will be to having a firm flacid penis, if you have the underlying injury. For some with the injury, they will only get it after seriously over-training, possibly in combination with stress/depression, while others will have the firm flacid all the time.

Didio I’ve come across that site before. Dr. Richards certainly does sound marvelous, but I do wonder about the legitimacy of anything that he’s saying. It all sounds very professional, but I am skeptical of the claims of his ‘SR-cream’ which supposedly increases ’ local prostaglandin E1 and Nitrix Oxide for tissue regeneration and scar tissue dissolvement’ even though it’s applied topically to the skin, not sure how that works…

That being said, it is awfully tempting to buy his products, just to check! :D

Reading through Dr. Richards site, it seems about 30% of the posts are concerning firm flacid erections. Richards recommends exactly the same treatment everytime. He also has some article links (pubmed) which I’m not going to go through, but seem relevent.

I have read through almost all of the firm flacid reports on the site and identify with many of the subtle symptoms associated with this afflication that people have reported on the site. Some of the explanations and treatment methods Richards says, I must admit , actually make sense to me in terms of what I have experienced.

However, disconcertingly, none of the people who posted on the site have responded with information about their recoveries.

Yeah I do not know if those things he said the products work but I think the information on that site could be good about what causes this “firm flaccid penis” and so people know what it is. I wouldn’t buy the products or whatever he says but I do believe some advices like don’t having sex for a month to let it rest, massage the penis and using heat are good advices so I think it could help anyways if anyone know anything better let us know

Originally Posted by Didio
Yeah I do not know if those things he said the products work but I think the information on that site could be good about what causes this “firm flaccid penis” and so people know what it is. I wouldn’t buy the products or whatever he says but I do believe some advices like don’t having sex for a month to let it rest, massage the penis and using heat are good advices so I think it could help anyways if anyone know anything better let us know

I mentioned this is in the firm flaccid thread but you can buy those supplements he lists for much cheaper on other sites. I actually bought the SR cream, but I got it for 10 bucks. The cream did not help, but at least I gave it a shot and didn’t have to pay 50 bucks.

He might have some good advice, but he definitely is trying to scam people into buying supplements that are way overpriced.

Originally Posted by qwertypoiuyt
I’ve been wondering this since there is so much articles on the subject with no one really have cured it, rather just getting by, if you have how did you cure it and how did you injure your self.


A firm or “corded” flaccid, is contraction of the smooth muscle in the penis. This can be produced by jumping in cold water, or emotional stress. For most of us here, its due to over training with PE, over stressing the smooth muscle, which causes it to contract.

If you just lay off for a few days (or more) it will recover from its stress, and relax. This will return it to its normal softer, longer state.

If you “turtle” after your routine, good chance you need to back down in your routine.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
A firm or “corded” flaccid, is contraction of the smooth muscle in the penis. This can be produced by jumping in cold water, or emotional stress. For most of us here, its due to over training with PE, over stressing the smooth muscle, which causes it to contract.

If you just lay off for a few days (or more) it will recover from its stress, and relax. This will return it to its normal softer, longer state.

If you “turtle” after your routine, good chance you need to back down in your routine.

With respect, Sparky, how then do you explain my firm/flaccid (along with the numbness and apparent venous leak) that has existed for 16 months after one minute of jelqing?

Originally Posted by willy wonka
With respect, Sparky, how then do you explain my firm/flaccid (along with the numbness and apparent venous leak) that has existed for 16 months after one minute of jelqing?

That could be nerve related but I’m only guessing.

Have you seen a doctor about it?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by Tweaking

Mmm Sparky this firm flaccid is distinct from turtling or normal protective/restorative retraction.

Originally I thought this was more related to turtling from overuse but it seems for some people it’s much more than that.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Originally Posted by willy wonka

With respect, Sparky, how then do you explain my firm/flaccid (along with the numbness and apparent venous leak) that has existed for 16 months after one minute of jelqing?

Obviously something other than the normal “firm flaccid”. For most guys, the definition is correct. Sounds like you have some type of an injury.

Originally Posted by Tossed Salad
Originally I thought this was more related to turtling from overuse but it seems for some people it’s much more than that.

There is the common symptom/cause, then there is the uncommon. Its a lot like headaches. Most are normal, tension headache, migraines etc. A very small percentage is brain tumor.

Same here. Most turtling, contraction, shrinkage, firm flaccid is smooth muscle contraction. Some like WW (may) have a more serious cause, but it constitutes a very small percentage.

I think the majority of us that have the FF condition and post in the FF thread have had it for more than a few days. Months instead.

For example I have had this self-diagnosed condition for 14 months now.

8/12/09 5.70" x 4.9" NBP

Goal: 6.5" x 5.25" NBP

I disagree sparky, I think this INJURY is not like the comparison with headaches and is fairly common. The other two common symptoms are the deflated glans and lack of engorgement of the CS during erection.


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