Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

HELP penis head white, no erection

Have also experienced a stinging sensation on the left side right beneath my head and hurt like hell when jerking off( really fucking hurt!), my dick has even felt like rubber in the past maybe due to in-proper warming up and overdoing it but it has all fixed itself and my dick works perfectly fine now and probably better than in my teens. No joke. You live and you learn.

Originally Posted by marinera
I merged your threads. Don’t start multiple threads on the same subject please.

Sorry man, I just wanted to see if I could draw out a consensus on this problem and how to react to it. The consensus seems to be wait and see/maybe massage.

This is just very frightening and I don’t have many people I can talk to. I’m experiencing really reduced libido, which is far and away the most frightening part as its making it very difficult for me to motivate myself. I’m the kind of person in this situation that will assume the worst and hope for the best, the best being a return to normality. I am also trying to picture people worse off than me…

Vikingwhore thank you for the support.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Have also experienced a stinging sensation on the left side right beneath my head and hurt like hell when jerking off( really fucking hurt!), my dick has even felt like rubber in the past maybe due to in-proper warming up and overdoing it but it has all fixed itself and my dick works perfectly fine now and probably better than in my teens. No joke. You live and you learn.

I’ve been reading some of your posts there man, you seem like a cool guy! I’m trying to get back to the gym at the moment, I’ve been eating three big meals a day (egg based, chicken based, beef based) as-well as two tuna salads at night. Unfortunately, this injury and reduced libido has really stopped me in my tracks and I’m sleeping and eating erratically.

I also have a high IQ which I have had tested twice due to having mild dyspraxia and dyslexia, which does help me deal with any shit life throws at me. As things go this has been pretty damn difficult over this past few days. I’ve been on the phone to my parents a lot, something I would not normally do. I guess the automatic reaction in a situation like this is to retreat.

Have you documented your injury experience in a post anywhere man? I take it no if it happened before you found Thunders.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

Firegoat please have a look at my thread. HELP penis head white, no erection

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

Read this also, it could be more useful:

"[Psicogenic erectile dysfunction].
[Article in Spanish]
Monseny JM.
Instituto de Andrología y Medicina Sexual, Barcelona, España.
To review the different aspects of psychogenic erectile dysfunction (PED).
To review the bibliography and our personal experience.
PED is more frequent than currently thought and may grow in the future, especially in young men, linked to the present style of life. Performance anxiety related to different circumstances is the most common cause of PED. Other causes are given by an inadequate sexual education, traumatic sexual experiences during childhood, a conflictive couple relationship, stressful situations of any nature or psychiatric disorders, like depression, among others. PED may be associated with other sexual disorders. Usually occurs abruptly and it is easy to diagnose when there are normal erections in any circumstances."

[Psicogenic erectile dysfunction] - PubMed

I’ve had a look at your thread Nutz. It’s only about 72 hours since your incident happened, and looking at your post times, you’ve barely slept since. Yesterday you went from no erection to a weak erection. During 10 years of PE I have often (deliberately) over-done it to the point where I cannot get an erection properly for 2 or 3 days due to tissue fatigue. If you over stretch any body tissue it needs recovery time.

Your case is not unusual; it’s why we warn people not to jelq at high erection levels etc. - as you stated in your thread: “I had just finished stretches (12, probably too many) which I had really pushed (too impatient) and then began jelqing, hard and really pulling at the penis with each jelq.” And you stated a 90+% erection. It’s the penis equivalent of not being a gym user, then going with your bodybuilder friend and trying to keep up with him. Yes, your body will rebel against it, but with a bit of recovery time and sleep no permanent damage is done.

You did the classic things that we know cause problems. But not permanent problems. Very different from willy wonka, who doesn’t seem to have done anything we know would cause a problem. In his first thread here (linked below) he wrote “I performed the “jelqing” once for precisely 40 strokes whilst half erect, and that is all.” And at the start of this thread - “So I got some lube, got about 2/3 erect and did about 20 “jelqing” strokes stopping before I touched the gland (sic).”

A very tiny fraction of a percent of guys have a natural weakness in their penis, just as a tiny percentage have weakness in their heart or kidneys etc.. It usually shows up during vigorous masturbation or intercourse. The numbers are tiny but do exist. It’s possible willy wonka is one of them, although I would expect any qualified urologist to have easily identified this. The penis itself is not a particularly complex organ from a purely structural point of view, so structural injuries are fairly easy to identify.

As I said, I can’t recall hearing of anyone else here who has only done a few light jelqs and ended up with a permanent problem, or that has a problem that several urologists have looked at and not been able to identify. Although anything is possible. I have heard of lots of guys who have killed their erections through ‘too much. too soon’, but no lasting damage has been done, even if it has taken a couple of months or more to correct through rest and a bit of gentle massage.

Hope that helps Nutz.



firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I have severely reduced libido. That’s the scary part. I can’t get turned on. And it was sudden. Through PE, over this last month, I have been experiencing higher and higher libido. Now it is gone. I feel a-sexual. I will not even try to get an erection.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

That’s a consequence of anxiety Nutz.

OK. WillyWonka has not gotten any better in four years. That isn’t the best motivation for me.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

My cat has four legs. My dog has four legs. Therefore my cat is a dog.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It was instant though. Like flicking a switch. One minute I had high libido, next minute I was A-sexual. What happened in between was a few rough jelqs.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

Dude, do you have any fucking idea of what is libido and what regulates it? Oh my God I had enough of this nonsense.

Listen, Nutz and Willy Wonka: my honest opinion is that you both need the help of a psychiatrist.

OK, fair enough I have not been listening. For me this is very short term (only over a couple of days).

I am 21 years old and have never experienced reduced libido before and my automatic reaction is to associate the dramatic decrease in libido with my injury as I am certain both occurred at the same time, but I am entirely ignorant in the subject.

If I need the help of a psychiatrist, that is a road I am prepared to go down. I’ll take a break from posting for a while to give everyone a rest.

From 17/1/2013; Little sensation in the penis, 3 inches constant flaccid firm penis with veins, cannot get an erection, badly reduced libido.

I have sought medical advice and been told there is nothing wrong. My injury was a result of jelqing unconditioned with a 90%+ erect penis.

If you are not getting gains there maybe something wrong so SLOW DOWN. Be careful with the BASE of the penis as this is the MOST SENSITIVE. Injury can be PERMANENT!

Originally Posted by memento

My cat has four legs. My dog has four legs. Therefore my cat is a dog.

So your saying a pussy can be a real bitch? ;)

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

This thread all of the sudden got deep.


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