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How to fix coronal ridge damage? Nsfw pic

How to fix coronal ridge damage? Nsfw pic

Hello, I am hoping someone out there can help me, I believe I have sustained some damage to my own corona due to improperly extending with a noose-type extender. I have since switched over to the much improved Velcro mod. However, I think the damage is already done to my coronal ridge (attached picture). I once had a normal, round and flat, coronal ridge. Now, as you can see, the meat of it has been pulled away and now the glans looks more like a hat. Is there anyone who has experienced the same situation and found a fix for this specific issue? Thank you for the help.

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Last edited by Lenny : 12-27-2020 at . Reason: Link removed

Hi Peter84.

I’m sure more experienced people will also give advice but for what it’s worth, I don’t think that looks too bad, in fact many would wish for a more pronounced ridge as yours. Imagine the sexual pleasure that could give!

However it’s clear that the body has an amazing repair process, Indeed it’s this that we often work against in PE. So rest is the key, avoiding anything that would further stress the area. Only caveat would be some gentle light massage once healing is underway to combat potential scar contraction-I don’t think you’d want that!

Good luck and I’m sure you will be fine.

It looks entirely normal to me.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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Originally Posted by peter84
Hello, I am hoping someone out there can help me, I believe I have sustained some damage to my own corona due to improperly extending with a noose-type extender. I have since switched over to the much improved Velcro mod. However, I think the damage is already done to my coronal ridge (attached picture). I once had a normal, round and flat, coronal ridge. Now, as you can see, the meat of it has been pulled away and now the glans looks more like a hat. Is there anyone who has experienced the same situation and found a fix for this specific issue? Thank you for the help.

What do you mean by flat? Do you mean a seamless head and shaft?

I’d far rather have what you picture here (and do) than a headless dick. What you’re looking at here is successful PE, in my opinion.

Don’t worry - you’re fine. Changes can be alarming at first.

Am so grateful for your advice/words especially from the more experienced and successful practitioners. Maybe I was having beginner’s PE dysmorphia after all. For a beginner who has been doing this on his own with no feedback, these are comforting words!

Originally Posted by Don Logan
What do you mean by flat? Do you mean a seamless head and shaft?

Now that I think of it, I do consider how my head was before any PE.seamless. I took a screencap of what I thought normal was (attached). But I’ll just be happy with what I have! The original pic in the first post was taken after a month after stopping extending with the noose.

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