Originally Posted by capernicus1
Wrong, My claim is based on the proportion of on average 300,000 members self reporting problems ( admittedly not perfect ) over some 20 years on this forum and a similar amount on 2 others.So where do your claims come from ?
Wrong, your claim is based not on 300,000 men, but only on who post and report something in here, a very small part of this forum, and only this forum.
Maybe most of them are not even perfoming PE, we simply don’t know. They are just members, a lot of them accessing sometimes, etc. This means nothing.
What you are doing is: “I see less posts of injury here than cases of success, so the risks of PE should not not be so high, if done, and most in here says, “correctly”.
This is a very, very, very limited and particular PERCEPTION, nothing else. And absolutely not enough to say that serious injuries are only exceptions, unlucky cases, etc.
We see for example cases of HF being more and more reported out or here, medical articles coming about this syndrom in the last years, etc. Why? Have you ever thougth about this?
The same urologist has mentioned to me: “you are not an exception, I have seen many similar cases”.
Are they here in this forum?
Probably not.