Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Nerve Damage


Nerve Damage

After 2 months of use with the Jes Extender on 1200g, 2 hour pr. Day I had to stop, because lack of morning wood and having soft erections. I’m still recovering (5 weeks now) and have started to get Morning wood now and better erection but I hope that I still are recovering. The Main thing, the thing that makes me worry and makes me sick all day long is this one simple question. Have I damaged some nerves? I have read on the forum that Jes extenders and PM etc are very bad for the main nerve which are located behind the glans. It takes me longer time now to cum then before and I can’t get an woody only by looking at some erotic pictures.

I didn’t know about thunders before May and I started pulling with the extender on 1200g in late Mars. When I pulled my head would become cold, purple/pink and a bit bigger after about 20 min. I had to pull the silicon tube hard around the head but did int know at that point that this was very bad sign. After 45 min I would take the Silicon tube of and take an 5 min break , just to get the circulation back. This was repeated in til I had pulled in two hours. I also didn’t use any protection pad etc because it was best with only the silicon tube. I Never did feel any pain in my pulling process.

So, can any one here PLEASE tell me if I have some nerve damages or not. I’m only 18 and don’t dare tell my parents about this. I can’t eat or being with friends anymore because I worried about this shit every second. I feel like an silly baby, crying. Should I tell my parents and go and see a doctor or should I wait and see if I can recover more?

Hard questions. If you have cash you can go to doctor without telling your parents, but otherwise you have to just wait or tell to your parents. If you feel, that you don’t need to see doctor urgently, then you could maybe just wait a little more if there has been some recovery already.

Keep soft tissue soft.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Well, I would say no if you still got feeling. But I do believe that you increased the tension way to soon. I have a pro-extender and there is no reason why you cannot where you extender for atleast an hour before you start to feel any discomfort.Cut down the tension setting and increase very slowly about every two weeks or so. Extenders work by keeping gradual constant tension on the penis tissues. So you should be concentrating on the lenght of time you are wearing the device not so much the tension at this point.

Yes they do work!

Thanks for the reply guys! I appreciate! Yes I really hope that I’m still recovering. I’m not 100% sure but my morning wood have lately been stronger then before. I do realize how much I have been overdoing and how much shit my dick had to go trought because I was so ####ing stupid! I mean, on the Jes forum and in the manual it don’t mansion that it is an risk for nerve damage and that you have to pull slowly in the beginning. I think that’s sick. Luckily I found Thunders. Jepp 1stres: This works, know. When I was pulling on 700-800g my erection was extremely god. My morning woods was rock hard. But I thought that I couldn’t get any gains on so little tension so I turned it up after two months on 1200g. If I had knowed about Thunders back then, I would ever do such an stupid act. I have learned so much here on thunders, but anfor it was a bit to late.

Yes I have feeling in my head. It just take longer time now to cum, maybe 30 sec extra.

But Jesus I really really really hope that I’m going to be fine. I’m so fucked up at this moment. I have been that since the side effects showed up, two months ago. First the morning wood, so the erection and now the nerves. It’s like when one ting get ts better, another problem appears. If I’m so stupid and start again with JES should I use much protection on the glans? The only thing I’m thinking on is that poor nerve behind my glans that may have been destroyed over time and it all my fault. Damn I really hope NO one on this earth would ever exper something like this ever!

Last edited by latency : 07-06-2006 at .

30 seconds longer to cum? That’s nothing at all to be concerned about. Lots of guys here would love to have that extra margin. Relax.

You probably did bruise some nerves. They will very gradually make new connections. Give them time. Meanwhile don’t do ANY form of PE that causes you discomfort.

You can avoid the whole issue of embarassement with your parents by saying that you sustained some kind of sports injury: Some guy accidently knee’ed you in the groin, or whatever. They’ll easily understand how that might happen and be supportive of your seeing a urologist. Anything you discuss with the urologist will remain private between you because you are over 18.



It doesn’t sound like you have nerve damage.

You didn’t mention tingling or numbness, or perhaps an occasional burning sensation. On the other hand, you have to be careful not to deplete the tissues of oxygen flow or an extended period of time.

Most of the nerve endings are in the glans. You could try very light pin pricks over the glans to test for sensation. Sexual response is mostly in your head. Being worried and uptight could definitely impede your performance.

No matter what, you should lay off for a while. This would allow healing for both your pecker and your conscience.

I doubt that I’m going to be 100% recovered. I think that my erections and morning woods will be weaker then how it was before PE.

So my questions are these: How long should I wait before I start with PE again? Lets say I wait 2 months. And nothing happens. Should I wait 2 more because there may be an little chance that it are a little progress but I can’t notice it. Or if nothing else happens after some weeks that basically means that my dick will be in this condition forever and that PE will not help my erection anymore because of nerve damage? Do you guys think that if I’m switching out the Jes Extender with the newbie routine I may get, after some months the same erection quality that I had in the start or will I always have to live with an 15-30% weaker erection quality as I do at this point. This is of course if I’m not going to heal up any more.(No woody on command, weaker morning wood, weaker erection gen). Notice that my erection have been improved very much by these two break months but I don’t know if there are still some healing going on down there.

I don’t know jack shit about stretching your cock with your hands, I have only used a device because I always thought that it was much more safer.

Yes I know that it’s a chance that the nerve may recover but I really don’t think so. (My Jes extender was pulling extremely hard on my head)

I really think that Jes have to make some seriously Warnings in the Manuel on this issue. You are actually taking a huge chance when you are pull hard and the Manuel don’t say a shit about this. Actually the main person behind Jes is a butcher so it don’t suprise me. It makes me so angry. If those assh could just give me the link to thunders 4 motnhs ago, non of this would ever happend. PE Destroyed my life. 18 and having partial ED. I wish that I could be reborn. Reborn with an new penis and forget every thing about this f hellhole.

Last edited by latency : 07-06-2006 at .

You seen any gains with jes extender

Arginine may help your penis heal faster
http://wiki.thu … :PE_supplements
Arginine aids in the release of growth hormone, a powerful hormone that aids in collagen tissue repair. As well, arginine increases nitric oxide formation, which causes vasodilatation and improves circulation promoting the healing of damaged tissues and wounds.

P.S. I’m assuming you have damaged tissue in the penile area

Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or arginene? Which should I use? Maybe everything? Do I have to see a doctor to get Arginene??

Everything which may heal me!

Originally Posted by latency
Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or arginene? Which should I use? Maybe everything? Do I have to see a doctor to get Arginene??

Everything which may heal me!

Arginine is a over the counter supplement, I recommend atleast 10grams a day to get some kind of effect since it’s a weak at low dosages, 5 grams in the morning and 5 grams at night. If you buy arginine in powder form it’s alot cheaper than buying them in capsules

There are many different types of Arginine but I think this one is the best
Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate

All Arginine

If it helps for piece of mind latency just take a look at the recent news headlines in July 2006 and you will see a man who recovered (over many years of course) his ability to to regain consiouness after a terrible accident that damaged his brain decades ago. His brain slowly but surely growed new connections (new nerves) over many years and made a new network and he has regained much of his consiosuness. I guess from what I read the brain is slower to grow new nerves then the other body parts and other body parts ususally grow about 2.5 cm a month for other body parts other then the brain (2.5 cm sounds like a lot to me for 1 month compared to how we think of permanent gains here with PE). I even remember BIB mentioning this fact in one of his earlier posts. So keep your head up even if it takes a while it isn’t over for you… :)

Originally Posted by joeyness
Arginine is a over the counter supplement, I recommend at least 10grams a day to get some kind of effect since it’s a weak at low dosages, 5 grams in the morning and 5 grams at night. If you buy arginine in powder form it’s allot cheaper than buying them in capsules

There are many different types of Arginine but I think this one is the best
Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate

All Arginine

I live in Norway and I can’t see anyone here who are selling it. Strange. I quess I have to order from the link you gave me which will take time unfortunally.

Do you have some idea how long I have to use the product? Months, years? When to quit? If nothing happens whit in, let say 3 months is there a point to keep going? Or do I just may have to do this in years?

And you are recommanding 10 grams. Can I take the doble of that? Just to make sure I got enought or do you get some side effects?

I quess Lovemachine that man you are talking about was extremly lucky. I’m not.

Last edited by latency : 07-07-2006 at .

Originally Posted by joeyness
Arginine is a over the counter supplement, I recommend atleast 10grams a day to get some kind of effect since it’s a weak at low dosages, 5 grams in the morning and 5 grams at night. If you buy arginine in powder form it’s alot cheaper than buying them in capsules

There are many different types of Arginine but I think this one is the best
Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate

All Arginine

I have now ordered the Arginine. 112$ with shipping. Apperently it should just take 5 working days before I have it. I hope it can do some good!

Originally Posted by latency
Do you have some idea how long I have to use the product? Months, years? When to quit? If nothing happens whit in, let say 3 months is there a point to keep going? Or do I just may have to do this in years? Use it for 3 months see if you notice any benefits, Long-term use of arginine supplements is not recommended

And you are recommanding 10 grams. Can I take the doble of that? Just to make sure I got enought or do you get some side effects? 10 grams should be more than enough. A typical dosage of arginine is 2 to 3 g of arginine per day. In clinical trials, it is used in dosages of 5 to 15 g for congestive heart failure.


When taking arginine up to moderate doses of 2 to 3 g per day, arginine appears to be free of side effects, however, minor digestive disturbances can occur.

Arginine Toxicity and symptoms of high intake
Rare, but symptoms of massive dosages may include skin thickening and coarsening of the skin, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, as well as increasing the activity of some viruses. For this reason people suffering from herpes should avoid high dosage. Pregnant and lactating women and people suffering from schizophrenia should also avoid high dosage.

Originally Posted by joeyness

When taking arginine up to moderate doses of 2 to 3 g per day, arginine appears to be free of side effects, however, minor digestive disturbances can occur.

Arginine Toxicity and symptoms of high intake
Rare, but symptoms of massive dosages may include skin thickening and coarsening of the skin, weakness, diarrhea, nausea, as well as increasing the activity of some viruses. For this reason people suffering from herpes should avoid high dosage. Pregnant and lactating women and people suffering from schizophrenia should also avoid high dosage.

Tnx mate

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