permanent damage
Has anyone come across an injury like this before and if so how can I treat it?.
I started PE 4 years ago with jelqs kegels and stretching. After 2 months I noticed a what looked like a long white piece of string with 6 or more bumps in it stretching from the bottom of my penis (my pelvis) to just below the head and was about 2mm wide.
I stopped all PE for three and a half years and apart from not being so pronounced it is still there.
I recently bought a stretcher and started PE again ,but feel that some permanent damage has already occurred due to my previous effort.
I have read the injury’s forum and the best advice seems to be lay off for a while then take if slow when it has healed but after all this time it should have healed .
Anyone got any thoughts please advise .
PS could not post on correct forum so had to use newbie