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quick bloodspots question

quick bloodspots question

I did read the pre-prepared thing about blood spots, been PEing about 6 months properly now, but only about 1 month properly hard methods such as horse sqeeze, dry jelqs and erect bends.. and ive been getting serious blood spottage! a good thing I suppose, but I was wondering if this stops with dedicated time..


Like red spots on the shaft? It should lessen up over time, but horse squeezes are intense enough to make even a seasoned veteran get them. Just make sure you ease into those kind of exercises, and things should adapt over time.

They don’t really lessen up unfortunately.

The thing I think though, the key to avoid discolouration because of the spots, is to massage (ie masturbate or whatever) until the red spots dissapate. This way, you may still get darker, but it will be a more even darkening, as opposed to my ugly patchy discolouration :(

Are we talking about bloodspots or blood-dots? :confused: I get red-dots on my shaft after jelqing, but they almost always go away by the next day. I’ve never had big spots to deal with.

yea they go away by the next day but just a bit unattractive if your gettin your groove on with a lady


If you’re worried about her saying something, then maybe you could use some candles. She’ll see it as romantic.

OK, i’ll follow guidelines.

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