Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Have I Done? Please Help

Rummy, what the fuck? Go and say you hurt your penis during sex..What’s the matter with you?

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Any updates?

This sucks

I’m suffering from this hard flaccid thing, I’m in two minds what’s caused it because I was on a drug that increased my prolactin to the point I lactated, then my penis got ED and shrunk, I freaked out and started jelqing pretty sure I did it wrong (too hard) so am I doubly dicked ? It’s been 4 months since I stopped the meds and prolactin is slightly high to normal range. My penis is at about 50% when hard and the gland never fills up and boner disappears when I stand. When I sit Down my penis becomes soft and cold when I stand up it gets warm and hard and shrinks badly. Now my balls pelvis and penis hurt, I had varicose like veins on it but 4 day without touching my penis the veins are down but everything else is the same. I’ve been to 3 doctors. One says it’s all in my head and I’m making it up. Odd that I never came to them freaking out about my willy before, my GP does nothing about it and the sexual health doctor, the one who the best is so expensive to go to, I’m so confused, angry and bitter don’t know what to do any help would be great

Last edited by Wallbanger : 12-19-2015 at . Reason: Spelling mistake

Wallbanger, I suffered from I would say a light condition of hard flaccid due to too much masturbation and jelqing when my cock was too tired for it. I would say the best thing you can do is to avoid everything that involves self stimulation.

Time will help a lot trust me.


Thanks for the reassurance, it really is sucky as I’m sure you’ll agree, I’ve had it for 5 months now, but I was self simulating. The body is remarkable I’m sure it has mechanisms to cope with this sort of thing.


I would urge any guys suffering this hard flaccid to have there prolactin levels checked, I can’t guarantee I injured myself but I can guarantee my prolactin levels were very high for as much as 8 months

I’m pretty sure that unless you have serious blood condition you will recover. Most important thing is to stay calm, hard flaccid doesn’t make you out of the game, you can still have sex. About EQ recovery, you just need time. Aniway I’m not a doctor, but when I had my hard flaccid condition what really helped me a lot was a really light antinfiammatory medicine.

Keep yourself relaxed, the more you stimulate yourself during the recovery the more will take to your unit to restore the EQ.


Skin is starting to peel on my penis don’t know if that’s a good or bad sign, it’s probably going to have to fall off before a doctor listens to me


Novadex and dostinex worked a treat on curing this issue for me, one tablet of each and it’s cleared up, unfortunately still suffering a loss of an inch each way length and girth due to an AP drug, shit but having to deal with it.

Wow, he hasn’t been back since May of this year, when gprent told him to not come back. And to think I wasted all this time reading all 8 pages.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!


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