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What Have I Done? Please Help

Don’t worry, I was just taking one to see what would happen.

I do need some opinions/advice. I haven’t received a ph call from the neurologist yet, even though my doc apparently faxed them a couple days ago requesting urgent attention on my case (seems very old fashioned way of doing things if you ask me). I’m really afraid this is permanent now, as I still have severe lack of sensation. But things have marginally improved for me.

I did come across an old thread after much googling where another guy had symptoms very much like mine. He suggested it was due to an overly tense pelvic floor. And I do think this has been a problem for me, as over the last week have been feeling some fatigue/dull soreness in lower back muscle, involuntary PC muscle contractions, problems with urine control and overall feeling of just being tight down there (penis retraction etc). He suggested an exercise that worked for him to relax these muscles and said that after ‘a few days’ he noticed no more numbness in the penis, and it felt ‘there’ again. The exercise was simply to lay flat on your back and place a couple of pillows under your buttocks for 15-20 mins. It sounds silly but this does actually seem logical, as its correcting the pelvic tilt. I tried it and immediately afterwards it felt like I had brought my penis back from the afterlife. I mean instead of feeling like a dead weight it started to show some signs of life down there again. My abdomen and pubic area now don’t seem as tight, my penis is hanging a little more naturally and my body no longer feels like it is suffering from some kind of trauma. Strangely enough, I feel much more relaxed. I knew the pelvic muscle had to be contributing to my condition to some extent because too many things did not add up for me, like how I could go completely numb after a masturbation session when I felt like I had recovered, and how instead of getting better again I got worse and my penis retracted into hard flaccid state. Now that I I think about it too, I think things got worse for me last week after someone mentioned pelvic muscles and I did a couple exercises to identify them. I have also caught myself doing contractions (kegels) involuntarily this week, like I will suddenly realize ‘hey why am I lifting my pelvic floor?’ and then let go of the muscle, without ever knowing how long I had been unconsciously doing it for.

So I’m wondering if I should continue doing this exercise? I’m not sure what it can do for sensitivity. I don’t want to make things any worse or reawaken any discomfort today. You wouldn’t think it could be that intense from what I’ve described but this exercise is really quite a workout for those muscles. And they say you should only do the exercise once a day because it takes a while for the muscles to heal and recover. Also you apparently don’t want the muscles to be too relaxed or it can cause incontinence problems etc, but I did feel a difference in my situation (no matter how small) so of course my natural instinct is to try it again. While I was doing the exercise, I could feel the pubic area spasming and I think I was even doing reverse kegels (my body seemed to be doing this automatically without my input), so I think there is something to what Dicker was saying earlier. It did give me some relief, but I just don’t know now whether to keep going with the exercise or just relax and try to let my body take over and work things out from here. Any ideas?

Yes, keep doing the exercise once a day.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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Thats also why it can go worse when masturbating as many do automaticly go tense when masturbating.

Best for your condition would be a totally relaxed pelvic floor. This then would loosen some pressure on nerves.

You can overdo reverse kegels if they are done intensly. Its basicly like stretching a muscle.
Like you would do stretch your legs when you have a leg cramp.

So dont overdo any exercises.
Just be aware of your pelvic floor and when you notice any tensions relax them conciously(if possible) or do a reverse kegel to stretch them out.

Thanks guys, I will do the exercise again when I’m in bed tonight.

I must admit it is getting more difficult to understand what is going on with me. Today I was sitting up working at a desk and could tell that I had gone back to having zero feeling in my groin. I could just tell, I didn’t test or anything (I’m getting better at leaving it alone). Then later in the day after being slouched more in my chair, I noticed a small amount of sensation return. It occurred to me at that point that I was effectively tilting my pelvis again. I even had a bit of an itch in my scrotum, which surprised me no end.

It’s now evening and all sensation has completely vanished again. But unless it’s my imagination, it doesn’t feel ‘dead’ like it did before, but simply numb all over again. It’s hard to explain the difference so I don’t expect you guys to understand. But it’s like my little guy is just sleeping now as opposed to being six feet under. Anyway, I guess I’m back at square one. I will continue trying to relax my pelvic floor for a while and hope things get better down there again. Wish me luck.

More and more signs that there is a nerve pinching involved.

Try to stand up more often and stretch/move your hips a bit. The sitting pose isnt natural at all.

Naturally one would choose a squatting position which, guess what, would stretch your pelvic floor automaticly.
I work all day on my computer and Im now standing at least 75% of the time and move every hour.

You might be able to fix it on your own or check for a physiotherapeut that is specialized on pelvic floor exercises. They are around as there are many peopel with these problems due to how most pose in their workday etc.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
More and more signs that there is a nerve pinching involved.

Try to stand up more often and stretch/move your hips a bit. The sitting pose isnt natural at all.

Naturally one would choose a squatting position which, guess what, would stretch your pelvic floor automaticly.
I work all day on my computer and I’m now standing at least 75% of the time and move every hour.

You might be able to fix it on your own or check for a physiotherapeut that is specialized on pelvic floor exercises. They are around as there are many peopel with these problems due to how most pose in their workday etc.

So I should be doing squats you reckon? How many?

It looks like there are pelvic floor therapists in my area, but I doubt they will know much about how to treat my condition. It can’t hurt to investigate though, but I would like to meet with the neurologist first. Another day went by without him contacting me, I think I will have to try and track him down tomorrow.

Supposing it is a pelvic dysfunction that has caused my lack of sensation, and let’s just assume for one moment that the exercises I’m doing are helping, then how long do you think it will take before I notice some improvements? And do you think it is possible I could make a full recovery? It’s been about 10 days now that I’ve been like this. It only took me that long to recover the first time. If I do recover, will it keep happening every time I ejaculate?

UPDATE: Well you can add another symptom to the list. I stood up after sitting at my desk a couple times today and found that my buttocks felt very numb. The numbness felt like it went away both times, but this is still a new development. I have a desk job so I can’t avoid sitting down for long periods, even though I’m making more of an effort to take breaks and move around etc - it obviously doesn’t seem to be helping a great deal. Suppose this means my condition is getting worse :/

Squats do stretch the pelvic floor. I wouldnt do heavy weighted squats right now. What I mean is doing them for relaxation like explained here:
The Benefits of Squatting: How Your Chair is Slowly Killing You – Synchro
Sitting this way in the morning and evening for some minutes would be a good start.

The numb ass ( :D ) is part of your problem of having some tense and/or pinched nerves.
If you have to sit there are still many possiblities and exercises you can do. For example bending your knee towards your chest slowly. Trying around different pelvic positions(without straining). And again reverse kegels.
Stand up and stretch, relax, reverse kegel as often as possible at the desk.

I think you could solve it on your own but who knows if you have some sort of chronicly pinched nerve that needs release by a professional practitioner.
Search for "pelvic floor physiotherapy" in your area. Thats your best bet I think!

I do think they would help much more then a urologist or neurologist and you might ask your doc about something along the lines. He will know what pyhsician to contact. Tell him the experiement(viagra) worked and you feel like its a pinched nerve…
Im pretty sure you get full recovery if you take focused action towards the root cause. Dont let too much time go by just beeing in despair about the situation. The longer you keep it the longer it will take I guess.

Masturbation right now will tense your pelvic floor and thus probably pinch the nerve again and again.
I didnt have problems with pinched nerves but do had weak errections due to constant tension that I wasnt even ware of then. Focused Reverse kegels did help me. I really got aware of what happens down there and coutnered every tension or spasm with a reverse kegel until I was retrained.

"pelvic floor physiotherapy"! really.
And if you only got physicans that do it for woman in your area still contact them about your case of sitting and the symptoms… "Pelvic floor numbness"(no need to talk about masturbation lol) They will know how to help in some way.

Do you have good posture when sitting in your office chair?

How about buying a seat cushion for your office chair?

The chair I am sitting in right now is a rather straight wood chair and I use 2 cushions to sit in this chair. Makes a big difference.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Maybe it is another symptom, but Rummy you have to drop that “its getting worse attitude” - it gets you nowhere, solves nothing.
What happens happens. Sooner or later you will be healed, but with all that negativity it is gonna be later for sure.

Just see a professional and let him/her do the thinking, all you can do aside from the exercises suggested here is staying healthy= no stress

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Squats do stretch the pelvic floor. I wouldnt do heavy weighted squats right now. What I mean is doing them for relaxation like explained here:
The Benefits of Squatting: How Your Chair is Slowly Killing You – Synchro
Sitting this way in the morning and evening for some minutes would be a good start.

The numb ass ( :D ) is part of your problem of having some tense and/or pinched nerves.
If you have to sit there are still many possiblities and exercises you can do. For example bending your knee towards your chest slowly. Trying around different pelvic positions(without straining). And again reverse kegels.
Stand up and stretch, relax, reverse kegel as often as possible at the desk.

I think you could solve it on your own but who knows if you have some sort of chronicly pinched nerve that needs release by a professional practitioner.
Search for "pelvic floor physiotherapy" in your area. Thats your best bet I think!

I do think they would help much more then a urologist or neurologist and you might ask your doc about something along the lines. He will know what pyhsician to contact. Tell him the experiement(viagra) worked and you feel like its a pinched nerve…
Im pretty sure you get full recovery if you take focused action towards the root cause. Dont let too much time go by just beeing in despair about the situation. The longer you keep it the longer it will take I guess.

Masturbation right now will tense your pelvic floor and thus probably pinch the nerve again and again.
I didnt have problems with pinched nerves but do had weak errections due to constant tension that I wasnt even ware of then. Focused Reverse kegels did help me. I really got aware of what happens down there and coutnered every tension or spasm with a reverse kegel until I was retrained.

"pelvic floor physiotherapy"! really.
And if you only got physicans that do it for woman in your area still contact them about your case of sitting and the symptoms… "Pelvic floor numbness"(no need to talk about masturbation lol) They will know how to help in some way.

Rummy, I agree. It’s a nerve issue. Go see a physiotherapist and tell him to relax your pelvic muscles because you have a pinched nerve somewhere but don’t know where exactly.. Let him work the whole area.I used to have extreme upper back pains caused by weightlifting for years… 10 sessions of physiotherapy and I haven’t experienced any back pain for the last 3 years. And i am still lifting.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Squats do stretch the pelvic floor. I wouldn’t do heavy weighted squats right now. What I mean is doing them for relaxation like explained here:

Sitting this way in the morning and evening for some minutes would be a good start.

The numb ass ( :D ) is part of your problem of having some tense and/or pinched nerves.
If you have to sit there are still many possiblities and exercises you can do. For example bending your knee towards your chest slowly. Trying around different pelvic positions(without straining). And again reverse kegels.
Stand up and stretch, relax, reverse kegel as often as possible at the desk.

I think you could solve it on your own but who knows if you have some sort of chronicly pinched nerve that needs release by a professional practitioner.
Search for “pelvic floor physiotherapy” in your area. Thats your best bet I think!

I do think they would help much more then a urologist or neurologist and you might ask your doc about something along the lines. He will know what pyhsician to contact. Tell him the experiement(viagra) worked and you feel like its a pinched nerve…
I’m pretty sure you get full recovery if you take focused action towards the root cause. Don’t let too much time go by just beeing in despair about the situation. The longer you keep it the longer it will take I guess.

Masturbation right now will tense your pelvic floor and thus probably pinch the nerve again and again.
I didnt have problems with pinched nerves but do had weak errections due to constant tension that I wasn’t even ware of then. Focused Reverse kegels did help me. I really got aware of what happens down there and coutnered every tension or spasm with a reverse kegel until I was retrained.

“Pelvic floor physiotherapy”! Really.
And if you only got physicans that do it for woman in your area still contact them about your case of sitting and the symptoms… “Pelvic floor numbness”(no need to talk about masturbation lol) They will know how to help in some way.

Thanks Dicker, I will try the squat for relaxation. I think my problem is definitely with the pelvic floor creating problems down there. I’m wondering now if it was even a jelqing injury in the first place. I am noticing more and more how overactive my muscles are being. I try to do the reverse kegels every time I notice the contraction (I hope I am doing them right). I also think the pillow stretch exercise could be helping. I had some sensation return in my testicles and penis after doing it again. It was mostly superficial, like I could start to feel skin-deep touching sensations again, but it was still the most improvement I’ve had. It’s probably still too early to know if it means anything though. Also, I’ve noticed my lower left abdomen (under the ribs.. Maybe the diaphragm?) feels kind of tight. The tightness is no longer in my lower back it seems. Not sure why it has shifted.

Originally Posted by gprent
Do you have good posture when sitting in your office chair?

How about buying a seat cushion for your office chair?

Yes, I normally sit up reasonably straight. But I’ve noticed lately that having a bad posture seems to help my current situation lol.

I think I will look at getting a seat cushion, a donut or horseshoe shaped one would be best to take off the pressure. The chair I’ve been using is supposed to be ‘ergonomic’ but I think it’s doing more bad than good right now.

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
Maybe it is another symptom, but Rummy you have to drop that “its getting worse attitude” - it gets you nowhere, solves nothing.
What happens happens. Sooner or later you will be healed, but with all that negativity it is gonna be later for sure.

Just see a professional and let him/her do the thinking, all you can do aside from the exercises suggested here is staying healthy= no stress

Thanks, and I know you are right, I could be handling the situation better. But I don’t think you really realize just how scary and stressful this ordeal is unless you have experienced it as well. The anxiety definitely doesn’t help though, and I will continue to try and improve my attitude and mental health along with my physical wellbeing. It is all a big challenge right now.

Originally Posted by bill10
Rummy, I agree. It’s a nerve issue. Go see a physiotherapist and tell him to relax your pelvic muscles because you have a pinched nerve somewhere but don’t know where exactly.. Let him work the whole area. I used to have extreme upper back pains caused by weightlifting for years… 10 sessions of physiotherapy and I haven’t experienced any back pain for the last 3 years. And I am still lifting.

I think this is my best bet. Hopefully I can find someone who can help me.

Yeah, the jelqing was a bad idea- if it was not the cause than it was clearly the catalyst.

I seem to be getting more sensitivity back in my scrotum. In particular, it feels really itchy.

I’ve also noticed that the skin on my penis is feeling dry to the touch. Is it possible that my body is not getting enough moisture down there? Feels like every day is introducing something new to worry about lol. Will be happy when this is all over.

Just got off the phone with the specialist medical centre.

I am booked in for a ‘nerve conduction test’ first thing tomorrow morning. Freaking out.

Hope they don’t find anything too seriously wrong with me. :(


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