Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What Have I Done? Please Help

Yeah, it can take quite awhile. The brute side is that you can last forever with your lady. She will be extremely impressed.

Sept 2020 BPEL 16.5-17.5 cm, BPFLS 17.5-18 cm. Clamped x4+ BPEL 18-19 cm. Head girth 12.5 cm, MSG 16 cm, BG 16.5 to 18 cm

Goal is 21 cm BPEL, 20 cm EL, 15 cm head girth.

Thanks everyone. I am trying my best to find the positives out of this experience, but it’s proving to be difficult.

I’ve just started Day 5 post-incident and I don’t know what to make of things. Just when I feel like I might be making some progress, I wake up the next morning and it feels like I’m nearly back at square one. The only thing I can really say for sure is that I do seem to have a little more sensitivity than those first couple days, where it seemed like I had none at all.

The other thing too is that I’ve not been able to get aroused during this time. It feels like the spark is gone. I haven’t wanted to investigate the issue because I’m following the advice of resting and keeping hands off, but it still has me worried. What if I have done some damage on that side of things too?

Believe it or not a fair amount of a conscious erection starts in the mind. The worry over your situation is most certainly impacting your ability to achieve an erection.

Leave it alone and stay positive. It takes time to heal and I’m sure you’ll be just fine.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I had the same symptoms last year, it’s indeed terrible.
In my case it was some problem with the pelvic floor muscles: a cramp in one or a group of muscles on your perineum. Some of the symptoms may be numbess (it is no lack of sensation on the penis, you can feel you touch, but it feels strange), strange sensations at the bathroom business, and tension in the area. Look for “Hard Flacid Unraveled” ebook online, the book it’s a little basic, but it may help you to relax, wich it’s essential. Also, look for some yoga posses to stretch (lightly, and after applying some temperature) the groin area, it depends on what muscle its affected. Beside, you need to LOW your anxiety. I know it’s difficult, I’m still depressed and stressed , but little by little you can get better. I don’t feel numb almost anytime now.

Good luck, I hope you get better.

P.S.: I don’t know if Hard Flacid it’s the way to describe the syndrome, but most of the tips that the book give are really useful. And the book have some New Age mumbojumbo, I warn you, but its really helpful in the practical way.

Thanks Vladimir. Sorry to hear you have gone through the same thing. The experience is truly soul destroying.

It’s now the end of Day 6, and I feel that sensitivity is much improved. Still not 100% but I’m hopeful that will happen within the next week. It would seem that the prognosis from BeardedDragon is right on the money. I have to tell you that I think my PE career will be over after my recovery (as short as it was). The risks just seem too high to me. I hope all of you are really careful when practising this stuff, it seems really dicey.

Anyway I’m going to try and enjoy the weekend without dwelling on this, and will be back next week with an update. Hopefully I’ll have further good news. Thanks again for the support.

Originally Posted by Rummy
Thanks Vladimir. Sorry to hear you have gone through the same thing. The experience is truly soul destroying.

It’s now the end of Day 6, and I feel that sensitivity is much improved. Still not 100% but I’m hopeful that will happen within the next week. It would seem that the prognosis from BeardedDragon is right on the money. I have to tell you that I think my PE career will be over after my recovery (as short as it was). The risks just seem too high to me. I hope all of you are really careful when practising this stuff, it seems really dicey.

Anyway I’m going to try and enjoy the weekend without dwelling on this, and will be back next week with an update. Hopefully I’ll have further good news. Thanks again for the support.

Good luck and remember a week is nothing in terms of healing so don’t stress it takes longer, it will get back to normal.

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that at the end of day 12 I’m feeling completely recovered. It is such a relief. Especially after reading several horror stories on the net from guys who have been stuck with the numbness for years. I’m so happy that did not happen to me. Again, I want to thank you all for your help and support during the scariest and darkest chapter of my life. I’m really grateful to you all. And don’t worry, I am staying well clear of PE. One major scare is enough for me.

Nice to hear you healed Rummy.

Well guys I’m back. It seems that I celebrated too early. I engaged in masturbation yesterday, and now the numbness has returned in the base to mid-shaft of my penis. It feels completely dead again. I have some sensation in the rest of the penis still but at much reduced levels. Now I’m starting to wonder if I was ever even fully recovered before. Perhaps I have already forgotten what it feels like to have normal sensitivity in that area and what I thought was back to normal actually wasn’t. My anxiety has come back with a vengeance too, but I’m trying to manage it better than before (without much luck). Can’t believe I am back in this situation :(

Originally Posted by Rummy
Well guys I’m back. It seems that I celebrated too early. I engaged in masturbation yesterday, and now the numbness has returned in the base to mid-shaft of my penis. It feels completely dead again. I have some sensation in the rest of the penis still but at much reduced levels. Now I’m starting to wonder if I was ever even fully recovered before. Perhaps I have already forgotten what it feels like to have normal sensitivity in that area and what I thought was back to normal actually wasn’t. My anxiety has come back with a vengeance too, but I’m trying to manage it better than before (without much luck). Can’t believe I am back in this situation :(

Look I know it’s about your dick and its very dear to you but for your dicks sake stop worrying. If you break your leg, it will heal and eventually you can stand on it. Though it will still take some time before you can jump on it, right? What happened now with your dick is that you “jumped” on it when you only could walk.

If I were you I would give my dick massage everyday or so and not masturbate or pull it in anyway for a month. See a doctor if that’s what it takes for you to stop worry.
Once you do start pulling it again, do it VERY GENTLE and build up strength, before you know it you can start whacking off relentlessly again.
Have faith in your dick.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

When I was recovering from my numbness, it started out at about 80% numb. After 1 week it was probably down to 40%. After 2 weeks down to 10%. And after 3 weeks complete recovery.

Is it possible that you were only partially recovered but thought you were fully recovered? Then when you masturbated it made you realize you were still 50% numb (just an estimate)? Well 50% is better than where you started at, but also enough to give you a scare if you thought you were completely recovered.

I think as long as you’ve made progress to this point, it will continue to heal over time on its own.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

BeardedDragon - I wish it was something along those lines, but instead it feels as though I have lost all the progress that I made over the last couple weeks. I’m back at square one.

I think SumBigD’s analogy is accurate, I did too much too soon and so re-injured myself. I just hope it will heal a second time. I’m going to leave it alone again and hope for the best. And you are right, the main thing I have to focus on right now is calming down. I feel like I will give myself a heart attack otherwise. My heart is working overtime again.

UPDATE: Things have just got horribly worse for me. The numbness has now spread to the rest of the penis for the first time. I can’t even feel hot/cold temperatures on the glans anymore (and it looks paler than usual). So I think this is it guys .. Game over. :’(


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