Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Kinsey Penis Girth

Kinsey Penis Girth

The graph below shows penis girth against the percentage of men having said girth. For comparison with your own penis locate your length to the nearest 0.25” along the bottom and read off the percentage from the left.

Penis Girth Chart from Kinsey Data

Penis Girth Data

The graph above is based on the following data. All measurements are made at mid shaft with a full erection. To replicate this on your own penis use a tailors tape. If you don’t have access to a tailors tape use a short length of string around the shaft and and a felt pen to mark where the string crosses itself, then measure the marks against a ruler.

Percentage of men
1.50” 0.3%
1.75” 0.4%
2.00” 0.4%
2.25” 1.2%
2.50” 0.3%
2.75” 0.3%
3.00” 0.4%
3.25” 0.4%
3.50” 0.9%
3.75” 1.1%
4.00” 6.3%
4.25” 6.3%
4.50” 17.1%
4.75” 11.7%
5.00” 24.1%
5.25” 9.9%
5.50” 11.5%
5.75” 3.0%
6.00” 3.9%
6.25” 0.5%
6.50” 0.5%
6.75” 0.1%

Penis Girth (CSV)

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What about the Lifestyles Condom study? More reliable since it was measured by the people doing the study and not self reported. The old graphs from wikipedia disappeared for some reason.

This thread is about the Kinsey results, Para-Goomba has an excellent thread on Penis Size: The True Average which provides a much broader picture.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Urgh!!! Sigh…. Twice as many men have 5.5 girth that have 4.25! So no matter how much PE I do for how long I will never be even average. Starting from 4.33 means that even if I reach my very ambitious goal of 0.5” gain I’ll still be no where near average. Feels like punching smoke when I’m trying to have sex, so I just have to fake an orgasm after while to end the misery. Looks like I’m fucked then, and not in a good way.

Don’t beat yourself up Pexflex, the Kinsey study is known to be flawed.

Many more recent and scientific studies suggest that your goal of 4.83” is even slightly above average.

0.5” adds a whole lot of feeling, too. So don’t give up (and don’t blow up your penis desperately trying to make it bigger ;) )

Start 06.2012 BPEL: 6.1" EG: 5.3" Current BPEL: 7.1" EG: 5.6" Goal BPEL: 7.5" EG: 6"

Strange. Those percentages add up to 100.6 percent.

I have a 5.25 and I want to get to the 5.5 or 6. Is my goal okay? Or should I lower it? And about the graph it looks flawed but a 5.0 girth I thinks is sufficient.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Originally Posted by jhammer71113
Strange. Those percentages add up to 100.6 percent.

Rounding error.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Question on the topic:
Girth: What is BIG?

I am going through a breakup right now which is causing me to go through some exaggerated levels of self-assessment and also causing me to double down on my commitment to PE.
Having just measured myself a fresh, I am 5.75” x 5.5”
When I put on a clamp, i am 5.75” x 6”

I’m 6’ and about 170lbs. A thin guy.
My dick looks small to me. I know it’s “average”, but it looks small.
I’ve never looked at my dick and thought, “holy shit that is a thick cock.”
However, I recently began to pay more attention to studies purporting to show girth averages for the male population
and they seem to come back alarmingly low in the girth department.

I don’t understand how the large majority of men are supposedly under 6” girth,
and yet, having observed first hand on myself what 6” girth is (i am using a “tailor’s tape” and have repeatedly measured it, staring in awe at how small 6” girth really looks) …
I can honestly say I am hard pressed to believe that this is truly considered above average, and I also that I AM NOT IMPRESSED.

Not only that.
As in
a. I don’t actually believe what the tailor’s tape is showing me: clamped I am allegedly at the upper end of the girth spectrum, passed which VERY few men seem to go.
b. I don’t actually believe what the study is claiming: that 6” is more or less the high end of the girth spectrum

and further,

c. I don’t actually believe that “most women” find anything larger than 6” girth to be uncomfortable or undesirable.

My former GF had NO problem fitting every single last inch of me in her mouth, and i could have banged on the back of her head and thrusted for dear life, and she would have barely gagged.

When i see posts like “with a penis larger than 6” girth, oral sex becomes impractical” i am left scratching my head.
How can that be?

??? THOUGHTS or MUSINGS please ???

also. I have a bathmate x30.

Although part of the base of my penis does press up against the side,
i am in NO danger of “packing” the tube girth wise (no where close length wise either, sigh).

This leads to the question,
if the *large* majority of guys are under 6” girth, and that is not enough to “pack” the x30
then who the fucking shit is buying the Goliath?
NO one should be packing that thing?


And yet i read lots of guys on this forum complaining about the x30 being too small, and really needing the Goliath.

I have 6” and this graph makes me feel happy with what I have.

Originally Posted by BPTony
I have 6” and this graph makes me feel happy with what I have.

it should make you feel like you are “girth l33t” but if I ask you
“does your dick look thick?”

what is your answer?

Does your dick look thick (at all) to you?
Do you think of your dick as being thick?
Do you think girls think your dick is thick?

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet
it should make you feel like you are “girth l33t” but if I ask you
“does your dick look thick?”

what is your answer?

Does your dick look thick (at all) to you?
Do you think of your dick as being thick?
Do you think girls think your dick is thick?

I haven’t had the opportunity to compare it with other men but I’m comfortable with it and like how it feels when I take a grip on it. To me it looks normal as that’s what I know so I can’t say that it looks abnormally thick. When I read about other guys and see some pics here on Thunder then I think my is reasonably thick. It looks in proportion to me. My girl has never complained my dick is too thick, but if I don’t make sure she’s nice and wet it’s not very comfortable for either of us, then it does seem to thick.

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet
Question on the topic:
Girth: What is BIG?

I am going through a breakup right now which is causing me to go through some exaggerated levels of self-assessment and also causing me to double down on my commitment to PE.
Having just measured myself a fresh, I am 5.75” x 5.5”
When I put on a clamp, i am 5.75” x 6”

I’m 6’ and about 170lbs. A thin guy.
My dick looks small to me. I know it’s “average”, but it looks small.
I’ve never looked at my dick and thought, “holy shit that is a thick cock.”
However, I recently began to pay more attention to studies purporting to show girth averages for the male population
and they seem to come back alarmingly low in the girth department.

I don’t understand how the large majority of men are supposedly under 6” girth,
and yet, having observed first hand on myself what 6” girth is (i am using a “tailor’s tape” and have repeatedly measured it, staring in awe at how small 6” girth really looks) …
I can honestly say I am hard pressed to believe that this is truly considered above average, and I also that I AM NOT IMPRESSED.

Not only that.
As in
a. I don’t actually believe what the tailor’s tape is showing me: clamped I am allegedly at the upper end of the girth spectrum, passed which VERY few men seem to go.
b. I don’t actually believe what the study is claiming: that 6” is more or less the high end of the girth spectrum

and further,

c. I don’t actually believe that “most women” find anything larger than 6” girth to be uncomfortable or undesirable.

My former GF had NO problem fitting every single last inch of me in her mouth, and i could have banged on the back of her head and thrusted for dear life, and she would have barely gagged.

When i see posts like “with a penis larger than 6” girth, oral sex becomes impractical” i am left scratching my head.
How can that be?

??? THOUGHTS or MUSINGS please ???

Have you ever tried fitting a cylindrical object of 6” circumference into your own mouth?


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