Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Kinsey Penis Girth

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet

b. I don’t actually believe what the study is claiming: that 6” is more or less the high end of the girth spectrum.

??? THOUGHTS or MUSINGS please ???

I’ve seen a lot of erect penises in real life. I haven’t seen many over 5.5”. I’ve only ever seen 1 that was 6” of girth. They are very rare.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by firegoat
I’ve seen a lot of erect penises in real life. I haven’t seen many over 5.5”. I’ve only ever seen 1 that was 6” of girth. They are very rare.

that should be really encouraging,
but instead, somehow, it is mildly depressing.

My girth is 6.6 inches midshaft. Most of this is natural growth. Have gained very little girth in the 1 year 7 months of PE.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

If 6” EG is even close to average the condom makers would have known this for decades, because few people would be able to use their regular sized products. That’s as good a proof as anything, IMO.

Originally Posted by firegoat

I’ve seen a lot of erect penises in real life. I haven’t seen many over 5.5”. I’ve only ever seen 1 that was 6” of girth. They are very rare.

Wow firegoat wish I saw some. Well then if you saw mine it would be your 2nd 6” girth sighting!!!

I’d have to second firegoat’s assertion concerning girth.

My social life involves a considerable amount of time either at swinger parties, BDSM parties and private parties.. I would be the largest at the swinger parties and the BDSM parties..
One other guy has my girth at our private affairs, (my wife’s determination as she has fucked him a few times), but not my length.
No I’m not bragging about it, it’s simply a fact and the amount of men totalled at all these events would easily number around 70-80.

I too often have issues believing the stats, however in my experience they are accurate.

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet

When i see posts like “with a penis larger than 6” girth, oral sex becomes impractical” i am left scratching my head.
How can that be?

??? THOUGHTS or MUSINGS please ???

My first BJ was not that great for me it hurt a lot. It was with a guy it keep on hitting the roof of his mouth & teeth scraping, my penis was raw after and it was hurting for a few days after.

He claimed to have had some experience with other guys but I think he lied about it , since it seem like he did not know what he was doing.

hand job was terrible as well . he was below average in girth size 4.75”BPEL * 4.25 girth

I’m 6.5” girth.

Its the eyes and the brain.

Vantage point.
Watching (faked) big dick porn.
Assuming 20 dicks on a message board represent the population on the streets.
Negativity bias coupled with confirmation bias.

And of course the Kinsey study is a big pile of B.S(while it was kind of revolutinary back then..). As is the lifestyle condom study.

There are few dicks out there who are very large in one aspect. Very long or very thick. And there is a miniscule portion who is large in all aspects.
Same with very small.
The very large ones get a disproportionately high exposure due to how the human mind works.
Still that doesnt mean that your woman had it. The human attached to the dick might be otherwise not attractive to her.
Or her not attractive to him.

One huge dick on the internet destroys minds and confidence of millions of average sized dicks.

I suppose that 99% of people can reach at least average sized dick with PE. While every average sized dick can reach a above average dick.

Originally Posted by oz
I’d have to second firegoat’s assertion concerning girth.

My social life involves a considerable amount of time either at swinger parties, BDSM parties and private parties.. I would be the largest at the swinger parties and the BDSM parties..
One other guy has my girth at our private affairs, (my wife’s determination as she has fucked him a few times), but not my length.
No I’m not bragging about it, it’s simply a fact and the amount of men totalled at all these events would easily number around 70-80.

I too often have issues believing the stats, however in my experience they are accurate.

Oz, your social life really does sound like good fun !! I’m jealous !!

An interesting fact though with regards to your observation of other sizes. In your opinion, what then would you describe as an average size amongst what you have seen at the swinger and BDSM parties ?

Originally Posted by xxxfun80
Oz, your social life really does sound like good fun !! I’m jealous !!

An interesting fact though with regards to your observation of other sizes. In your opinion, what then would you describe as an average size amongst what you have seen at the swinger and BDSM parties ?

I’m not good at estimations, but considerably smaller than myself..

Ok, (after looking at myself and asking the girls), we’re going with 4.5 to 5 inches NBPEL, and 4 - 4.5 inches girth.. And I stress this is on the high side..

What does stand out is the general level of poor fitness and body shape. I work very hard to maintain a level of fitness that amplifies
the appearance of my cock when flaccid and erect. This is across all age groups from 18-25 y/o right through to the 60’s. It’s not unusual
for couples to enter where the woman looks hot, and the guy simply doesn’t give a shit.. Why they then get stressed because their women enjoy their
time with me in preference to them is simply beyond me.. People are visual creatures, give them something to look at, the rest is then up to you.

I’ve been with just as many Model-level 18 to 25 year olds as older, they all want the same thing, a man, not an arrogant dick, just a bloke who is
confident in themselves, and wants to fuck.


Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

Originally Posted by oz
I’m not good at estimations, but considerably smaller than myself..

Ok, (after looking at myself and asking the girls), we’re going with 4.5 to 5 inches NBPEL, and 4 - 4.5 inches girth.. And I stress this is on the high side..

that is fucking crazy!

makes me feel like at 5.75”x5.5” when my ex kept telling me stupid pillow talk like “your penis is so big” blah blah blah that she maybe wasn’t totally full of shit, bullshitting me to make me feel good.
also guys, pay attention, because, i once got out of her that her biggest encounter was 9”, and that she had at least several other partners, one of which she almost married,
and NONE of them made her cum via intercourse. But I actually made her squirt a good few times on top of *regular* vaginal orgasms. Its mostly in their MINDS. and how you USE it.

Still, I don’t feel satisfied or happy with what I’ve got, and that’s why I’m here. :D

I am REALLY surprised that the average size (or even the large marjority) at swingers parties is so relatively small (especially to what I imagined was an environment full of large dicked cocky bastards) …
my ex used to have fantasies about attending those, but my insecurities kept me from even considering it. Makes me feel like a dope. :D

oh well.
thanks for all the replies, guys.

If you think that a penis that is in the 90% for girth doesn’t look thick (especially with your average length) I think you have some serious mental issues. That’s a huge cock, and we would all kill for it.

Be grateful for what you have.

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet

I am REALLY surprised that the average size (or even the large marjority) at swingers parties is so relatively small (especially to what I imagined was an environment full of large dicked cocky bastards) …

my ex used to have fantasies about attending those, but my insecurities kept me from even considering it. Makes me feel like a dope. :D

A lot of guys have trouble getting 100% erections at those kinds of things. Even if you do that stuff regularly and aren’t “nervous,” there’s still some low level of anxiety present typically, just from the mere presence of other people. So that could explain why the dicks at these parties typically appear smaller than average. In any case, any woman or man who’s encountered a lot of dicks could tell you that your 5.5” girth is really thick.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
A lot of guys have trouble getting 100% erections at those kinds of things. Even if you do that stuff regularly and aren’t “nervous,” there’s still some low level of anxiety present typically, just from the mere presence of other people. So that could explain why the dicks at these parties typically appear smaller than average. In any case, any woman or man who’s encountered a lot of dicks could tell you that your 5.5” girth is really thick.

Seconded. I’d also like to throw in the fact that most of them are under the influence of some substance, which would also inhibit full erection.

That sort of thing doesn’t interest me in the least. I wouldn’t want to do the swinger thing. I think I would have a problem maintaining an erection in that kind of situation. My nerves wouldn’t cope.


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