Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Kinsey Penis Girth

When I have been in group settings I get a diamond cutting erection. It can be embarrassing, there’s no way to hide that I’m excited.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

When I have been in group settings I get a diamond cutting erection. It can be embarrassing, there’s no way to hide that I’m excited.

I won’t be coming to a dinner party at your house! :D

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by Norsey

If 6” EG is even close to average the condom makers would have known this for decades, because few people would be able to use their regular sized products. That’s as good a proof as anything, IMO.

Agreed. The free market is probably the most honest indicator of all.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

I couldn’t attend the diner either. Too threatening with that huge equipment.

Extreme girth isn't always great

At 4.5 starting, you’ll likely never get to 6.5+ girth.

So have at it. I pump for fun but my cock is 6.5 naturally,

7 inches in girth after 30 minutes of pumping. No woman I’ve met

Can fit that in her mouth. There’s a tradeoff. Achieving 5.5 girth sounds like

Perfection for you.


I’m with Atillah on the “Extreme girth isn’t always great”. I’m naturally 6.25-6.5” mid shaft, around 7” at the base, but since girth isn’t always emphasized it took me awhile to learn that I actually was big because I don’t have big length and girth tends to make your penis look shorter. Not everyone likes the feeling of being stretched by a thick penis, just like not everyone likes trying to take an extremely long one all the way. What’s worse, is that while you don’t have to use all of your length, your girth is going to be used no matter what. With time, foreplay and lube it’s fine, but depending on the circumstances you may not have those things.

Starting measurements May 31,2012 BPEL:6.4" MSEG:6.25" Base Girth 6.9" My pics

Short term goal---------------------BPEL: 7" MSEG:6.25"

My thread on the downsides of big girth: Big Girth - The Downside

Originally Posted by Atillah89
At 4.5 starting, you’ll likely never get to 6.5+ girth.
So have at it. I pump for fun but my cock is 6.5 naturally,
7 inches in girth after 30 minutes of pumping. No woman I’ve met
Can fit that in her mouth. There’s a tradeoff. Achieving 5.5 girth sounds like
Perfection for you.

My wife’s says thick dicks put her to the test.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet
Question on the topic:
Girth: What is BIG?

I am going through a breakup right now which is causing me to go through some exaggerated levels of self-assessment and also causing me to double down on my commitment to PE.
Having just measured myself a fresh, I am 5.75” x 5.5”
When I put on a clamp, I am 5.75” x 6”

I’m 6’ and about 170lbs. A thin guy.
My dick looks small to me. I know it’s “average”, but it looks small.
I’ve never looked at my dick and thought, “holy shit that is a thick cock.”
However, I recently began to pay more attention to studies purporting to show girth averages for the male population
And they seem to come back alarmingly low in the girth department.

I don’t understand how the large majority of men are supposedly under 6” girth,
And yet, having observed first hand on myself what 6” girth is (I am using a “tailor’s tape” and have repeatedly measured it, staring in awe at how small 6” girth really looks) ..
I can honestly say I am hard pressed to believe that this is truly considered above average, and I also that I AM NOT IMPRESSED.

Not only that.
As in
A. I don’t actually believe what the tailor’s tape is showing me: clamped I am allegedly at the upper end of the girth spectrum, passed which VERY few men seem to go.
B. I don’t actually believe what the study is claiming: that 6” is more or less the high end of the girth spectrum

And further,

C. I don’t actually believe that “most women” find anything larger than 6” girth to be uncomfortable or undesirable.

My former GF had NO problem fitting every single last inch of me in her mouth, and I could have banged on the back of her head and thrusted for dear life, and she would have barely gagged.

When I see posts like “with a penis larger than 6” girth, oral sex becomes impractical” I am left scratching my head.
How can that be?

?? THOUGHTS or MUSINGS please ??

Originally Posted by pontiuspolet
That should be really encouraging,
But instead, somehow, it is mildly depressing.

I’m well over 6” mid shaft girth. About 6.25mseg and bigger at the base. I had a hard time believing the stats too. I always figured I was on the large side but not that abnormal. Now it makes me feel freakishly huge. If I didn’t have a hard time finding condoms that would fit I don’t think I would have ever have believed those stats. If I had known those stats I probably wouldn’t have messed around with PE as I already started out on the larger side.

As one can see from my signature, I am over 6.5 inches in girth midshaft and over 7 inches girth at the base. Many have been the times when comments have passed my way that I was huge. Having been this size for many years, and not seeing many other men with erections I did not consider my size as large until several years ago when I first gained access to the internet. About 12 years ago I was also involved in visiting a local swingers club. That was also an eye opener as far as size is concerned. I have seldom seen any other man sporting a cock size similar to what I possess. I do not want this to be taken as bragging. Both of the women to whom I was married commented often as liking both the length and the girth.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

Originally Posted by restored91
As one can see from my signature, I am over 6.5 inches in girth midshaft and over 7 inches girth at the base. Many have been the times when comments have passed my way that I was huge. Having been this size for many years, and not seeing many other men with erections I did not consider my size as large until several years ago when I first gained access to the internet. About 12 years ago I was also involved in visiting a local swingers club. That was also an eye opener as far as size is concerned. I have seldom seen any other man sporting a cock size similar to what I possess. I do not want this to be taken as bragging. Both of the women to whom I was married commented often as liking both the length and the girth.

You’ve got a big one. Would love to take the wife to your swingers club.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

This 6 inches of girth talk makes me feel that my 5.5 girth is very tiny hahaha. Gonna keep doing PE until I hit it or get close to it :)

Feeling motivated.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Originally Posted by Tenbris
This 6 inches of girth talk makes me feel that my 5.5 girth is very tiny hahaha. Gonna keep doing PE until I hit it or get close to it :)

Feeling motivated.

No you’re not tiny at all. Actually quite thick!

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
No you’re not tiny at all. Actually quite thick!

Thanks man. I will try to get at least 5.75 I will always try to get 6 inches but if I can get to that point of 5.75 then I wil be more than happy. Its just 1/4 of an inch away :)

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Yes, 5.5” MSEG is thick. In my opinion, 5.5” is where you really start to separate yourself from the pack, girthwise.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Originally Posted by Tenbris
Thanks man. I will try to get at least 5.75 I will always try to get 6 inches but if I can get to that point of 5.75 then I wil be more than happy. Its just 1/4 of an inch away :)

You can get to six. It takes time, consistency and heat. Your size now is well above average.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


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