JIML and MOTIVATED: I posted where I got my cialis from India. Jim, you wouldnt believe how Eli Lilly and Pzifer provides samples of cialis and viagra to urologists, endocrinologists, and general practitioners. When I visit my doctors, they hand me a “goody bag” really, a paper bag with viagra, levitra, and cialis. All you have to do is to tell probably any type doctor you are wanting to try a vasodialator and he/she will probably shove the stuff at you. Again, mine do but they know me well.
Motivated, you asked about normal blood pressure and cialis and exercise. I am now off of all blood pressure meds and deeply into weight training and aerobic exercise big time. Cialis nor viagra have interfered with my blood pressure or exercise. However, they might. For a while before I got in shape and physically conditioned, I was using cialis at 20 mg and l arginine to control my blood pressure taking the cialis every three days and taking at least 3 grams of l arginine.
If you get on a regimen of cialis, you should monitor your blood pressure until you see how the drug affects you. L arginine is a nitric oxide precursor so it has blood pressure lowering affects also. When in doubt, consult a GOOD doctor knowledgeable in mens health issues (not too many of those around. Look in your phone book and see how many lady’s doctors/gynecologists ladies have……That’s gender discrimination… Dr. Eugene Shippen in Reading, Pennsylvania is the best doctor in men’s health issues, worldwide. Read his book, The Testosterone Syndrome.)