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cialis overdose

cialis overdose

It’s been a long time since I last PEd or posted here, but I’m getting back into it now that the school year has started again. Anyway, the usual dose of cialis (20mg) helps, but it doesn’t do as much as I would like. I understand that, to a point, more is better. Does anyone know what this point is? If not, I’m going to find out myself, and in that case, does anyone know what the side effects of say 40mg of cialis would be? Anything serious? Thanks.

I haven’t tried that myself, but a lot of guys here have tried 30mg worth of the liquid stuff. I’ve done that myself once, and the effects seem to last longer than with 20mg.

well they have two recommended doses— 10 mg and 20 mg. I have taken the 20 mg from two different manufactureres one was great and the other was no better than the 10, except for the headache, they were equal.

I am not generally afraid of increasing my dose on pharmaceuticals but the headache and congestion I get is already a pain in the ass so I dont know if I would increase.

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I’ve overdosed on cialis (usually when on holiday) when taking them every day for a week, which upon reflection could add up to a colossal dose . They’re such diminutive little things that do nice stuff, you’d never think they could do any harm - but they can! It was only the last time I went on holiday that I put 2+2 together and isolated the cialis.

The main thing I’ve found is that they can seriously drop blood pressure. For me this means momentary lapses of ‘being in the moment’, or faintness if I go from idle to active too quickly (eg. jumping up from a chair then running). The compensatory effect of the reduced blood pressure is heart rate running way high. I could lie on a bed and relax as much as possible, and my heart would still be doing 120bpm. I hate that feeling, it reminds me of the morning after when I tried amphetamines as a kid.

I think there is an optimal dose, and going over that wouldn’t improve things (and may actually be worse considering the above). 20mg is probably plenty for most people. The only issue is that I’ve read accounts claiming that the generic copies were sometimes underdosed.

They say the half life is 36 hours, but for some reason I usually find that they work better for me the day after I take it (20mg generic). I have no idea why that would be though, unless it is a blood pressure issue. Next week I might try 10mg and see if that is better on the day than the day after.

I had a very busy weekend where I took Cialis and Viagra everyday over a three day weekend the only slightly serious side effect I had was leg cramps which was very enjoying they made it very hard to sleep and they lasted for several days after I stopped taking the Cialis. I noticed on several other occasions when taking Cialis that I would get dull leg aches.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

If 20mg doesn’t quite do it for you, you might want to take 20mg per day for a few days rather than a higher dose all at once. Also, continued use can make your body more responsive over time.

I usually find that they work better for me the day after I take it

I also have found this to be true and have really wondered how it could be. My theory now is that it works better after you have had an erection or sex the first time. Then it is in your penile tissue and ready to go to work the next time. (just a theory).

Liquidman and others: Cialis is a blood pressure medicine and can lower blood pressure. Here is my research and experience on cialis. I am 58 and hitting the diminution of erectile quality. I complained bitterly to my endocrinologist and he recommended 20 mg of cialis every 72 hours. (Thats how long the medicine is effective in your system. The first 39 hours are the full strenght effect of the medicine.) I inwardly laughed at my endocrionologist’s recommendation until I saw other guys on the yahoo line report miraculous benefits in this regimen. Many were saying they felt young again and that between cialis and l arginine, their blood pressure was being controlled. I began the regimen. For about 10 days I had some side effects. First the stuffy nose, headaches, muscle pain and indigestion, but those went away for the most part in three days. Some side effects lingered for 10 days and then vanished.

Amazingly, on that regime after several days, cialis builds up in your system. It is miraculously good medicine for erectile function. I was hard quickly like a young man and my libido also was tremendous. I have seen many men report libido enhancement on cialis. Orgasms were better and in general, I felt like a 25 year old man. The only bad thing is that for me at my age, cialis at that regimen tends to make me anorgasmic and that is very frustrating. I have seen other men my age report that side effect and maybe for you younger guys your mileage may vary. I hope so because not being able to cum/come is frustrating, at least for me. Other guys on yahoo say get over it. You satisfy your wife and if you dont come, whats the big deal?

The Eli Lilly stuff at 20 mg every three days is the best (except for my anorgamic problems.) I have tried cialis from China and conclude that is less than 10 mg of our American prescription cialis. But I have done well on it every three days and my reasoning is that the less prescription medicine a mans puts into his body the better.

I have also got some Indian cialis from Prescription Medicines From Online Pharmacy | AllDayChemist. It like the Chinese stuff. The potency is variable and not consistent. Some say it is because of the temperature controls of our American drugs that we get from the phamacv. I really believe that the Indian and Chinese stuff has less tadalafil in each tablet. Pharmacuetical standards in those countries are probably not what they are in the U.S.

My insurance covers so little of the cost of cialis and it is expensive. I abhor the amount of profit the drug companies make on vasodialators. It is age discrimination to me as an attorney. I could buy all I want at American prices but the whole system of drug prices to me stinks. Thats why I order online out of the country. Cialis is sometimes eleven dollars a tablet and you can get it lots of time for a dollar online. Of course, the quality is not consistent. But hey, it works for me.

To Shiver: You appear to me to be taking too much cialis. If you are taking other blood pressure meds, you must be very careful as your blood pressure will be too low. The heart racing when you lay down I have read is because your blood pressure is too low. Your doctor should know.

Thats my two bits. Thanks liquidman for bringing this up. Every man with erectile difficulties owes it to himself to try the 72 hour regimen of cialis first at 20 mg every three days and then adjusting downward or upward after about a month. Some men on yahoo take 20 mg every two days. Good luck. For me the clock is back 30 years sans the anrogasmic problem which I hope you will not have.

Lastly, for me, the cialis works best the second day after I take it. Other men on yahoo report that too. Flaccid hangs are huge the second day because of the vasodialating effect of cialis. Sometimes on the third day for me, erections are less if I am not fully aroused for sex. The bad thing is that cialis makes you ready so fast on day one and two, that it is tempting to forego good foreplay which of course leads to better quality sex for me and my wife. Again, your mileage may vary but my results are consistent with the ones I see reported by other men on yahoo.


Thanks for posting on your personal experiences with cialis. You make some very interesting points that I’ll keep in my memory banks for future reference.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

This is good info to know on the proper dosage. I was looking at the kitsnmore web site for liquid Cialis or Tadalafil and they make reference to the fact that 30 mg of Tadalafil is equal to 1 ml of the liquid and I was thinking 1 ml would be the proper dose. But from reading the above, I think it would be best to take 2/3 of a ml in order to achieve a 20 mg dose. I have never worked with liquids, so don’t know how hard it would be to achieve this accuracy.

Just curious, are you guys taking these pills because you have to, or because you want to? It seems everyone and his brother are on one form or another. My willie has always worked on demand, but I wonder if I might be missing out on something. Would there be any negatives for a person who doesn’t need it to try it? I am 47.

Originally Posted by gprent
This is good info to know on the proper dosage. I was looking at the kitsnmore web site for liquid Cialis or Tadalafil and they make reference to the fact that 30 mg of Tadalafil is equal to 1 ml of the liquid and I was thinking 1 ml would be the proper dose.

I think the higher dose is just to make it look like a more attractive proposition. I’ve seen 1Kg of tadalafil for under $2000 in the past, so it’s cheap enough for them to make whatever dose they like.

Originally Posted by jiml
Just curious, are you guys taking these pills because you have to, or because you want to? It seems everyone and his brother are on one form or another. My willie has always worked on demand, but I wonder if I might be missing out on something. Would there be any negatives for a person who doesn’t need it to try it? I am 47.[

Aside from the pro’s and con’s that come with prescription drugs, the main negatives are cash outlay, and that some people suffer stuffy nose or other histamine like reaction (which often dissipates after multiple uses). For me personally (I’m 36), I wouldn’t say cialis make’s an erection any better than I normally have, but it does make it a sure fire thing (eg. after having a few beers, for those that alcohol affects that way). Some say viagra gives a hardness beyond the norm, but side effects are sometimes a little more severe. Viagra for me causes significant facial flushing, though otherwise I feel fine. I suspect (but haven’t bothered to look up) that this is because viagra isn’t quite as specific a PDE-5 inhibitor as Tadalafil.

I am 53 and ordered my first ever generic Viagra a couple of months ago mostly for fun and out of curiosity to see if it could boost my pump routine. I really didn’t need it, but i must admit, the first time I took it, I got a hardon like I haven’t had in years. I guess you tend to kind of forget how good it was 30 years ago.

Anyways, my pump routines using the Viagra are great, but I really can’t say it is helping me with my gains. So the fun is in having effortless rock hard maximum erections and a long lasting large flaccid afterwards.

JML: Enjoy your youth so to speak. You could try cialis just for the experience. But my advice is if everything works fine like you say, skip it. I had no problems until I was 56 and really they were brought on by blood pressure meds. I think I could make it without cialis and have discussed it with my wife. I may try au naturale again. It is just that this regimen of cialis makes me feel younger. I get it up quickly, I have more libido, sex is spontaneous and free like a younger man. In short the medicine is amazing stuff.

I tried viagra several times too. Viagra gives me a better steel like erection and it lasts in my body for over 12 hours. It does not build up like cialis. It however MUST not be taken with food or you will get a headache big time. Unlike the cialis regimen, sex must be planned with viagra.

The good news is that on the horizon for aging baby boomers is a drug that is sniffed—NP 141—or something like that. It is touted as restoring libido and erectile health for men and works completely different from either viagra, cialis or levitra. I bet it will cost a fortune. Does anyone here have the latest on that drug?

If these drugs can lower blood pressure, how do they mix with exercise for someone who does not have blood pressure problems? Do any of you notice that regular use of this stuff (whether every three days, or whatever) affects you in the gym at all?

Do Not Do This


I haven’t had time to read through all of this thread, so pardon if this has been said. How much one can tolerate of any drug depends on your body size. How much do you weigh? I’m a pretty big guy and I have a very high tolerance to drugs. It just takes more of everything to work for me. I once took 40 mg of Calis and 300 mg of Viagra within a 24-hour period and it didn’t kill me. It was at a nudist camp / sexathon so to speak. I took the drugs slowly throughout the day and although I had a huge flaccid hang that stayed right on the edge of an erection all day walking around the camp and kept me really hard all night for sex, several times with several different partners, however I felt like shit most of the day out in the heat. This may have been due to the fact I don’t eat at the camps except a lot of water, so the empty stomach probably had a lot to do with the nausea. But I know a lot more of these drugs can be tolerated than what the instructed use indicates. With all these in mind, I would recommend no more than 40 mg of C OR 200mg of V in a 24-hour period, and that is probably not safe. The thing about these ED drugs, they work best if you use them infrequently. A big dose just on special occasions works better than a little dose every day.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

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