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DMSO collagen unlinker -potentiator chem pe

DMSO collagen unlinker -potentiator chem pe


This is a crucial point in the theory of chemical pe.

As potaba has side effects taken orally like hypo-glycamia etc, I am thinking about making it availible transdermally while taking aloe vera, dmso and crush the tablets before mixing them to a cream. The question is, if the molecule is small enough to penetrate skin and cause local unlinking.

Here’s a profile I found on this:

The advantages to the systemic intake are less sides through direct application, lower dosage needed and no unlinking of other tissue, which is important for bodybuilder or weight-lifters who carry big weight.

In the patent, prostaglandine F2 alpha - PGF2a is also mentioned as unlinker. It can be made availible transdermally, but I couldn’t find out, how the tunica tissue would react on this substance exactly. As it is easy to obtain I’d like to know, if anyone ever tried PGF2a + DMSO for pe purposes?

Other transdermal unlinking ideas welcome

Formula Weight: 175.23
MOL File: 138-84-1.mol

If you feel that my link is an add, please edit, I can’t edit

I am thinking about taking PABA orally as my potentiator for chemical pe. It is basically the same thing as patoba.

PABA appears to slow and in some cases even reverse cross-linking in the protein structures of connective tissues such as collagen

Here is 100% Relaxin product known as Vitalaxin, but it’s tablets, very expensive.

The Chemical PE Patent only has suggested dosage for injection or topical.

“For example, relaxin may be administered by intracavemosal injection at a dosage ranging from 0.01 to 50 mcg/kg body weight/day, more preferably at a dosage ranging from 0.02 to 10 mcg/kg body weight/day, or topically at a dosage ranging from 5 to 1000 mcg/kg body weight/day, more preferably at a dosage ranging of 25 to 400 mcg/kg body”

Yeah, PABA has the same effects than POTABA.

When you say PABA are you referring to Para Amino Benzoic Acid? I’ve seen that in health food stores. Is the idea that it would soften up collagen and help with PE? What about it affecting other important structures that rely on the strength of collagen linkages?

Yeah thats what I worry about. I wonder if anyone has any information if I would be more prone to injury by taking around 2 grams of PABA as I do a lot of exercise and weight lifting.

I am planning on taking PABA along with PGE-1 injections following the chemical pe patent.

Originally Posted by amar7

This is a crucial point in the theory of chemical pe.

As potaba has side effects taken orally like hypo-glycamia etc, I am thinking about making it availible transdermally while taking aloe vera, dmso and crush the tablets before mixing them to a cream. The question is, if the molecule is small enough to penetrate skin and cause local unlinking.

Here’s a profile I found on this:

The advantages to the systemic intake are less sides through direct application, lower dosage needed and no unlinking of other tissue, which is important for bodybuilder or weight-lifters who carry big weight.

In the patent, prostaglandine F2 alpha - PGF2a is also mentioned as unlinker. It can be made availible transdermally, but I couldn’t find out, how the tunica tissue would react on this substance exactly. As it is easy to obtain I’d like to know, if anyone ever tried PGF2a + DMSO for pe purposes?

Other transdermal unlinking ideas welcome

Aside from molecular weight you need to consider the lipophilic/hydrophilic balance and it’s polarity. You have to consider partition coefficient, hydrogen boding, etc when determining if a particular substance can penetrate the skin and if transdermal delivery is viable. And consider that transdermal delivery is systematic and not localized to the area applied. The chemicals will be absorbed by the dermal vasculature before ever penetrating into the tissues underneath. Even with injections the effect does not remain localized unless you use sufficiently small doses and administer them frequently. Look at steroids for example. You can inject them into a particular muscle but the abundant vascular system in muscles causes the hormone to be spread systematically. People have tried small chain esters and small doses applied frequently to improve lagging parts but this usually does not work well. Now, the tunica doesn’t have quite as complex or extensive of a vasculature system so small dose frequently applied injections could result in a fairly contained localized effect. But transdermal application will not provide the effects you desire.

Most organic chemicals dissolved in DMSO will absorb through the skin with the DMSO. In fact, DMSO is actually often used as a vehicle for topical delivery of drugs.

I'm a disciple of science.

^^ Hence the need for meticulous cleanliness when handling as it drags almost anything in with it.

As an aside, using DMSO while clamping could localise the drug delivery for longer.


Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

Originally Posted by emitecaps
Now, the tunica doesn’t have quite as complex or extensive of a vasculature system so small dose frequently applied injections could result in a fairly contained localized effect. But transdermal application will not provide the effects you desire.

Do you have any experience with this? What substance would you suggest? Do you think a potentiator would be necessary because I know PGE-1 has some collagen unlinking properties by itself.

I plan on shooting for 2hr erections with PGE-1, 2 or 3 times a week. Also going to be using a vacuum ADS for 6 hrs a day during the work week.

All that was tried before, I think. I’d suggest anybody doing a search and reading a bit before starting an experiment that could a waste.

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