Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does L-Arginine work?

Yes; 1000 mgs = 1 gram. I have been taking 4-6 grams per day for a few months now.

I also just started taking Yohimbe but, I have been trying to find the best dosage and time to take it. Any experiences? L-Arginine is recommended on an empty stomach and Yohimbe is recommended after a meal?

Oh, I’m new here BTW (my 1st post) so hello! This is a great forum and I have already learned allot!

10bnice, welcome to the forums.

Have you been pe’ing for a while and taking L-Arginine to supplement it, or have you been taking L-Arginine for other reasons?

Originally posted by buddy_rich66
I just bought my first bottle of L-Arginine. They are 500mg pills. It says one tablet per day. But I am having trouble with the amount everyone else is taking. Is 1000mg equal to one gram? I dont want to take too much or too little. Someone please give me advice on how many pills to take for it to be effective.

I’ve tried Arginine a couple of different of times over the years and was very disappointed, not noticing any difference; HOWEVER, I decided to give it another go and this time take Arginine at the dose recommended by guys on this on other forums…SURPRISE! IT DOES WORK AT HIGHER DOSES. I’ve tried 5 grams per day and there is a definite increase in firmness and I can tell I have a little boost of energy. TSure it is more expensive but taking Arginine and other herbs/vitamins/aminos at the dose recommended on the bottle is so often just a waste of money. Most can be taken at higher doses which means they are effective and have little to no unpleasant side effects!

I recommend at least 5 G of Arginine a day to see a difference!

Originally posted by SlamInTheLamb
10bnice, welcome to the forums.

Have you been pe'ing for a while and taking L-Arginine to supplement it, or have you been taking L-Arginine for other reasons?

Thanks for the welcome.

I have been PEing for a year or so but, nothing steady. I have had a pump but, no time or chance to use it.
Now that I’m single I have had the chance to get into it more so I thought I better start reading. I also recently got a Max Xtender

I started taking L-Arginine for building muscle in the gym but, I noticed it had an effect on my erections. Then I just kept reading about the combination of L-Arginine and Yohimbe but, nothing concrete regarding proper dosages.

Originally posted by Girth Brooks
I just paid $29., which included shipping, for a pound of NOW arginine powder which has 302, 1 1/2 G. servings. Should last 50 days at 6 grams a day.

Hey Girth,
Have you anything to report from this? I ordered the same product last week. I haven’t seen it yet, but should soon.


I got mine right away. Who did you order from? I got mine from They always ship fast.

It is pretty good. Nasty to take unless you put it in diet coke. It neutralizes the acid make it flat. A guy in another forum says it makes it work better. I don’t know, just less nasty.

I am a bit more pumped when taking it. Hard to remember to take it on an empty stomach and wait a bit to eat again.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; It is the source of all true art and science. " Albert Einstein

I got the same thing! I ordered it from site. I got it in 3 days. They shipped the same day I ordered. Mine was around $27.00 shipping and handling. Actual price is 22.99, so it was around $4-5 S+H.

I have been taking around 6 grams of it for a few days now. I notice more erections and they seem stronger.

I also noticed that it has a nasty taste! Mix with some juice or something to counteract it.


Going for 7.5X6, then 8.5X6.5, then who knows. Girth Brooks - "Didn't get any real gains until I started shutting my cock in a car door and then falling back."


I ordered from the same site, and haven’t seen it yet. I’ve never had problems receiving shipments from them before.

I was taking 5gms of L-Arginine in the morning and 5gms at night before bed, but it got too expensive so I stopped. The results I had were mixed. I do my PE exercises in the morning and sometimes I could see a fuller erection, others times I didn’t notice anything. The effects never seemed to be consistent. I may be that sometimes I had food in my stomach and not all of the L-Arginine was absorbed in my system. It’s recommended that it be taken on an empty stomach.

I take arginine and ornitine in small dosages
and it works for sure.
I think is better have some days off….
like most of these supplements.
I take at night empty stomach

Also glutammine is good for mind/body energy;
Bodybuilding it raise the level of testosterone.

Avena sativa: 15 days and one/two months off…
tribulus is ok…5 days, and 2 off.
zma is useful, too.
I would like to use nox2 but i dont find it in europe.


Hi guys,

Is Arginine an Acid? Is it acidic and
hard on the stomach?

I do have stomach problems (gastritis from
too much acid) and have been feeling worse
lately. I have also just started taking 10 grams
/day on an empty stomach.

Is there a way to neutralize the acid while
not interfering with it’s effectiveness?

mopek :)

I have been taking L-Glutamine for awhile
and it seems not to have bothered me?

It doesn’t taste as bad so maybe it is
in a form that is less acidic.

What do you guys think?

mopek :)

L-glutamine is excellent for the immune system, repairing the digestive track, and recovering from stress (exercise, illness) . L-arginine is alkaline, it neutralizes acid.


Hi all,

Just bought a bottle of L-arginine pyroglutamate 500mg yesterday…is this pretty much the same thing? It was $12.99 for 100 caps…the recommended dosage is 2-3 caps a day before bedtime, but I am 6’4 208 lbs and work out 3-4 days a week, so I was thinking 6 a day(3g), plus I drink a protein shake on my training days that contains about 1.3g per shake…do you think that this is sufficient, or should I do more like 8-10 caps?

Thanks in advance!

hey there biggerandbetter, where did you buy your L-Arginine from, and haw much did it cost you.


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