Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does L-Arginine work?

Just a follow up on my earlier post on L-arginine pyroglutamate…there does seem to be some sort of difference. Look forward any and all input on this.

http://www.futu … m/arginine.html

Thanks Sparkyx,

I had no idea L-Arginine was a base and not an acid?

I wonder why my stomach was upset?



An excellent article/study on L-Arginine.

It does mention that L-Arginine is probably
NOT beneficial for muscle growth and fat loss.

But it does have benefit for improved circulation, improved cardio-vascular function, immune system and improved erection. The men who underwent the erection study only took 5 grams and only 9 out of 29 men noticed a difference. Other studies I have read say that you should take 8-10 grams/day.

L-Arginine - PDRHealth


Link doesn’t work…

No one with any info on the pyroglutamate issue?:( FWIW, I’ve been taking 3g a day for aboout a week now, along with at least a gallon of water a day…By friday i’ll have a chance to see if my load size is affected:)

Well, still looking for more info on the pyro re sexual function. No luck thus far, but I can definitely report increased load size…probably the biggest load I’ve ever had. Filled the tip of the condom and came up the shaft some. I cut back on the water to half gallon a day, and will report back on load size hopefully next week:) . Oh, and this is after not ejaculating for 4 days.

Don't worry about the more expensive products.

Originally Posted by n2growing

Very good link, I also took the next step and emailed her to find out which
L-Arginine she suggests well it just so happens she sells one.. Its called
M2 and it is pricey in my opinion, below is quote from her

" No, you cannot take just plain L-arginine. You can find a properly formulated patented L-arginine product called M2 at Case-Foundry® Quality Cases and Screen Protectors for Mobile Phones – Case Foundry®"

Well, n2, I haven’t found too much on the Internet about L-Arginine needing cofactors for absorption except for sites that are selling a "specially formulated product." The Supplement Research Foundation claims that current research (in 2002 at least) hinted that "pure L-Arginine may be better and more effective."

http://www.tsrf .com/supplement … ements_larg.htm

I definitely wouldn’t worry about "special formulas," especially if you notice a difference when taking the cheaper powdered form.

” No, you cannot take just plain L-arginine. You can find a properly formulated patented L-arginine product called M2 at”

Quasi, that is pure advertising-hype bullshit. L-a works as a free-ranging enzyme in your body now, whether you supplement it or not. If you supplement plain, old L-a, you just offer yourself more available nitric oxide, one of the major building blocks of an erection. Be very careful about believing what these sellers (they make commissions) tell you.



I agree with you for the most part, and hate the corporate bastards as much as anyone. But from what I’ve read, straight arginine may not be as good because it’s pure and in it’s usuable form right away. Sort of like eating pure sugar rather than eating something like starch or fat, it takes longer to break those down than the sugar so your sugar levels are more constant than one big spike from the sugar. Aginine can also be burned up by the body as fuel, so maybe they package it this way for a reason more than just a “you can only get the good stuff from us” kind of marketing. If as with NOX2 it is Arginine formed into a more complex molecule, then maybe it stays around longer in the body and only gets used for the purpose we want it for.

I’m no expert in this area, but from what most of the NOX2 users say who have tried both, they get better results from NOX2 than pure arginine. I’ve only ever took NOX2 as I’ve never seen pure arginine in a store here, only online. All I’m saying is maybe the formula used by these companies are more than just a marketing scam if people find better results from using them. So I guess the jury is still out on this one.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by mopek
An excellent article/study on L-Arginine.

It does mention that L-Arginine is probably
NOT beneficial for muscle growth and fat loss.

But it does have benefit for improved circulation, improved cardio-vascular function, immune system and improved erection. The men who underwent the erection study only took 5 grams and only 9 out of 29 men noticed a difference. Other studies I have read say that you should take 8-10 grams/day.

L-Arginine - PDRHealth


5 grams is a lot, but 8-10 grams per day is a HUGE amount. Taking this large amount of one amino acid will throw your protein metabolism way off balance. That’s not something I would advocate. Complete proteins (food) are best.

A nutrient rich diet, exercise, sleeping 8 hrs/night and drinking enough water will greatly improve the firmness of your erections and ejaculation distance and volume.

If you drink and/or smoke, you should stop. Alcohol and tobacco are erection/testosterone killers.

Getting a new girlfriend every couple of weeks works wonders too! :D


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Arginine has many benefits and depending on what are planning or achieving you should change doses.
For erection the minimum dose a day must be of 6 grams and on empty stomach. If you want really good effects just before sex take at least 10 grams 1 hour before sex.

Also arginine might help more erections on some and less on others, depending on why is your erection not so hard.

For example if your problem is from smoking or lack of exercise then arginine is definitely your thing, but you should really take it everyday 6 grams.

Arginine is totally harmless, but like everything in this world, don’t abuse it, and if doesn’t work after one month with the right dosage, don’t go crazy taking more, just try a different thing.

First time I took arginine was not on a program, I was just at a friend house and he showed me this drinkable arginine, with 2.8 grams each piece, I took just one, and on the next day I couldn’t stop thinking about sex.

Does anyone notice a more I guess you’d call it a veiny sort of look on your penis? I’m getting a sort of ballooning effect for a better looking flaccid hang and the veins on my unit seem to stand out more.

What is wrong with me… I can take a single 500 mg L-arginine tablet and feel all sorts of effects, mostly ones that scare me. It’s almost like I just downed two 5-hour energy shots. It’s like I can feel the blood rushing, the veins expanding all over, not just in my dick, but throat, arms, lips feel more tender too. I hope it’s not some allergic reaction (if one can be allergic to an essential amino acid)…

This is the GNC straight L-arginine, not the complex.

If you take 4-6 g of it on an empty stomache before bed you can get alot more hgh flowing and that will help with growth!

Anyone?? Should I take an amino acid complex instead?

This is a pretty interesting l-arg study - Treatment of erectile dysfunction with pycnogenol and L-arginine - PubMed

Penile erection requires the relaxation of the cavernous smooth muscle, which is triggered by nitric oxide (NO). We investigated the possibility of overcoming erectile dysfunction (ED) by increasing the amounts of endogenous NO. For this purpose, we orally administered Pycnogenol, because it is known to increase production of NO by nitric oxide syntase together with L-arginine as substrate for this enzyme. The study included 40 men, aged 25-45 years, without confirmed organic erectile dysfunction. Throughout the 3-month trial period, patients received 3 ampoules Sargenor a day, a drinkable solution of the dipeptide arginyl aspartate (equivalent to 1.7 g L-arginine per day). During the second month, patients were additionally supplemented with 40 mg Pycnogenol two times per day; during the third month, the daily dosage was increased to three 40-mg Pycnogenol tablets. We obtained a sexual function questionnaire and a sexual activity diary from each patient. After 1 month of treatment with L-arginine, a statistically nonsignificant number of 2 patients (5%) experienced a normal erection. Treatment with a combination of L-arginine and Pycnogenol for the following month increased the number of men with restored sexual ability to 80%. Finally, after the third month of treatment, 92.5% of the men experienced a normal erection. We conclude that oral administration of L-arginine in combination with Pycnogenol causes a significant improvement in sexual function in men with ED without any side effects.


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