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Fish oil brands

I can’t believe you’re pasting a link to a post that is only a few posts up. I think I can see what you said in your post quite easily thankyou.

Hobby, I’m not that fussed. Let’s forget it. If you don’t see any relevance to what’s in the links, then that’s just the way it is. It confuses me but let’s not mention it again. I am now off to bed.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Hobby, you are confusing me. You said you agreed it was good for the fish oil to avoid high degree heat to keep potency, so I post a link talking about how one company processes only using low degree heat. Now you are asking for studies again. If you accepted Erasmus Udo’s idea that heat harms fish oil, then why are you now demanding studies again? I don’t really want to talk about differences in brands myself anymore since I am now compromised anyhow.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I have a question. I’ll be the first to admit I know vitrually nothing about fish oils. I do know that Omega 3 is good for you, its one of the essential fatty oils and is brain food.

Here is my question, if you are allergic to fish, you probably shouldn’t do fish oil right?

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Hobby, you are confusing me. You said you agreed it was good for the fish oil to avoid high degree heat to keep potency, so I post a link talking about how one company processes only using low degree heat.

Geez. One company doesn’t use high heat. What does that mean? That all others do? Maybe using low heat is the standard way of processing fish oil. Ever consider that?

If you accepted Erasmus Udo’s idea that heat harms fish oil, then why are you now demanding studies again? I don’t really want to talk about differences in brands myself anymore since I am now compromised anyhow.

I know heat wrecks unstable oils, regardless of what Udo wrote. Sorry if you mistook my providing that link as me having some sort of fixation on him. I guess people tend to see things in others that they are prone to themselves. Personally, I wouldn’t have intepreted a mere link as being a declaration of allegiance to the author, but then again I don’t get pissy about quotation marks either.

Maybe too much fish oil has made you slippery. :) You repeatedly wriggle away from addressing what I see as simple, direct questions and issues.

Your recent excuse to avoid discussing brands is convenient. Frankly, from the situation as you’ve described it I don’t see a conflict of interest. If you’d feel better, say which brand is sponsoring the study. But, to me that isn’t necessary.

Here are the questions and issues as I see them:

1) What was Dr. whatshisname’s rationale for saying some fish oils work better than others? This is the one you self-destructed over and refused to answer. Seems pretty straight forward to me.

2) A few posts back the question was if/how taking w-6 or other fats at the same time as w-3 (fish oil in particular) interferes with absorption of the fish oil. You or Gotta said it is common knowledge that w-6 interferes, yet neither of you have provided any sources indicating this. Instead, I was provided unrelated links and then chastized for not accepting them as proof of the prior assertion.

3) Processing methods. This came up before and is back again. So far you haven’t provided one iota of evidence that expensive fish oils are processed any differently than cheaper fish oils. Instead, you twisted my agreement that w-3 oils are heat sensitive into a presumption that pricey brands are better than cheaper ones.

Perhaps you can address these in a straight forward manner, without hysterics or diversions.

I have already provided links showing that high heat is typically used processing fish oil. The Minami process is unique. I have provided plenty of evidence that at least two fish oil brands are processed very differently than cheaper fish oils. Unless you don’t believe the links, which I can understand as they are written by the manufacturers.

The answer to #1 is straightforward but I am no longer mentioning anything about that doctor on this forum. As I said before, I wish I could delete all mention of him in this thread and I am deeply ashamed of hauling in a personal telephone conversation onto a penis enlargement forum so he can be ridiculed.

As far as I know, there’s no difference between taking omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids at the same time or different times during the day. They interfere with each other, whether taken serially or together.

This post has done wonders for killing my libido! Maybe if I stay annoyed all the time…. :)

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Could someone answer my question please?

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I wish I knew. How allergic are you? Is it super severe or more moderate? Till you get an answer, I would avoid them.

I have ass problems as my dear associate the Hobbit knows. I used to take 6,000 mg a day of Omega 3s and found that it helped. I had less nasty flare ups of my ulcers. But I stopped taking it for about a year or so and was strill decent.

My main concern is I rarely get gout now. But since I am now taking my 6,000 mgs would the fish oil act like the sea food which increases my uric Acid? I only get it in my ankles and become unable to walk and have to sit out a day till it goes down while drinking about 2 gallons of water and eating nothing but celery and blue berries to break it up.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


A new question on me, but a good one. Here’s something I found on it. Looks like one shouldn’t take fish oil if allergic to fish, according to this page:

Women’s Health

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fish Allergies
Provided by

Q: Cardiovascular disease runs in my family, and since I keep hearing that omega-3 fats are good for the heart, I want to get more of them into my diet. The problem is, I’m allergic to fish. Does this mean I’m allergic to fish oil capsules too? Is there another, natural way to get omega-3s?

A: If you are allergic to fish, you should NOT take fish oil supplements or omega-3 fatty acids, despite their health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids may be important in reducing the risk of heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. They also may play a role in improving mood and memory. While cold water fish are the highest source of omega-3 fatty acids, there are other foods and oils that contain these fatty acids in smaller amounts: walnuts, flax seeds, and flax seed oil. The current recommendation is to have 7 to 11 grams of omega-3 fatty acids each week.
Food allergies affect 5 to 7 million Americans and are the most common cause of anaphylaxis outside of the hospital. They are responsible for 125 deaths per year in the US. The question is whether you have a true allergy or a food intolerance. You should consult a physician to be sure.

Having a food allergy means that your immune system reacts to a specific protein as if it were a threat by releasing histamines and other powerful chemicals, which trigger your allergic symptoms and can range from a rash to an asthma attack to deadly anaphylaxis. Fish is one of 7 types of foods that account for 90% of all food-related allergic reactions; other foods include peanuts, tree nuts (e.g. walnuts, pecans), milk, soy, wheat, and eggs. While some children may outgrow their food allergies, these allergies in adults tend to increase in severity over time.

What else can you do to reduce your risk of heart disease? First, discuss your cardiovascular risk profile with your doctor. If you smoke, stop. If you are overweight, start a heart-healthy weight loss program. Aerobic exercise five times per week for at least 20 minutes may help. Ask your doctor if you should be taking a daily baby aspirin (81 mg). Have your cholesterol tested; if it’s elevated, discuss strategies for cholesterol reduction with your doctor.

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Originally Posted by SSK
Here is my question, if you are allergic to fish, you probably shouldn’t do fish oil right?

I know a guy who doesn’t take fish oil because he’s allergic to fish. He’s a professor of nutrition, so I would assume that no, you shouldn’t take fish oil pills if you’re allergic to fish.

Oops. Beenthere already answered. Nice post, beenthere.

Of course people shouldn’t take fish oil if allergic to fish. There are algae capsules that provide DHA, but I think another sensible approach would be to eat free-range meat. Because of our livestock practices, meat which naturally is high in omega-3’s has become high in omega-6’s instead, because cows and chickens are fed grain. If they are out foraging (and in foraging eating plenty of bugs) meat is a good source of omega-3’s. Wild game is still a good source. You can also buy eggs laid by chickens fed a diet to increase omega-3’s. Basically all my diet is doing is trying to return the diet back to the natural diet we evolved on, at least when the food supply was plentiful.

Twatteaser, are you pulling my leg? You have gout at 30? Or maybe you were kidding about being 30. Anyhow, look into eating cherries.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

BTW, people who are on blood-thinning medication like Coumadin or aspirin therapy, take lots of OTC pain relievers, are scheduled for surgery, are allergic to seafood, or who have defibrillators shouldn’t take fish oil.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

Hobby keeps asking the same questions again and again. Look Hobby, we have already answered you on all these topics and you have already stated that you aren’t satisfied with the answers. What good does it do to keep stating this over and over again? Change the record. We know that you are unsatified and you know that we have given you answers that we are satisfied with. At what point are you going to accept that we have said all that we are going to say in response to you? Either add something new to the discussion now or there is very little value in you participating anymore. If all you are going to do is keep asking Zane and myself the same questions, long after we have given you our answers, you are inevitably going to start getting ignored at some point. I don’t want to see that happen. You need to move on. It would be nice if you were a bit more friendly in your responses aswel because you tend to be a bit rude, whether you see it or not, everyone else can. It’s not the observation you point out, it’s the mannor in which you point them out. Please don’t reply back in a really defensive, rude mannor. It is just some constructive critisism. I want to get along with you but you are making it more difficult than it needs to be. Just lighten up a little mate.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

>Hobby keeps asking the same questions again and again. Look Hobby, we have already answered you on all these topics and you have already stated that you aren’t satisfied with the answers. What good does it do to keep stating this over and over again?

Apparently none. If I ask if you have any information backing up a statement that the sky is green, and in response you provide information that grass contains chlorophyll, that isn’t addressing the issue.

Feeling insulted, hurt or that I’m being rude by not blindly accepting statements (namely that super duper fish oil is more efficacious than cheaper fish oil, and that w-6 consumption with fish oil caps hinders w-3 absorption) is childish. Earlier Zane warned not to take polyunsaturated fat with fish oil. Had I dared to ask the reasoning behind that I’m sure I would have gotten the runaround and have been labeled evil by you for daring to question the Great Zane. Instead, Para pointed out to her that DHA and EPA are polyunsaturated.

I am getting quite frustrated with the lack of straight, relevant, direct discussion in this thread. Instead, excuses are made to avoid a topic or unrelated material is offered as confirmation of the original statement. a=d, therefore b=c, and if you don’t believe that you must think PE doesn’t work. :)

This thread isn’t productive, but not because of my questions. It’s because of the whining, evasion and temper tantrums offered in response. Such a hyper-defensive attitude and inability to even rationally discuss assertions indicates to me that someone isn’t as knowledgeable about this topic as alleged.

You are free to decide for yourself if the emperor is wearing clothes. I think I’ve arrived at my conclusion.


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