Hobby, you really do make me work hard! lol
"It is thought that competition between the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids occurs in prostaglandin formation. EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid for example, competes with AA, an omega-6 fatty acid, for prostaglandin and leukotriene synthesis. When we eat fish or fish oil, the EPA and DHA from fish or fish oil lead to decreased production of the prostaglandin E2 and a decrease in leukotriene B4 formation. This has the effect of decreasing overall inflammation, and making leukocytes less sticky and less able to migrate into the lymph nodes and bone marrow."
CLL Topics: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
"The adverse effects of too much arachidonic acid and its eicosanoids can be avoided by two interdependent dietary changes. First, the amount of plant oils rich in LA, the parent compound of the omega-6 class, which is converted to AA, needs to be reduced. Second, simultaneously the omega-3 PUFAs need to be increased in the diet. LA can be converted to arachidonic acid and the enzyme, D-6 desaturase, necessary to desaturate it, is the same one necessary to desaturate LNA, the parent compound of the omega-3 class; each competes with the other for this desaturase. The presence of LNA in the diet can inhibit the conversion of the large amounts of LA in the diets of Western industrialized countries which contain too much dietary plant oils rich in omega-6 PUFAs (e.g. corn, safflower, and soybean oils). The increase of LNA, together with EPA and DHA, and reduction of vegetable oils with high LA content, are necessary to achieve a healthier diet in these countries."
http://www.issf … uateintakes.htm
"The issue of a correct choice of placebo for essential fatty acid research is difficult. Most studies use omega-6 rich oil, such as corn oil, soy oil, or safflower seed oil. However, this practice is not completely unbiased as the omega-6 oil competes with omega-3 fatty acids for metabolism. Given in high enough doses, the omega-6 oils will overwhelm delta-6 desaturase and inhibit the metabolism of the omega-3 fatty acids."
http://66.102.9 .104/search?q=c … +competes&hl=en
You should read all of the last link, even though it’s long. You will enjoy it. I watched a programme presented by leading neurologist Professor. Robert Winston, showing the huge change in the behavior of a six year old boy after being given three teaspoons of fish oil a day. The threshold for such huge neurological changes is around six years old. The kid very quickly changed from being someone with attention deficit disorder, severe learning difficulties and an agressive, violent behavior, to a very friendly, quick learning and obedient pupil.