Since these combination boost my EQ to the level of the roof, I am starting to wonder if it on it’s on it may increase the length and girth of my unit!! In the past 6 hours I have been google searching about penis growth during puberty, I know testosterone level is very high during that age but I have found a measure discovery that it isn’t the only reason the penis size change during puberty but is in fact “Spontaneous erections”.
At adult age we lose “Spontaneous erections” by 60% to 78% according to one study I have found; and many of us lose morning and night wood too.
Guys! Just take an example a rubber tube where the water pass at low pressure and at the tube where it pass at high pressure; the same principle apply to our unit the blood flow reduce extremely when we pass the puberty period.
In my findings I believe if we keep that “Spontaneous erections” going just like puberty times, an get many erection throughout the day we may add some inches and girth. Excess Blood flow to the penis is the father figure that play a big role to force the unit expand for more room therefore it grows a bit.
In this same study I have found that puberty may take between 3-6 years from 13 to 19 years old. Can you imagine what is keeping Spontaneous erections throughout these years!!
I guess that is the reason the penis grow during the puberty the testosterone force “Spontaneous erections” to remain active through these stage.
As adults we can stimulate our dicks to grow without the help of testosterone but with good combination of right products like the combination I am doing now.
What do you guys think?