Originally Posted by TheGreatDivider
As a side note you guys gotta be careful with going too low carb if you have any depression or bipolar disorders.
I find that I get way too apathetic and just about suicidal if I go low carb for more than a few days. Not to mention my Depakote doesn’t work properly as it should. I found that a small dose of caffeine and 50-100mg of 5-htp help a lot to keep serotonin levels normal enough for me to go throughout my day without feeling like shit. That usually only happens to me the day after my three very low carb rest days before the 300 gram carb backload.
Sorry to seem like I’m picking on you but, 5-htp is a dangerous supplement. Unlike l-tryptophan, 5-htp is metabolised into serotonin outside of the brain - elevated body-serotonin levels have been indicated in cardiac fibrosis.