Webslave: Thanks for all the information on your homepage. Age happens unfortuanately. I appreciate your search for the best prices and potency of cialis/tadalafil. I have just started on the Kitsnmore liquid. 20 mg of Eli Lilly for me every three days is the gold standard. None of the generics I have tried have been the potency of the Lilly stuff but I have a case of mild age related e.d. and have just turned sixty.
I wonder if in all your web activity, you have learned of a place that can evaluate the potency of our generics. There is a compounding pharmacy in our town run by a guy older than me. He and I discussed age and its effects. Maybe he can do it… Do you have any guidance? I am willing to spend the money to have the generics evaluated. At my point in life, I need all the gusto I can get. I am into weight training, cardio, proper diet, etc big time but that has little effect on erectile health given my years. Anybody out there with an answer to my question? Thanks