Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

New to Supplements

New to Supplements

I’ve been doing PE for about 4 months now, been trying to start slow, but haven’t experienced any gains yet. I started with the Newbie routine, 2 days on 1 day off, noticed I was turtling on rest days and had no increased EQ. I took advice from this forum and took a week off and resumed PE with a 1 day on 1 day off schedule, I no longer was turtling but still didn’t notice any better EQ after a month of doing that so I reduced my routine to 1 day on 2 days off. Currently my routine is
-Warm wrap
-5 mins manual stretches
-Warm wrap
-150 to 200 3 second jelqs
-Shower to warm down
I also edge for 30 mins on rest days

Since I’ve been doing this, I noticed a longer fuller flaccid during the day which was good, but still had no gains after about a month. I was looking at the supplements thread and I decided to give some of those a try. For the last 5 days I’ve been using 5 mg of yohimbine HCL (PrimaForce) on an empty stomach once in the morning and once in late afternoon-early evening. I’ve also been taking 1000 mg of L-Arginine and 500 mg of L-Ornithine with breakfast, and 2000 mg of L-Arginine at night. Since starting this supplement routine, I’ve noticed I have much stronger/harder erections when edging. However, after edging and throughout the day, my flaccid is no longer as long or full as it was previously, This morning I edged and after a shower my penis turtled for the first time since I started the 1 day on 1 day off and 1 day on 2 days off routine.

I haven’t done any PE (besides edging) the last 5 days while I started the supplements so I could see how my body would react to them. I need some advice on how to go about this situation from here. Should I continue my regular routine, or take heed to the turtling signs and maybe take a break? Should I continue the use of these supplements, or maybe cut out the yohimbine or try just using 2.5 mg?


I haven’t stopped or decreased the supplements yet, but last night I did a PE routine and only did 100 light jelqs instead of my regular 150-200. This morning I woke up and had semi-soft however definite morning wood. I think I might start doing a 1 day on 1 day off routine and focus on just taking it nice and easy with jelqing.

I’ve always wondered how firm my grip should be while jelqing as well. I certainly try my hardest to not jelq with too much strength, does anyone have a good description on how tight a persons grip should be while jelqing? I’ve read that it should be just tight enough to feel blood being pushed through your dick, but I don’t think I’m sure where the too tight or too loose lines are.

Just yesterday morning, I woke up and had a slight pain in my penis. It wasn’t like a sharp or aching pain, but it felt like a pinch inside my left CC. It kinda freaked me out so I massaged it for awhile to see if there was like a sore spot or something. I didn’t feel any more pain after massaging, and I checked again last night and still not any real irregularities. I think I might take a bit of time off PE since I also haven’t been having morning wood in awhile, these are signs of over training right? Should I continue to use the supplements while I let myself have some recovery time?

I’ve taken about a week break from PE and I’ve been continuing using the supplements. I still haven’t had any morning wood so I think I’ll keep taking time off PE for the moment. I was reading about yohimbine in the supplements forum and it said something about it not being a good supplement for prolonged use. When I first started taking it, I had a bit of trouble staying asleep but as time went by it’s gotten a bit better. I don’t know how long a person should take it before it could have adverse effects. Can someone with experience using yohimbine give me some advice?

You do realize most guys don’t see any gains for 6 months to a year so the rush to supplements most likely won’t do a thing.

Now if there is any pain one should give oneself a good bit of rest.

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