premature ejaculation (oooh no, not again!!)
I know this subject is extremely over discussed here at thundersplace. But the pc/bc muscle exercises, metal focus etc. didn’t helped me. I hope some day, I can f***k at 200 “rounds” / min. for as long as I want.
Google searches have learned me that the level of serotonin in our brains influences the urge to ejaculation. On a Dutch forum I’d read about St. Johns Wort. SJW increases the level of serotonin (which leads to more ejaculation control), because it inhibits the absorption of serotonin into the body. SJH has very little or no side effect, but it can influence medication negatively.
Since two weeks I use St. Johns Wort and I must say that I experience quite a difference. While masturbating it is far more difficult to reach the ejaculation point. On the packing was written that the effect will be noticeable after 3 to 4 weeks, so I’m curious how it develops.
to be continued…
GOAL for December 2007: 8 X Red Bull
GOAL for December 2025: 14 X 10