Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Priapus Shot Received

I’m not interested in advertising thanks.

Originally Posted by marinera
What is used widely byt the orthopedic society? Which precise substance? Where? To obtain what? Your post is so superficial that could have been by Runnels himself.

Excuse me, now I get it. I know your type. Made it to being a moderator of a forum. Highly skeptical and seems rational. But also paranoid and so egoistical that once gets an argument going on, everybody else should be an agent. I live in Istanbul for fucks sake. I do not and cannot know this doctor, cannot get the injection and I really do not plan to.

What’s widely used is PRP therapy. To obtain tissue repair. I am not superficial, I just presuppose that we are all in tune about the relationship between penis size, erectile quality and vaginal tone and how and why this is the case. This guys invention and attitude automatically clicked with what myself, and supposedly anyone who had enough research about the subject know about vaginal tone. The penis part, naha, I am not fully convinced. Neither is he. But the vagina makes perfect sense. If you study enough about why women lose tone in their pelvic floor and etc, and not be such a huge dick, maybe you might have had it also.

Originally Posted by marinera
FYI no penis enlargement procedure is approved by any medical association

Doesn’t this speak volumes.

Dude, first thing first save the personal remarks for facebook chatting.

Second, PRP therapy means nothing. I asked which specific substance is used, on what kind of tissue and for what goals? If you have any reliable info, post it.

I’ll start posting something relevant at your benefit. Actually I posted similar things in the past in this very same forum, maybe even in this very same thread, but I don’t mind repeating.

A Case Study In Aggressive Quackery Marketing
With some degree of sadness I recently “outed” a former co-resident of mine who has turned to the dark side and begun putting money-making before truth and science. Without any clear evidence of benefit beyond placebo, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is now being marketed aggressively as a cure-all for sports injuries. And at about $300 per injection (the NYT reports $2000/treatment), there’s plenty of money to be made.

Like the fake “stem cell” clinics in Russia (where, according to Sanjay Gupta’s recent book, Chasing Life, a person’s fat cells are harvested, washed, and re-injected into their blood stream), PRP also involves injection of autologous body fluids. Essentially, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, centrifuged, and the plasma supernatant is then injected directly into tendons and/or joints. After a series of 3 injections (one/month), most sports injuries are “cured.” Of course, most injuries would heal themselves in three months anyway.

It was bothersome enough that Steve Sampson, D.O., began a practice in Los Angeles, catering to those who could afford to do more than the usual RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) therapy for sports injuries. But now a nation-wide marketing initiative has begun, using sports celebrities as guinea pigs.
Notice how this wonderful treatment is not only useful for superstar athletes, but also for seniors and weekend warriors. Yes, the market for PRP is almost unlimited! And aren’t I lucky, there’s a “leading practitioner” of PRP right here in Washington, DC. Now I too can jump start and strengthen my body’s natural curative signals.


As with the most successful forms of pseudoscience, there may be a grain of plausibility here. Knowing that human plasma does in fact contain growth factors that are implicated in wound healing – it’s not complete fantasy that injection of said factors may improve injuries in some way. So I decided to take a fresh look at Medline to see what sort of evidence there may be for the therapy. In my search I found:

1. One abstract discussing PRP’s use in degenerative knee arthritis. The study is not available for review in its entirety – but the abstract suggests that an improvement was noted at 6 months (in pain scores) with a significant worsening at month 12. No control group.

2. One small study that did not find a benefit to ACL healing in the presence of PRP.

3. Quite a number of studies related to the treatment of bone defects (mostly periodontal) with PRP. Most of those showed no improvement or a fleeting, temporary improvement with PRP.

Overall it seems that the dental and oral and maxillofacial surgery literature has found no use for PRP, and the orthopods simply haven’t paid too much attention to it.
A Case Study In Aggressive Quackery Marketing | Science-Based Medicine

PRP an unproven option, agree forum experts
By Mary Ann Porucznik

An international group of orthopaedic surgeons, clinician scientists, and researchers agreed that, for many orthopaedic conditions, administration of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be an option, but its efficacy is unproven.

About Stem Cell Treatments
1. Are stem cell treatments dangerous? Can stem cells cause cancer?
Every medical procedure has risks. A goal of clinical trials is to determine if the possible benefit of a treatment outweighs the risks. A possible risk of some stem cell treatments may be the development of tumors or cancers. For example, when cells are grown in culture (a process called expansion), the cells may lose the normal mechanisms that control growth or may lose the ability to specialize into the cell types you need. Also, embryonic stem cells will need to be directed into more mature cell types or they may form tumors called teratomas. Other possible risks include infection, tissue rejection, complications arising from the medical procedure itself and many unforeseen risks
4 4. I talked with a clinic that said it would be isolating a type of stem cell called a mesenchymal stem cell from bone marrow, fat or blood. The doctor says that these cells will turn into the type of cells that are needed to treat my condition (heart cells/brain cells/liver cells). Is that correct?
Mesenchymal stem cells are known to form cartilage, bone and fat. What other roles these cells may have is controversial in the scientific community. There is insufficient evidence to show that these cells can differentiate into other cell types, and they have not been shown to be to be safe and effective for many of the conditions for which some clinics claim to utilize them.

2. Are treatments using my own (autologous) stem cells safe? Why should these be regulated?
While your own cells are less likely to be rejected by your immune system, this does not necessarily mean the cells are safe to use as a therapeutic treatment. The methods used to isolate, modify, grow or transplant the cells may alter the cells, could cause infection or introduce other unknown risks. Transplanting cells into a different part of the body than they originated from may have unforeseen risk, complications or unpredictable outcomes………’

Phys Ed: Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Really Work?

Several new studies have examined whether P.R.P. is effective outside the lab, and as Leon Creaney, a sports-medicine consultant in London and the author of one of the papers, said, “the evidence has not been favorable” for P.R.P.

Perhaps the most telling of the new studies, by Dr. Creaney and his colleagues, has been accepted by The British Journal of Sports Medicine and will published online soon. In it, scientists treated people suffering from refractory tennis elbow with either P.R.P. or injections of whole blood. Whole blood contains far fewer growth factors than P.R.P. Presumably, then, injections of blood would not accelerate and amplify healing in the same way as P.R.P. But the whole blood turned out to be as effective as P.R.P. at treating tennis elbow after three months, and more so at six months. Both treatments reduced pain in most volunteers (whose tennis elbows had not responded to physical therapy). But in the end, the lower concentration of platelets and growth factors in the whole blood was better. “ ‘Less,’ ” the authors write, “may in fact be ‘more.’ ”

This finding is in line with that of another study reported this month in The British Journal of Sports Medicine. The sequel to a much-discussed experiment from last year, it re-examined patients with Achilles tendinopathy (an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon) who had been randomly assigned to receive injections of either P.R.P. or a placebo of saline solution. In the original study, the patients were assessed after six months and the researchers found no statistical difference between the two groups’ recoveries. Now an additional six months later (meaning a year after treatment), the results were the same. Salt water worked as well as high-tech P.R.P., prompting the authors to conclude that there is “no evidence for the use of platelet-rich plasma injection in chronic Achilles tendinopathy…..”
Phys Ed: Do Blood Injections Help Sports Injuries? - The New York Times

I am going to ignore you from now on.

To the others, this cannot be fake . If you think that this is a false ad, than you must be a teenager with no life experience.

I also found this .

Another one:
Current knowledge and perspectives for the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in oral and maxillofacial surgery part 2: Bone graft, implant and reconstructive surgery.
Simonpieri A, Del Corso M, Vervelle A, Jimbo R, Inchingolo F, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM.

Platelet concentrates for surgical use are innovative tools of regenerative medicine, and were widely tested in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Unfortunately, the literature on the topic is contradictory and the published data are difficult to sort and interpret. In bone graft, implant and reconstructive surgery, the literature is particularly dense about the use of the various forms of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) - Pure Platelet-Rich Plasma (P-PRP) or Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Plasma (L-PRP) - but still limited about Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) subfamilies. In this second article, we describe and discuss the current published knowledge about the use of PRP and PRF during implant placement (particularly as surface treatment for the stimulation of osseointegration), the treatment of peri-implant bone defects (after peri-implantitis, during implantation in an insufficient bone volume or during immediate post-extraction or post-avulsion implantation), the sinuslift procedures and various complex implant-supported treatments. Other potential applications of the platelet concentrates are also highlighted in maxillofacial reconstructive surgery, for the treatment of patients using bisphosphonates, anticoagulants or with post-tumoral irradiated maxilla.


As a general conclusion, we are currently living a transition period in the use of PRP and PRF in oral and maxillofacial surgery. PRPs failed to prove strong strategic advantages that could justify their use in daily practice, and the use of most PRP techniques will probably be limited to some very specific applications where satisfactory results have been reached. Only a few simple, inexpensive and efficient techniques such as the L-PRF will continue to develop in oral and maxillofacial surgery in the next years. This natural evolution illustrates that clinical sciences need concrete and practical solutions, and not hypothetical benefits……"
Current knowledge and perspectives for the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in oral and maxillofacial surgery part 2: Bone graft, implant and reconstructive surgery

In the news, and somewhat related:
"Stamina method: no stem cells and dangers of mad cow disease, according to experts and scientifi police report

The innovative therapy, supposedly based on stem cells, contains no stem cells and there are odds it could transmit the mad cow disease. These shocking news are based on the investigations and analysis of the scientifi department of the Italian military police (NAS); a group of experts named by the Health Government Department came to analogous conclusions.

There is nothing showing potential benefits or purity of the administered potion in the therapy made popular by Davide Vannoni; beside the mad cow disease other infection could be transmitted with this treatment.
Michele De Luca, MD and professor at the University of Modena, pioneer of the research on stem cells in Italy, declared that there is nothing new in these reports, since he and his colleagues expressed the very same opinion many months ago.

Elena Cattaneo, chairman of the research center on stem cells at the Milan University, is even more harsh: ‘This is a gigantic fraud that can harm ill people and trashed $ 6 millions coming from the Public Healthcare, who financed a trial on this therapy.’
Metodo Stamina, Nas ed esperti: "Niente cellule staminali e rischio mucca pazza". - la Repubblica

Sweetheart, I guess I couldn’t make myself clear.

Originally Posted by yarrrak
Besides, my point was not to say that you should not do research before getting a medical procedure. When discussing this kind of stuff, you should be more concerned about the anecdotal evidence, rather than the number of published medical papers. If it was the contrary, none of us would be here. So we should ask him to bring the so called other doctors to the forums, and ask their opinion on the subject. We should ask him to find other patients who had had success with this procedure. I think the doctor would be willing to try this with a control group already practicing PE, without charge.

We are not the ones to put an end to the PRP therapy debate in the medical academia. So, your articles are of no use. If you want to corner this guy and prove that it’s a fraud, then we should be demanding to contact the other doctors and patients who had used this therapy before. Pasting walls of text is nonsense.

Sure, only what you say makes sense Yarrrak, thanks for coming here carrying the light of knowledge how did we survived since today without you? But, if it was the contrary, I still was here, since I don’t see Doctors making money from natural PE, so your analogy is fallacious to me. Merry Christmas.

Regardless of everything that’s been blathered on 14 pages… this thread is WORTHLESS without pictures!

Put up or shut up.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Originally Posted by grx
Regardless of everything that’s been blathered on 14 pages… this thread is WORTHLESS without pictures!

Put up or shut up.

Hear, hear!

Originally Posted by inuic
Got a Priapus Shot 7 week ago.

Also tried the HGH and -1 shots [IGF-1LR3 + -1 DES is bad, made me more limp like I over dosed or something, made me real tired, don’t mix!]

I’ve been following runnels for years but have not bought his book, in his book, where does it say to inject HGH in the CC or tendons ? And do I where a cock ring with it ?


Thank you for your inquiry. There are of course varying responses to the Priapus shot as there are all medications and procedures. The variation is a matter of patient health and wellness but ALSO physician skill and commitment. Unfortunately, not all physicians have the comprehensive training the Dr. Killen has, nor do most take the time to think through a comprehensive approach to solutions. I am suspicious of the offer for a “top off” at $300 each. This tells me that this physician is likely NOT using a quality PRP harvesting process. There are many variables.

I train physicians in my own back yard because to me, efficacy is the most important aspect at these early stages. I can honestly tell you that PRP works to regenerate tissue (blood flow, sensitivity, etc), this has been demonstrated in many studies. Will it solve your problem… I can’t promise you that. I can promise you that there is a solution to your problem even without knowing anything about your challenges. Dr. Killen has integrity and will harvest a very high quality PRP. If you have insulin resistance, hormone imbalance or other health problems, you may benefit from seeing her for hormone optimization or Pre-Procedure supplementation to improve your quality of PRP. There is huge benefit from making sure your PRP doctor understands the entire physiology and is not just trying to make a quick buck.

I have not had any patients respond to the Priapus Shot in a negative way. I have had men with significant dysfunction require more than one Priapus Shot. I do many things to help men restore and rehabilitate sexual dysfunction. The Priapus Shot has been a godsend since it is the only regenerative tool available to date.

I do not “sell” the Priapus Shot for size improvement since this is completely unpredictable and dependent upon the patient compliance with post procedure protocol.

I hope this helps. I have a book coming out this summer that contains testimonials and additional information that I hope you find helpful. Men NEED to understand the difference between doctors in order to get the best results.

Be Well and best of luck!

Lisbeth W Roy, DO.
DoctorsStudio. Com
Chief Medical Officer
6400 N Andrews Avenue
Suite 120
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
813-354-3562 fax

PRP shot positive results?

First time post, long time lurker. On and off PE for a number of years, gained about .75 inches in length thus far, minimal girth. Looking for a boost, and opportunity presented itself with business travel to schedule a “M/Priapus/P/PRP shot”, booked it in June.

Has anyone unassociated with the delivery of the procedure posted a before/after that substantiated growth? Where can these be found? I’ve read some peyronies success stories on other boards, but have had a hard time finding first person reviews substantiating growth or other “rejuvenating” results.

Perhaps naive thinking this will work, but figure WTF, lets find out.


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