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Question about supplements

Question about supplements

Hi all. This is my first post. I spend lots of time in bodybuilding forums and thought why not start building my most important body part. Anyway, there are quite a few supplements used in bodybuilding that may help with this and I was wondering if any of the more advanced members have tried them or know if they are beneficial..

1. Nitric oxide - it is a vasodilator and is also the base inactive ingrediant in Viagra. It improves blood flow. It is used in bodybuilding to shorten recovery time by moving more blood deeper into the muscle tissues. Many members have commented that they hang an extra inch in the locker room while taking it. While the effects are temporary perhaps it might help with some of the techniques used here by increasing blood flow and speeding recovery time.

2. 6-oxo/tribulus - they are lh hormone stimulants and estrogen inhibitors. They increase your testicles’ production of testosterone. Unlike steroids which replace your natural productions these supplements are completely legal and encourage your own body to produce more. Some suggest that your testicles will actually get larger using these and many note that their sex drive goes up significantly while on them. I would theorize that raising your test levels to near puberty levels might aid in any size gains. It should be noted that neither of these products work if you are under 25 and are already producing your max test levels.

3. Glutamine - studies indicate that for three hours after taking glutamine your body’s HGH levels are 300% higher. Same idea as for testosterone - raise your growth hormones and it might help with size gains.

I take these supplements anyway for bodybuilding but was curious about your thoughts regarding supplements and PE.

L-Arginine, Fairly cheap too, at Just look under the Amino Acids.

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

Hi northof60,

Welcome to Thunder’s.

We have a whole forum on Supplements, check it out. Of course nothing replaces a good diet.

>3. Glutamine - studies indicate that for three hours after taking glutamine your body’s HGH levels are 300% higher. Same idea as for testosterone - raise your growth hormones and it might help with size gains.<

Care to link these studies and your other sources?

There is a lot of bollocks talked about supplements. I’m not that knowlegable but you will find a lot of guys here who’ve ripped man sized holes in many supplement claims.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Being a weight lifter I have taken nitrix oxide and I didn’t notice anymore hanging then when I was not on it but, I did notice a rash but maybe I’m allergic to it or something.

Start: 12/20/06: 6.625x5 BPEL

Short term goal: 7x5 BPEL

Long term goal: 7x5.5 NBEL

Originally Posted by northof60
3. Glutamine - studies indicate that for three hours after taking glutamine your body’s HGH levels are 300% higher. Same idea as for testosterone - raise your growth hormones and it might help with size gains.

HGH is 300% higher? That’s very dubious. Mostly all of those studies were done with IV glutamine injected directly into the bloodstream, not oral glutamine.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Has any one had experiance with horny goat weed?


Lots of threads on that here. A quick search or even a browse through the Supplement forum should get you some info.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Glutamine has been proven an effective supplement in substantially raising plasma growth hormone levels. Forty-five minutes after eating a light breakfast, nine people were given a two-gram serving of glutamine. After only 30 minutes plasma growth hormone increased up to 430%, and returned to normal within 90 minutes. 3 With the ream of benefits that elevated growth hormone has, this research is certainly exciting. If you are interested in an inexpensive way to maintain increased growth hormone you could consume two to five gram servings five to six times per day between meals. Growth hormone is naturally released shortly after you fall asleep; ensure that your last serving of glutamine is consumed shortly before bed.

I actually use glutamine for digestive issues not for growth. I’ll check out the supplements forum. Sorry, didn’t see it.

BTW: I’m not a big fan of glutamine and am pretty skeptical about the claims too - which is really why I posted it - to see if anyone knew more than me about it. I have used 6-oxo and tribulus and they DO something. My nuts felt weird on it and I was definately more aggressive. I didn’t have my test levels checked so I don’t have numbers but it does do something.

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