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Quick question on L-arginine

Quick question on L-arginine

I have been reading up on L-arginine on the message board here and some on the web and it seems like a good suppliment. I’ve read some good results with a bigger “hang”, better circulation, and rock hard erections. I’m also curious if it would enhance my PE results. My question is does it matter at what age you take it? I’m still fairly young, gonna be 23 in December. I didn’t notice too many side effects from it, so I might go ahead and pick some up and try it. From what I read, I should take 3-6grams a day on an empty stomach? Should I take it everyday or take some days off? Thanks…


At your age LArg won’t make too much difference but it will not hurt at all. You may not
need to take nearly the dose as I would to get similar effects.

Your testosterone and HgH levels are still relatively high and if you are in good health
your plumbing is not deteriorating, which is a main mechanism thru which LArg works. The
other is the nitric oxide function for erections, but it will be less noticeable at your age.

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